Sentences with phrase «affective dimensions including»

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Spanning across multiple media, including video, performance and installation, their work explores the material, affective and sensory dimensions of experience that can not be fully translated into signs or systems.
Using 12 items, the scale included the dimensions problem solving, communication, roles, affective responsiveness and involvement, and behavioural control.
Although some studies include the antisocial dimension as a fourth dimension, the YPI assesses three dimensions: grandiose / manipulative (interpersonal), callous / unemotional (affective), and impulsive / irresponsible (behavioral) psychopathic personality dimensions (Hare 1991).
The items included on the General Functioning Scale measure the overall health / pathology of the family relating to six dimensions of family functioning: a) problem solving, b) communication, c) roles, d) affective responsiveness, e) affective involvement, and f) behavioral control.
Studies examining psychopathy mostly identify interpersonal, affective and behavioral dimensions of the construct, although some studies also include a fourth antisocial dimension.
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