Sentences with phrase «affirmation by»

1) Enter the «now» Start your affirmation by entering the present tense.
Breathe life into this affirmation by adding an active expression of feeling:
Weil won the dismissal of each case in 2016, and then secured affirmation by the Second Circuit in each case in early 2017.
Successfully obtained affirmation by U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit, of a summary judgment rendered by the trial court in favor of defendant real estate partnership.
Secured affirmation by the Massachusetts Appeals Court of trial court's ruling ordering $ 1.4 million sale of business.
Subsequently, in February 2017, Weil secured the affirmation by the Delaware Supreme Court of the Delaware Court of Chancery's dismissal of a stockholder derivative action alleging that lululemon's board of directors failed to investigate alleged insider trading by Dennis J. Wilson, the founder and then - chairman of the board of lululemon.
Notice to this effect needs to be posted in your shop, and your sales must hinge upon verbal affirmation by your customer that this is the intended purpose.
Then activate this affirmation by doing what Olympic and professional athletes do: engaging in mental rehearsal.
A close parallel is observable between a comment by an early protagonist of the theory, Dorwin Cartwright, who in 1949 suggested that, «it is conceivable that one persuasive person could, through the use of mass media, bend the world's population to his will,» (3) and the 1979 affirmation by NRB Executive Secretary Ben Armstrong, «I believe that God has raised up this powerful technology of radio and television expressly to reach every man, woman, boy, and girl on earth with the even more powerful message of the gospel.»
This represents a huge weight for me being lifted and an affirmation by the state of what I believed to be true about a work issue I was facing.
Out of this confusion has come sectarianism, which is the affirmation by one particular communion that it is right and all the others are wrong.
Thus it downplays the traditional ontological duality of physical and spiritual, and interprets the magisterial affirmation by Humanae Generis (1950) of the soul's direct creation as being «open to a conveniently wide range of interpretations» (p43).
It was the latest affirmation by a former top US official about Russia's US - election interference.
2) The second reason why affirmations by it - self usually do not work is that: Most of our limiting beliefs were uploaded during traumatic life experiences by ourselves and / or our ancestors.

Not exact matches

You can even encourage your organization to focus on their personal growth by asking everyone to create affirmations.
Make affirmations part of your culture by asking people to post it at their desk, add it to their e-mail signature, or start meetings with sharing affirmations to create an environment that supports everyone's growth.
Do not be mellowed by the affirmation of a 2 % target rate of inflation here in the U.S. or as targeted in six of the G - 7 nations.
The JOBS Act did at least make verification affirmative by the sell side for the online portals instead of mere self - affirmation as before.
- 00:33:50 How more COI / SOI prospects are using home valuation tool after receiving market reports - 00:34:38 Lisa shares how she works her past clients - 00:34:44 Lisa shares postcard farming - 00:39:00 Lisa shares how she streamlines her follow - up process by using one CRM - 00:39:28 Lisa and Jeff share how to keep a positive mindset - 00:43:37 Lisa shares the importance of role - playing - 00:45:10 Lisa shares the positive affirmations that work well for her and her team - 00:46:04 Jeff defines a positive affirmation and what that means for an agent - 00:48:21 Lisa shares how she became confident during her first year of business and how the business became scalable - 00:50:37 Lisa shares an example of the type of postcards she sends out - 00:52:51 Lisa talks about how the market reports are created - 00:55:35 Lisa shares her tips on hiring ISAs - 00:58:10 Lisa talks about how many agents she has now and when she knows to add another agent
The Fourth Amendment provides that «no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.»
This maneuvering has been dubbed Operation Twist, presumably as an affirmation of the Fed's desire to lower long - term interest rates, by purchasing such longer - maturity securities, while selling shorter - term instruments.
Its affirmation should be the litmus test used by every investor.
Perhaps, as has been suggested by another, you have an exaggerated need for affirmation.
Among the many blessings resulting from this cooperative effort, we note especially our common affirmation of the most central truths of Christian faith, including justification by faith, in the 1997 statement, «The Gift of Salvation.»
Though this idea has been soundly refuted by Father John McCloskey, among other proponents of orthodoxy, and though Francis has strongly upheld the indissolubility of marriage, stating that Catholic divorce «doesn't exist,» it is not so clear to many of the pope's critics, who no longer trust Francis, and who dismiss his affirmations of orthodoxy.
First, the Scholls» resistance to the Nazi regime began in their discovery and affirmation that the human person is not made by or for the state, but that the state is made by human persons for the fulfillment of human nature.
Is your desire for a relationship driven by the need for validation and affirmation or is it anchored in the mission to serve Christ as a team?
By the time the Hartford Appeal for Theological Affirmation tried to redress the balance in 1975, the damage had been done.
The eschatological focus, the notion that the Eucharist takes us to the heavenly places, and the belief that the Eucharist «is not explicable in terms of the old creation» are all affirmations shared by many Protestants.
Now we are instructed and nourished by the striking affirmation about «the God in whom he [Abraham] believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist.»
Expecting an enthusiastic affirmation of the new turn in Christian theology, we were surprised by the words of our guest.
They turn to the usual remedies, using their resources to buy love, affirmation, approval, and most importantly, an escape from burdens heaped on by the demands of a success - obsessed culture.
Many women have responded by listening, and with affirmation and encouragement, jus as Sian has done with saying she longs to be critiqued, does not want to have critique held back from her for her being a woman and was appropriate in affirming the critique of the «feminist» interpretation of scripture I made as described.
But liberation must finally be effected by affirmation, for negation alone must pass into Gnosticism.
«26 The inner harmony resulting from affirming one's story needs to be matched by an outer harmony resulting from an affirmation of one's body.
We might also note that Nietzsche's higher or Dionysian vision of Eternal Recurrence — which he judged to be the ultimate expression of Yes - saying or total affirmation — can be reached only by passing through a full and total realization of the meaninglessness and chaos of the world or reality as such.
It art, he says, «comes to the point of rejecting or affirming nothing but reality, it denies itself each time either by absolute negation or by absolute affirmation» (Rb 268).
Altizer, on the other hand, has a Dionysian, fully dialectic theology that, by radical affirmation of the profane, goes beyond mere secularism and its Godlessness and discovers the sacred via a nonhubristic apotheosis.
Whether by affirmation or by aspiration, the thing or person praised both reveals and shapes the praiser.
I think that the rehabilitation of democracy will come through the most elementary expression of this desire by those at the bottom who invade such places; and all of this converges to find affirmation faced with the places where decisions are taken.
Altizer's historico - existentialist period was characterized by a dialectical affirmation of the world of experience, which maximized a radical thrust into the profane only to transfigure its present form.
If mental health enjoys such esteem in Catholic thought and practice, it is only right that the Church looks with satisfaction at the new path being opened by psychiatry... all that Sacred Scripture says in praise of human wisdom is an implicit affirmation of the importance of mental health.
The «unfallen» reminds one of the semi-Pelagian affirmation opposed by Augustine, but one needs to remember that de Lubac tried to rescue some aspect of this heretical anthropology.
In place of a scripture - based argument, even combining the scriptural affirmations with the scenarios propagated by various stripes of unbelievers should paint an unmistakable picture of what happened.
God's overwhelmingly masculine qualities have been brought to heel by the additional understanding of a post-patriarchal affirmation of a fuller and more complete divinity.
The agreement that we are not Fundamentalists or evangelicals as defined by this manifesto is clearer than the positive affirmation of the Gospel.
Instead in our day we have seen a great affirmation of the value of Scotus» teaching by the ordinary magisterium of the Church.
The misrepresentation becomes all the more apparent in light of Aquinas» unequivocal affirmation elsewhere that the marriage act, provided that it meet the requisite conditions established by right reason, embodies an action that is both virtuous and meritorious.
On the other hand, there is no God of a religious tradition cut off from critical reflection so that «it is wrong for religion's advocate to confound the object of this affirmation with the modalities of the affirmation; it is wrong for him to believe that the transcendence of the divine mystery is extended to the materiality of the expressions that it takes on in human consciousness; with greater reason it is wrong for him to consider that his problematic is canonized by this transcendence.
Further «A «process theology» that is true to Whiteheadian (and Hartshornean) insights does not provide a case for affirming certain limited affirmations about the reality of God which are then to be augmented by a distinct kind of «revelational theology.»
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