Sentences with phrase «affected limb»

The phrase "affected limb" refers to a body part, like an arm or a leg, that has been impacted or injured in some way. Full definition
With rehabilitation exercises, stretching and strength training, some dogs can regain partial or full use of affected limbs.
Occasionally, the disease will affect both limbs simultaneously and the dog may be reluctant to move.
Pets with neurological disorders are at a higher risk for developing complications such as: muscle and ligament shortening in affected limbs, muscle atrophy (wasting), bed sores, urine / fecal scald, urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and damage of limbs due to sensation loss.
Earlier work has shown that grafted stem cells reprogrammed to become neurons can, in fact, form new, functional circuits across an injury site, with the treated animals experiencing some restored ability to move affected limbs.
Because this ailment frequently strikes puppies in the middle of their growth, limitation of free exercise with plenty of rest is critical to preventing further injury to non affected limbs.
Another common condition where amputation is discussed would be disease processes such as Osteosarcoma in which affected limb segments need to be amputated with clean margins and maximal limb length retention.
«It's an aggressive form of bone cancer that's treated with a very harsh regime of chemotherapy and surgery or possible amputation of the affected limb.
Poorly controlled blood sugar could cause you to eventually lose all sense of feeling in the affected limbs.
General treatment approaches to wild animal bites include warm - water soaks and elevation of the affected limb.
In patients with diabetes, chronic wounds can lead to serious complications and, in some cases, may eventually mean that doctors have to amputate the affected limb.
BIID doesn't have to affect limbs either — there have been anecdotal accounts of people wishing they were blind or deaf.
A 30 - patient study by Washington researchers, however, has found that magnetically stimulating a specific part of their brains can affect arm movements — raising hope that, in the future, a short course of therapy targeting this area could help to free the arm and restore some use of the stroke - affected limb.
But for individuals with spinal cord injuries or amputations, their sense of touch and proprioception has been altered, or lost altogether, in the affected limbs.
As the disease worsens it can lead to tissue damage, ulceration and gangrene, and in extreme cases may require the amputation of the affected limb.
Before the 1970s, surgery to amputate the affected limb was the only treatment available.
The most effective of these is by using a compression bandage which is an elasticated bandage that simply fits around the affected limb.
Do only unilateral movements for the affected limb.
The treatment of choice by veterinarians for most dogs with osteosarcoma of the leg is amputation of the affected limb, after which most dogs do function quite well.
Purpose of Study: Standard therapy for dogs diagnosed with osteosarcoma has long been amputation of the affected limb followed by chemotherapy to prevent the spread of cancer.
The most common clinical signs of dogs with bone cancer are a progressive painful lameness and swelling of the affected limb.
Regular swimming can also be beneficial, but a dog needs to use the affected limb or limbs that are being rehabilitated, Dr. Evans said.
Many animals with chronic arthritis have loss of muscle mass and increased weakness due to the decreased use of the affected limb or limbs.
Most animals with FCE or other paralysis develop stiffness, soreness or muscle adaptations to compensate for the affected limb.
Ideally, the affected limb must be amputated to alleviate the source of the cancer and the painful area of bone, followed by chemotherapy to destroy any cancerous cells that may have escaped into the bloodstream.
Eventually, complete fusion of the joints along the spine and elsewhere occurs, resulting in the cat being unable to move his or her neck or affected limbs.
The goal of treatment of elbow dysplasia is to relieve pain and maintain function in the affected limbs.
Most cats present exactly the way Polo presented: acute onset of lameness, partial paralysis, or complete paralysis of the affected limbs.
The goal of treatment of elbow dysplasia is to relieve pain and maintain function in the affected limbs, allowing the dog to live an active, normal life.
The symptoms are lameness in the affected limb.
When your pet is beginning to use the affected limb, or is gaining strength and function, the animal hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments are discontinued.
This is an incredibly painful disease, leading to lameness (getting worse after exercise), inability to bear weight on the affected limb, and muscle wasting due to lameness.
These fractures are usually the result of trauma and often produce a severe lameness of the affected limb with swelling and discomfort of the toe.
The dog may tend to hold the affected limb in a direction slightly away from the body and may also be reluctant to fully extend the affected joint (s) during movement or upon examination.
Lymphedema is a lymphatic obstruction which leads to localized fluid retention in the affected limb.
Traditional treatments for osteosarcoma include amputation of the affected limb to address local pain issues, followed by systemic chemotherapy for the treatment of distant metastasis.
To confirm your pet's condition, the veterinarian will want to take a radiograph of the affected limb and the joints above and below it.
This results from a disc herniation at the rear of the cervical spine impinging on the nerves providing function to the affected limb.
The first symptoms may be muscle wastage on the affected limb and the animal way walk differently.
The current treatment has two options and both include amputation of the affected limb.
This condition may be an incidental finding detected by your veterinarian on a routine physical examination or may cause your pet to carry the affected limb up all the time.
For most dogs with bone cancer involving a leg, the treatment - of - choice is surgical amputation of the affected limb.
Dogs without evidence of cancer spread who underwent amputation of the affected limb lived 6 months.
When your pet is beginning to use the affected limb, or is gaining strength and function, the treatments are discontinued.
Limping indicates pain in the affected limb.

Phrases with «affected limb»

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