Sentences with phrase «affects what»

I even saw mention of experiments where humidity determined the size at which dust clustered — and how this further affects what is called the «imaginary index of refraction» at different wavelengths — which no doubt plays an important role in determining the associated albedo and greenhouse effect.
It is a dialogue in which the questions we ask of nature determine what kind of answers we receive from it — which then affects what questions we will ask afterwards.
Her Work is always mindful of the fact that how we look affects what and how we understand.
In this performance - lecture, Morris will ask us to consider how our presence in the New Museum affects what we understand Anri Sala's work to be doing.
I'm interested in how art affects what some people call «The Real World» - the workplace, the world of work, the world of business.
I have seen people go on about how free to play affects what the devs focus on, like the cash shop, but focusing on that is not the same as saying that the subscription model does not have its own issues.
What happens inside Bowser affects what he's doing on the outside.
Evolving (so to speak) hugely since its initial release, three generations of Pokemon can be found hiding in the wild and even weather affects what «mon you'll find lurking across the map.
A great trainer will understand body language also how our body language affects what the dog does.
What goes in affects what comes out.
Both are important, and complement one another: Saving money today affects what you spend now but also how much you'll have later in life.
Check out these two charts below to see just how much where you live affects what you pay for insurance.
I think what it ultimately does is it deeply affects what one ends up buying and I think perhaps the biggest benefit of that rule is that wipes out a whole class of investment.
According to Amy Bach, executive director of San Francisco - based nonprofit United Policyholders, insurance companies are very guarded about how they use credit - based insurance scores to set rates, which makes it extremely difficult for consumers to determine how their credit affects what they pay for insurance.
Let's take a quick look at the different mortgage categories and see what affects what you qualify for.
In terms of how that affects what you'll pay for a mortgage, it carries more weight than you'd think.
It's called What Others Around You Believe About Investing Affects What You Believe About Investing.
I happened to miss the opportunity I'm explaining to you now, and that affects what I think you should do in this situation.
It's the shortest of short - term rates, and it has a big influence on lenders: banks use it to set their prime rate, so it affects what we pay on variable mortgages and lines of credit.
But if you do choose one, ask your banker how that affects what you can borrow, and how it affects your rates and terms.
Learn about how your credit score affects what you pay, and how to get affordable auto insurance even if your credit score is poor.
It only affects what remains in the account.
Varying the thickness of the layers, or the voltage applied to the phase change material, affects what colors each pixel in a display shows.
«One presentation of widespread interest was Ingram chief content officer Phil Ollila «s new data — commissioned by Publishers Launch — analyzing how the rise of ebooks affects what is sold in physical bookstores.
So it is perhaps of no surprise that there are favorite themes that readers return to again and again — such as billionaires, cowboys or babies — but also that other trends come and go, depending on the current cultural climate and how it affects what reading experience women are looking for.
Each option has pros and cons and the decision affects what you do next.
The way your truck is built affects what it can do.
Knowing what knowledge teachers possess in these areas, according to Zohar and Schwartzer (2005), affects what teachers will learn during professional development and what they might use in the classroom as a result of the professional development.
What children are exposed to when they are young affects what they eat when they are older and into adulthood.
Films don't change in themselves over time, but the passage of time almost always affects what we make of them.
which affects what happens when he travels back again in the future.
If you read step two of this how - to, you'll know that what you write in your profile directly affects what people can search about to find you.
It's funny how much blogging affects what put on each morning.
the brain is not this isolated island all by itself: it is connected to the body and all the biochemistry in the body affects what's going on in the brain
Correlation is not causation of course, and there are so many other possible culprits that we're still teasing apart what affects what, but it's hard to believe that the steady decline in health that began around the time industrial oils were introduced is 100 % unrelated to this dietary change — so why give it the benefit of the doubt, when these problems were much fewer 100 years ago?
The basics of sleeping and eating are intertwined because what you eat affects how you sleep and how you sleep affects what you eat.
Because doctors and dieticians are forced to learn it, and it affects what types of nutritional research gets funded, and what gets blacklisted.
«What we're telling ourselves affects what we see, and what we see affects what we feel,» says Moawad.
We believe that each dog breed may correspond to one type of B - or T - cell lymphoma and so studies within and between breeds gives us a unique possibility to understand how the genetic background affects what type of tumour develops, and how its progression is regulated», says Ingegerd Elvers.
The enactment of this law in 2010 created the opportunity to observe whether menu labeling affects what consumers purchase — by comparing what happens at multiple locations of a single full - service chain restaurant, within and outside of city limits.
We believe that each dog breed may correspond to one type of B - or T - cell lymphoma and so studies within and between breeds gives us a unique possibility to understand how the genetic background affects what type of tumor develops, and how its progression is regulated,» says Ingegerd Elvers.
«Understanding how rotating black holes drag the space - time around them and how this process affects what we see through the telescopes remains a crucial, difficult - to - crack puzzle,» said Alexander Tchekhovskoy, assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern's Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences.
We know that what we see affects what we hear.
[Johannes Michalak, Katharina Rohde and Nikolaus F. Troje, How we walk affects what we remember: Gait modifications through biofeedback change negative affective memory bias] Scientists showed volunteers a list of negative and positive words, like afraid and anxious, or sunny and pretty.
This matters greatly because it affects what we think is possible and reasonable to do to a person / body, and therefore has deep consequences for the moral and ethical dimensions of our choices in life.
Because storage affects what time of day a household draws electricity from the grid, it also influences emissions in that way.
In his «Copenhagen interpretation», Bohr argued that the very act of measurement affects what we observe.
First, what happens in other parts of the world affects what happens here, and to an increasing extent in an era of globalization.
Of course, what you're hunting affects what grain you need, too.
Lots of practice time is great for your player's development, but it definitely affects what other extracurricular activities he can do.
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