Sentences with phrase «affirmation of»

But the discussion so far suggests the possibility that a new Christian perspective on history may be emerging which will hold together the truth in the liberal doctrine of progress and the truth in the neo-orthodox affirmation of the judgment of God upon all existing things.
This is why I think Rob Bell's one minute affirmation of homosexuality makes sense, and why I think you can use this to answer similar questions regarding similar issues: He doesn't theorize in a...
This affirmation of God's sovereignty and the principle of salvation by grace led to a series of criticisms against all worldly authorities that claimed to usurp the power of God, be it an authoritarian church, an infallible Bible or a mechanical sacrament that offered salvation in a simplistic way.
For Bonhoeffer the affirmation of faith is the negation of religion.
There are six stages of willing, according to Assagioli; (1) the existence of a purpose to be achieved; (2) deliberation on the various goals and their relative importance; (3) making a decision on one important goal and setting aside the others; (4) confirmation of the choice by an affirmation of this goal by will; (5) development of a plan to achieve the goal; (6) directing the implementation of the plan.
They want affirmation of their preferences and beliefs.
The Old Testament begins with an affirmation of the goodness of God «s creation.
Second is the affirmation of Bergson's charge that spatialization is a partialization of experience.
A further feature of the Whiteheadian - Hartshornian vision of reality is its affirmation of the ultimate reality of the temporal process of creative advance.
For he has done all to the greater glory of God and in the affirmation of his power.
Although K.C. (as we have come to know him in EATWOT) writes to and for the people of India, his message has meaning for all Christians and other justice seeking people who are committed to creating a global village that protects the rights of the poor and provides space for the affirmation of their dignity.
George Bernard Shaw Peter L. Berger, the most eminent sociologist of religion in the world today, many of whose sociological works as Berger says «read like a treatise on atheism,» has written a mature and skeptical affirmation of Christianity in his new book Questions of Faith: A...
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship has also shown wisdom in this matter, choosing in its public affirmation of faith to confess «the entire trustworthiness» of the Bible.
In contrast to television «s affirmation of the ultimate value of creature comforts and self - gratification, Jesus affirms that if anyone wants to be a follower he must leave self - centeredness behind and follow him, which involves taking up the cross (Matt.
Hand in hand with increasing inwardness goes a newly developing affirmation of production (work) and reproduction (marriage and family).
Genesis affirms the value of human guidance and transformation of nature in harmony with the whole of creation, and it rejects our culture «s frequent affirmation of consumption and waste.
That's what Tocqueville also meant by «the affirmation of equality» without «the leveling of differences.»
This does not imply that the more positive affirmation of life's importance is to be rejected.
In accepting ourselves as accepted we participate in the self - affirmation of being - itself; we seek the sustaining power which undergirds and supports our courage to be in the face of the threat of non-being.
His criticism of biblical literalism drove him back to an acceptance of «biblical realism» (to use his own phrase), to the biblical answer to sin, and the biblical affirmation of God's grace in Christ.
(Taylor does not, I think, give enough attention to the way in which these first two features of the modern identity» inwardness and affirmation of ordinary life» may be in tension with each other.
As the theological matrix for this affirmation of ordinary life gradually fades» as it is seen less as a Calling» the bourgeois ethic's relation to Deism emerges.
It was an affirmation of the creeds of the early church that humanity is the vehicle of the divine.
A dialectical negation of time and space culminates in a regeneration of Eternity — a renewal or repetition of a primordial Totality — and therefore an absolute negation of the profane is equivalent to a total affirmation of the sacred.
It is possible, of course, that Jesus and the apostles were also mistaken, and that their affirmation of all these challenging Old Testament texts reflects nothing more than their limited horizons of understanding.
The «wicked» spirit, in whom evil is already present in a nascent state, has to choose between the affirmation of himself and the affirmation of the order which establishes good and evil.
The affirmation of such value has been strongest and clearest in the religions of India.
His affirmation of the oneness of God and the ultimate oneness of God and the world has deepened in its paradoxical quality as he has taken more and more realistic cognizance of the evil of the world, but it has not wavered or weakened.
The first atomic bomb was spoken of in reverential, religious terms, a simultaneous affirmation of both Augustinian humility before God's power, and extraordinary Pelagian pride in humankind's.
In conclusion to this sketch of Altizer's affirmations we must say a word about his affirmation of the eschatological quality of Christianity which, he holds, most definitively and radically separates Christianity from «religion» in general, and Eastern mystical religion — the essence of «religion» as such — in particular.
Sometimes the church tends to engage in an unqualified affirmation of sacrifice and suffering for the sake of the larger community — the common good — without taking into consideration who sacrifices what, for whom and within what kind of relationships.
To cut off the actions that express this relation from the affirmation of the whole human mind means to profane them.
How does that square with the foregoing affirmation of class in a democracy of worth?
Here again we are reminded of the absolute self - affirmation of the second stage of evil!
A little while after writing this, I came across a poem by an eighteenth century Persian poet called Hatif Isfahani, which praises Christianity for its affirmation of Divine Unity.
Insofar as the religious movement of negation is dialectical, its negation of the profane is at bottom an affirmation of the sacred.
Rather, it is in the sure affirmation of faith that with God and in God, everything is for ever safe — and safe in the one way in which it can be enduringly secure, namely in God's valuing and receiving it into the divine life, to be treasured there for ever.
Many of them are reluctant to conclude» as in fact many traditionalists have concluded» that any continued affirmation of Christian truth claims must require an essentially wholesale rejection of the experience of modernity.
From a sociological perspective, Campos asserts that Latin American Pentecostalism offers symbolic mediation for what he calls the «the affirmation of popular hope,» because it is both a spiritual movement which transforms the individual and a movement of symbolic protest in a society which denies the dispossessed the chance to achieve or to participate in social organization.
It is out of the vigorous affirmation of the unity of God the Creator that men were led to postulate and seek basic laws to which all natural phenomena conform.
We have questioned how a book as cynical and pessimistic as Ecclesiastes could have found its way into the canon, failing to see the text's central affirmation of our work and play as gifts from God to be enjoyed.
To celebrate our sexuality is to make a theological and anthropological affirmation of the pulsating dynamic of created life, the force within us that moves us beyond ourselves toward others.
I raise this question particularly with Pure Land Buddhists because the affirmation of other power, or what Christians call grace, seems to place a greater emphasis on the metaphysical character of the world and human experience than is present in other Buddhist traditions.
This view is Traditional in its affirmation both of a real self and of an order of correct conduct.
The absolute affirmation of the self in the second stage of evil is an extreme form of man's hiding from the «signs» which address him.
The physical need for release of sexual tension is intertwined with a variety of psychological needs: for the security and warmth of body - closeness and stroking; for feeling loved, nurtured, cared about; for affirmation of one's masculinity or femininity.
This - in all its many flavors - «churchianity» appears sometimes good in its higher aspects, but never good enough for its denial of the infinite God who is Love by its affirmation of hell.
At an early point in its development, this sense of God as in total control expressed itself and was reinforced by the affirmation of creation out of nothing.
Many men need and enjoy the affirmation of a wife who is seductive and enticing, who is able to show her interest in sex and, on occasion, to initiate sexual relations.
Martin Buber led a whole community of Jews to a deeper affirmation of their Jewishness, Ernest Wolf concludes.
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