Sentences with phrase «affecting young children»

As this tutorial is prepared (2010), the projects below represent a sampling of those funded to address trauma affecting young children birth to five and their families.
It also discusses the implications of this research for policies affecting young children, their caregivers, and service providers.
• Most dog bites affecting young children occur during everyday activities and while interacting with familiar dogs.
In this edition of the EdCast, Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard and chair of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child — a multi-university collaboration comprising leading scholars in neuroscience, psychology, pediatrics, and economics, whose mission is to bring credible science to bear on public policy affecting young children — discusses President...
In this edition of the EdCast, Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard and chair of the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child — a multi-university collaboration comprising leading scholars in neuroscience, psychology, pediatrics, and economics, whose mission is to bring credible science to bear on public policy affecting young children — discusses President Obama's plan for early childhood education.
The female sex hormone estrogen can perform an important role in neuroblastoma, a form of cancer mainly affecting young children.
About Kawasaki Disease: KD is a serious illness characterized by inflammation of blood vessels throughout the body that primarily affects young children and infants.
National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, «Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children's Learning and Development,» Working Paper 9 (2010)
Persistent fear and anxiety can affect young children's learning and development: Working paper 9.
We might be able to pull an «all - nighter» here and there and we've all done it, but imagine how this would affect a young child.
When disaster strikes, it can affect young children profoundly.
They are also one of the most common ailments that affects young children.
Let's start with an issue which commonly affects our young children and is often confused with nightmares.
There was a publication recently written about a study that links cockroaches with asthma, which can affect younger children much more than adults.
Seeing someone else's sleepy facial contortions does not affect young children or kids with autism
National Institutes of Health researchers have discovered a rare and sometimes lethal inflammatory disease — otulipenia — that primarily affects young children.
«Researchers discover otulipenia, a new inflammatory disease: Rare and sometimes lethal disease affects young children
Wilms tumor — also known as nephroblastoma — is a kidney cancer that predominantly affects young children (under age 5).
It predominantly affects young children (under age 5).
This project would enable HCDC to co-develop and test new materials designed to support practitioners in a variety of fields that affect young children and their families to strengthen the capacities of caregivers in a variety of ways.
The pressure to do well in school that often gives rise to cheating among older students also can affect younger children.
Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children's Learning and Development: Working Paper No. 9.
Loren M. Marulis and Susan B. Neuman, «The Effects of Vocabulary Intervention on Young Children's Word Learning: A Meta - Analysis,» Review of Educational Research 80 (2010): 300 — 335; and Loren M. Marulis and Susan B. Neuman, «How Vocabulary Interventions Affect Young Children at Risk: A Meta - Analytic Review,» Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 6 (2013): 223 — 262.
So while Buckleitner, editor of Children's Technology Review mentioned that this was a gadget that children would be glued to in the days to come, Lisa Guernsey, author of «How Electronic Media — From Baby Videos to Educational Software — Affects Your Young Child» asked the elders to look out for tell tale signs when a child is found unable to go through a minimum 30 minute period without the need to look at a screen.
For example, temperament can affect young children's mood and emotions, how they approach and react to situations, their level of fear, frustration, sadness and discomfort, etc..
In addition, because past studies have focused primarily on whether poverty affects young children's problem behaviour, research is also needed to investigate the links between low family income and other psychosocial outcomes in children.
It is important throughout the process of investigation and treatment of children's mental health difficulties that parents and carers develop knowledge on how mental health difficulties affect young children and older children.
Early Childhood Australia «Bushfires and children», a resource about how natural disasters can affect young children and what you can do to support them is available at:
This includes understanding both how mental health difficulties affect young children and older children, as well as understanding how hardship and grief can affect children.
Secure attachments with caregivers affect young children's ability to form relationships and regulate emotions.
See also: How Divorce Affects Preschoolers How Divorce Affects Young Children How Divorce Affects Preteens
With these strategies, you can learn how divorce affects young children and help your children adjust to life after divorce.By Donald A. Gordon Ph.D. and Jack Arbuthnot Ph.D.Children aged six to eight years old respond most often with grief.
With these strategies, you can learn how divorce affects young children and help your children adjust to life after divorce.
Persistent fear and anxiety can affect young children's learning and development: Working paper No. 9.
Persistent Fear and Anxiety Can Affect Young Children's Learning and Development: Working Paper # 9.

Not exact matches

This might not matter to royal children when they're younger, but it will definitely affect them when they're older and can understand the concepts of political parties.
The number of people below the poverty line, measured in terms of minimum necessary nutritional standards, is said to be going down and yet malnutrition as well as severe physical debilities and destitution are on the increase, especially these affecting women and children, the simple physical capacity of the youngest generation to withstand the strains of living becoming ever more unstable and fragile.»
Vitamin A deficiency particularly affects infants, young children, and women who are pregnant or nursing.
At least four children have died in China from severe kidney failure due to the melamine added to milk powder, and more than 50.000 infants and young children are currently affected by kidney problems.
The reason for this is that while all children are likely to be affected by this election — by the rancor and division — it is young children who have little capacity to understand the flurry of distressing feelings around them.
Because the brain of the young athlete is still developing, with even subtle damage leading to learning deficits adversely affecting development, and with studies showing younger athletes recover more slowly than adults, a more conservative approach to concussions in children and teens than for older athletes is recommended.
Newborns and younger babies who don't have a well established biological clock probably won't be affected by the time change, but older babies, toddler and children are more likely to be thrown off by the drastic switch.Here are 4 ways you can help your child (or children) adjust to the time change: Read more
Perri Klass MD, highlights the impact of daytime sleep for young children in her NYT article, «A Child's Nap Is More Complicated Than It Looks» — «Dr. Monique LeBourgeois, a sleep scientist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and her colleagues recently conducted the first study on how napping affects the cortisol awakening response, a burst of hormone secretion known to take place... Read More
Research suggests that screen time of any kind may affect children's sleep negatively, for children younger than 3 years.
The Ormiston Children & Families Trust works to support children and young people affected by impriChildren & Families Trust works to support children and young people affected by imprichildren and young people affected by imprisonment.
To find out more about the «You and Your Child» parenting programme contact Bev Alden, Programme Manager, Children and Young People Affected by Imprisonment, Ormiston Children & Families Trust.
The family experiences of both the young father and the child's mother following the birth — for example, starting new relationships — are crucial in affecting the father's subsequent level of contact and the payment of maintenance (Berrington et al, 2007).
The presence of a partner is a key factor affecting the relationship between young motherhood and behavioural difficulties in the child.
Research confirms that stress is contagious, and even very young children are affected.
Young children and teenagers are a lot more affected by divorce because they understand the fights and the tension between their parents.
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