Sentences with phrase «affects body mass index»

However, limited screen time also indirectly affects body mass index.
Getting too little sleep may lead to night eating syndrome and can affect your body mass index.

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Parity, delayed pushing, use of epidural analgesia, maternal body mass index, birth weight, occiput posterior position, and fetal station at complete dilation all have been shown to affect the length of the second stage of labor (26).
Using a United Kingdom database, they surveyed general practitioners about BSA affected by psoriasis and looked at data on 8,124 adults with psoriasis and 76,599 adults without psoriasis over the course of four years, and they adjusted the samples to account for any differences in age, sex, and body mass index and other diabetes risk factors.
The study by Peter Würtz from the University of Oulu, Finland, and colleagues suggests that, even within the range of body - mass index (BMI) considered to be healthy, there is no threshold below which a BMI increase does not adversely affect the metabolic profile of an individual.
Previous criteria obscured the problem and the data Data are scarce on the extent to which anorexia might affect teens who have a normal, overweight or obese body mass index (BMI) because most research into eating disorders and obesity lately has focused on binge eating disorder, the newest eating disorder addition in the DSM - 5.
The researchers adjusted their results for factors that could affect semen quality, such as age, body mass index (BMI), genital malformations, time from ejaculation to analysis, and abstinence period.
The results were adjusted for factors that might affect the outcome, such as smoking, age, body mass index and ethnicity.
And in January 2009 another Nature Genetics paper found an association between high body mass index and a 45,000 base - pair deletion in a gene called NEGR1, which affects neuronal growth in the hypothalamus, a brain region that regulates hunger and metabolism.
Scientists controlled for factors that could have affected a woman's vitamin D status, including race, pre-pregnancy body mass index, number of previous pregnancies, smoking, diet, physical activity and sunlight exposure, which is the body's primary source of vitamin D.
The researchers took account for other factors that can affect asthma including age, sex, smoking habits, body mass index, socio - economic class and exposure to cleaning chemicals.
But the link held up even after she took into account both the men's and women's ages, their body mass index, their frequency of intercourse, and other factors known to affect fertility.
Changes in eating habits affect obesity, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, according to the researchers.
The researchers examined how yoga affected risk factors such as body mass index (BMI), systolic blood pressure, low - density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL), and high - density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL).
Baseline high negative affect resulted in less reduction in body mass index (F1, 192 = 4.3; P <.05; weight [in kilograms], F1.192 = 4.1; P <.05) and the BDI score (F1, 192 = 4.5; P <.05) than low negative affect.
The analysis of the model showed that negative affect, which comprised depressive symptoms and self - esteem, body mass index, and sociocultural influences were related to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating, via the mediating processes of internalisation of the thin ideal and appearance comparisons.
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