Sentences with phrase «affected brain size»

The way we live may have affected brain size.
He isolated genetic mutations that altered the structure of the ASPM protein and thus could have affected brain size, while weeding out the random mutations that had no structural effect and hence would have been unaffected by evolutionary pressures.
It shows, he adds, that interactions between predator and prey can affect the brain size.

Not exact matches

How Stress Affects the BrainHow chronic stress can affect the brain's size, structure, and how it functions:
intrauterine growth retardation (also known as fetal growth restriction) that affects brain growth in utero, resulting in a very small head size at birth
The skull bone and scalp thickness, the shape of the skull, brain size — all of these things affect it.
Scientists suspect that one of the key areas especially affected is the thalamus, a walnut - size structure at the base of the brain that is the gateway for sensory information — taste, touch, vision, and hearing.
Arnold Kriegstein, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco, also argues that though the scientists found inhibitory interneurons strikingly depleted in the brains of the oxygen - deprived piglets, this alone can not account for the dramatic shrinking of the animals» overall brain size and the diminished number of cortical folds «The interneurons are part of the story but not the entire story of how the brain is affected by this kind of [lack of oxygen].»
The research into brain size and pregnancy started with women who developed pre-eclampsia, a syndrome involving high blood pressure and fluid build - up that affects some pregnant women, causing their faces, legs and arms to swell.
«Severe stress affects the size of the structures in the brain, causes cell death, and affects the number of connections between brain cells,» observes Kalin.
Through a «mapping» performed with magnetic resonance, they identified the affected part and the type and size of the lesion, and analyzed the connectivity between the different areas of the brain.
«Our data suggests that, during development, relative brain parts change their size in response to environmental cues without affecting overall brain size: increasing certain parts forces others to decrease concurrently.
There is no hard evidence that the size of the left or right hemisphere affects one's personality, despite pop neurology assertions (see The Brain, page 28).
A pre-surgery tumor size of greater than three centimeters was associated with worse LC, but local recurrence was not significantly affected by the number of brain metastases or the patients» histology or graded prognosis assessments.
The people who were aspirin resistant also had larger areas of the brain affected by the stroke, as measured by MRI diffusion weighted imaging, with infarct size of 2.8 cc compared to 1.6 cc for those who responded to aspirin.
By performing DNA sequencing of more than 4,000 families affected by neurological problems, the two research teams independently discovered that a disease marked by reduced brain size and sensory and motor defects is caused by a mutation in a gene called CLP1, which is known to regulate tRNA metabolism in cells.
Besides microcephaly, experts say some of the affected children have joint malformation or brain malformation, though their heads are normal - sized.
However, PTH does not pass through the blood - brain barrier and does not change the size of the stroke - affected area, the researchers found.
Human HARE5 increases expression of its target gene, Frizzled 8, affecting the size and development of the brain in mice.10
According to recent research published in the journal Neurology, 9, 10, 11 lack of sleep may affect the size of your brain.
The selective breeding of dogs has undoubtedly affected the sizes of dogs» brains, and it's now thought to have even affected the structure of certain breeds» brains.
Because of the size of the Purkinje cells, their cellular processes (axons and dendrites), and the stimulation of the cells that they connect to, there is a gross reduction in size and weight of the cerebellum compared to the rest of the brain in CA affected dogs.
Parvo can affect the neurological system and can cause brain inflammation which may lead to other signs like unequal pupil size.
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In a review of relevant literature on how child maltreatment affects neurodevelopment, Putnam (2006) demonstrates how neglectful and abusive environments affect the size of developmental regions of the brain, as well as brain neurochemistry.
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