Sentences with phrase «affected food webs»

In March of 2008, the Department of Interior conducted an experiment that simulated pre-dam flood conditions, providing an opportunity to see how high flows affected food webs with very different characteristics.
«We were just interested in how rainfall affects this food web,» Lensing says.
Policy changes to reduce discards affect the food web and, without careful consideration, may dissipate or negate intended benefits.
Lead author and RLS founder, IMAS Professor Graham Edgar, said this distribution is likely to change as waters become warmer, affecting food webs, ecosystems and fisheries worldwide.
«Herring larvae could benefit from an acidifying ocean: A long - term field study in a Swedish fjord shows how rising carbon dioxide levels can affect food webs and fish survival.»
2016 Mar 180 (3): 889 - 901, doi: 10.1007 / s00442 -015-3489-x BIOACID in brief: Under the umbrella of BIOACID (Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification), 10 institutions examine how marine ecosystems react to ocean acidification, how this affects the food web and the exchange of material and energy in the ocean and how the changes influence the socio - economic sector.
How does the boom or bust of some groups affect the food web?
«This loss of top predators could hold serious implications for the entire marine ecosystem, greatly affecting food webs throughout this region,» said the lead author of the study, Francesco Ferretti, a doctoral student in marine biology at Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia.
Higher CO2 concentrations lower the nutritional quality of the terrestrial litter (Lindroth et al., 2001; Tuchman et al., 2002, 2003a, 2003b) which in turn will affect the food web relationships of benthic communities in rivers.

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Scientists in B.C. and the U.S. have several questions they are pursuing - the pyrosome's feeding behavior, the environmental variables the affect their numbers and the impact on the marine food web.
Course Description School Food Operational Models walks you through the complicated web of school food operations and how each operational model affects the food on the lunch tFood Operational Models walks you through the complicated web of school food operations and how each operational model affects the food on the lunch tfood operations and how each operational model affects the food on the lunch tfood on the lunch tray.
School Food Operational Models walks you through the complicated web of school food operations and how each operational model affects the food on the lunch tFood Operational Models walks you through the complicated web of school food operations and how each operational model affects the food on the lunch tfood operations and how each operational model affects the food on the lunch tfood on the lunch tray.
«The earthworm invasion has altered the biodiversity and possibly functioning of the forest ecosystems, because it affects the entire food web as well as water and nutrient cycles», says Dylan Craven, lead author of the study.
Thus entire food webs and ecological processes are affected — unseen − during the night.
And at high global latitudes, cold lakes normally covered by ice in the winter are seeing less ice year after year — a change that could affect all parts of the food web, from algae to freshwater seals.
Phytoplankton, the food of tiny krill, a key element in the food web of the southern oceans, will be equally affected by acidification.
In contrast, changing fishing practices — so that unwanted fish are no longer captured — had dramatic effects in the model which affected the entire food web, with major benefits for birds, mammals, and fish stocks.
The researchers say our food waste and debris could be affecting deep - sea food webs, which are already under stress from trawling.
In ecological systems, removing just one specific species from a food web can affect the whole ecosystem.
«Changes in spawning timing and poleward migration of fish populations due to warmer ocean conditions or global climate change will negatively affect areas that were historically dependent on these fish, and change the food web structure of the areas that the fish move into with unforeseen consequences,» researchers wrote.
They don't know how the animals are responding to global warming, where they're feeding, how their icy habitat has been affected or how the ecosystem's food web has changed.
Increased acidity is bad news for coral reefs and creatures whose shells are made from calcium carbonate, but how does it affect the entire food web?
«Our future work will focus on the ways in which smaller organisms that feed on marine snow may be affected by the toxicity, and how that in turn can affect the larger food web
«Light pollution shown to affect plant growth, food webs
Tiny ants may seem like an odd food source for black bears, but the protein - packed bugs are a major part of some bears» diets and a crucial part of the food web that not only affects other bugs, but plants too.
Exactly how sea - ice decline might affect species interactions in this and other types of food webs on land in the Arctic is a question that deserves greater attention,» Post said.
How does the enormous diversity of zooplankton species, life cycles, size, feeding ecology, and physiology affect their role in ocean food webs and cycling of carbon?
But Wirgin says this points to how urban evolution could affect entire food webs.
Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) causes pronounced shifts in marine carbonate chemistry and a decrease in seawater pH. Increasing evidence indicates that these changes — summarized by the term ocean acidification (OA)-- can significantly affect marine food webs and biogeochemical cycles.
Both marine and freshwater species are affected by acidifying water in ways that disrupt the entire food web, scientists warn
With this background in mind, researchers in the Relyea lab at Rensselaer questioned how road salt and the insecticide carbaryl act alone and in combination to affect the structure and function of wetland food webs (carbaryl [commercial name: Sevin] is one of the most commonly applied insecticides in the United States).
«So far it's completely unclear how these productivity hotspots are affected by ocean acidification and what are the impacts on the oceanic food web
About BIOACID: Since 2009, more than 250 BIOACID scientists from 20 German research institutes have investigated how different marine organisms respond to ocean acidification and increasing carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater, how their performance is affected during their various life stages, how these reactions impact marine food webs and elemental cycles and whether they can be mitigated by evolutionary adaptation.
There are 43 slides covering types of habitats, environmental factors affecting habitats, adaptations, producers and consumers, prey and predators, food chains, food webs and pyramids of numbers.
ACSSU112 — Interactions between organisms can be described in terms of food chains and food webs; human activity can affect these interactions ACSIS125 — Collaboratively and individually plan and conduct a range of investigation types, including fieldwork and experiments, ensuring safety and ethical guidelines are followed
Food webs are affected by changes in the structure of ecological communities and shifts in the geographic ranges of species.
- Science (7,10)- ABC Splash - Overview Explore how chemical pollutants affect the Antarctic food web.
It affects many more organisms either directly or indirectly and has the potential to disturb food webs and fisheries.
Organisms less likely to shift to higher latitudes because they are more tolerant of the direct effects of climate change or less mobile may also be affected because climate change will alter the existing food webs on which they depend.
But the crab larvae discovery was an ominous sign that crude had already infiltrated the Gulf's vast food web — and could affect it for years to come.
One ominous point about human interference made towards the end was that industrial fishing for silverfish and krill will also affect the colonies and make the whole food web more susceptible to climate change.
Both marine and freshwater species are affected by acidifying water in ways that disrupt the entire food web, scientists warn
In particular, calcification by bivalves that dominate polar shelves could be adversely affected, and thus the food web that relies on them [339].
Microplastic pollution appears to affect creatures at the bottom of the food web the most.
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