Sentences with phrase «affirmation rather»

A relationship filled with encouragement and affirmation rather than criticism and complaint inspires confidence.
After years now of affirmation rather than irony in politics and art, from a triennial to Mickalene Thomas, I am grateful for them all as well.
The reception of the Holy Eucharist is the most misunderstood aspect of the Catholic faith, and when the likes of such public policy - makers as Nancy Pelosi make a national mockery of Communion without consequence, there is little wonder why it has become a mere symbol of self - affirmation rather than the efficacious sign of personal transformation through the Cross of Christ and the «renewal of the mind» (Rom.
Haynes, on the other hand, after making paintings for years out of all sorts of things, now makes paintings which are affirmations rather than negations of the medium and the way it works.

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This decision should not be interpreted as an incipient feminism in Southern Baptist life (out of more than forty thousand churches, only a few dozen have female pastors), but rather as an affirmation of a pattern of cooperation that has served Baptist mission causes well for more than a century.
I realized this as I reflected on these texts — Solomon's prayer for wisdom rather than riches, Jesus» parables of treasure and pearl and fishes, and Paul's affirmation that God works for good with (or for) those who love him.
There the solution was sought in a denial of individuality rather than in its affirmation, in a renunciation of man's clamorous wants rather than in their encouragement and satisfaction.
In the deepest sense, faith is the affirmation of what will be rather than the attempt to shape an indeterminate future.
Remembering the radical Christian affirmation that God has fully and totally become incarnate in Christ, we must note that neither the Incarnation nor the Crucifixion can here be understood as isolated and once - and - for - all events; rather, they must be conceived as primary expressions of a forward - moving and eschatological process of redemption, a process embodying a progressive movement of Spirit into flesh.
(Acts 1:24 - 26; I Timothy 5:5) Prayer was the affirmation of confident trust, the centering of attention on faith, not fear, on assets rather than liabilities, on the help of God rather than the troubles of life.
But if so, then are we not engaged in a fascinating and difficult game rather than in grounding our affirmations of faith?
2, it is only as a person faces his existential anxiety and makes it a part of his self - affirmation that it becomes a creativity - stimulating rather than a deadening influence in his life.
The continuity of Christian faith was therefore seen to he in the continuity of this consciousness rather than in preservation and affirmation of the same doctrinal content.
Yet many do, regularly, and with purpose: They are uninterested in a rational discussion about the issue, but rather at any cost want to achieve their goal of full legal and social affirmation.
The essay, by Nancy M. Haegel, is a rather touching affirmation of an older form of liberalism, by no means dead, that is deserving of careful attention.
Like Dostoievsky, he has embraced rather than chosen between the opposites of self - affirmation and turning to God, of the individual and society, but he has gone beyond Dostoievsky in his ability to bring these opposites into true unity.
Rather, it is in the sure affirmation of faith that with God and in God, everything is for ever safe — and safe in the one way in which it can be enduringly secure, namely in God's valuing and receiving it into the divine life, to be treasured there for ever.
For my part, I am concerned that it is this which is the absolutely central Christian affirmation, not least because the stress is laid on God and on God's action, rather than on ourselves and our «conscious» awareness of such «being remembered».
In the current literature I detect not a rejection of those earlier slogans but rather an affirmation that, unless there is a church, there can not be a «church for others.»
Why do we hear that as a perilous affirmation fraught with exclusion rather than a suggestion of the right path for Thomas and the disciples, with us as present company included?
Our openness to be influenced by another, without losing our identity or sense of self - dependence, is not only an acknowledgement and affirmation of the other as an end rather than a means to an end.
In other words, the divine Triunity is a religious rather than a logically explicit affirmation.
He rather confronted it with an affirmation of the love of God.
Rather the Universal Declaration's affirmation of rights to social security, to work, to rest, to an adequate standard of living, and to education are rooted in religious values and in the tenets of social democracy.
Perhaps rather than fearing apparent contradictions, we should celebrate them, knowing that they serve as affirmation that God speaks to all kinds of people in all kinds of ways.
Since then the emphasis has been on the positing, that is, on the human act that grounds affirmation of God, rather than on the reality of what is posited.
Rather, the great affirmation attributed to Jesus in the Fourth Gospel, «God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth,» (John 4:24, R.S.V.) is presupposed throughout the greater part of the Bible.
Roger Scruton's affirmation of government as an honest good rather than a merely useful good is very timely and necessary.
A dipolar conception of God seems to promise a genuine theological understanding and affirmation of creativity, and even of a forward - moving creativity, but, rather, the truth would seem to be that the God of process theology forecloses even the possibility of a new humanity.
In my changed understanding of the church's central affirmations, Scripture and creeds need not be viewed as metaphysical statements; rather, they are affirmations of the Christian community at a particular moment in time.
Because he is unrelated to the world, and as a result unaffected by its relation to him, he is the unloving, impassible, absolute, timeless unmoved mover and, one might add, the negation rather than the affirmation of our life on earth.
John Stott said that the most convincing argument, however, is not these sets of verses to be used in a proof text manner, but rather the single affirmation of heterosexual marriage to be found in Genesis 2:24 — «That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.»
In Chapter 5, Rollins writes that «the Truth in Christianity is not described but experienced... This is not then the affirmation of some objective description concerning Truth but rather describes a relation with the Truth.
They strike home because they are based in affirmations of what needs to be affirmed rather than hysterical reactions to Trump.
It is the subject of the only two commandments recorded as coming from the lips of Jesus, and finally the New Testament makes the rather astounding affirmation that «God is love».
As Tillich has made clear, only as such anxiety is confronted and taken into one's self - affirmation can it enhance rather than diminish one's life.
Of course, it is not surprising that the new opposition member would make a rather vitriolic affirmation.
Mindfulness allows us not only to find a partner we actually love but also to serve that love, that relationship, rather than being enslaved by the constant craving for affirmation and external validation.
Using positive affirmations is like shining a light on where we want to go, rather than remaining stuck in the darkness of our worries, concerns or fears.
Affirmation cards can seem rather silly but it is surprising how many people they can all!
Looking to their partners to complete or rescue them, they are motivated by fear of abandonment and can interpret actions as affirmations of their insecurities rather than believing or trusting their partner and their love3.
Though it's set in the early 1970s and considers a freedom - of - the - press Supreme Court case involving coverage of the Vietnam War, The Post couldn't be a clearer affirmation of the Fourth Estate in the Donald Trump era — unless, possibly, it showed Richard Nixon tweeting his hatred for the media rather than spitting it into the phone in distant long shot, as director Steven Spielberg shows here.
Matt still has daddy issues, however, as Howard uses their time together to gripe and grumble rather than to dispense longed - for affirmation.
So it's no shock that Lanthimos» latest film, titled The Lobster, combines elements of both those earlier movies to present us with yet another eerie black comedy that takes place in a sealed - off existence and places a higher affirmation on living unhappily with someone rather than being happy and alone.
Where we can, we feel it is important that teachers see from the beginning that this should not be an additional thing, but rather the affirmation of your progression and a natural outcome for the hard work undertaken in commencing your teaching career.
The Berkshire week is valuable not necessarily for the new information you learn but rather for its affirmation of your beliefs and reminder of your responsibilities as a steward of our clients» capital.
It's affirmation that I'm not alone: A huge portion of the MMORPG playerbase will pay for content that pushes us together by invalidating level grinds rather than keeps us apart.
For Pendleton, abstraction is not a dead, empty visual language, and appropriation is not a form of meaningless relativism, but rather a charged set of assumptions and strategies that, when displaced, offer 21st - century viewers a vital affirmation of the possibility of new orders and narratives.
Embracing doctrines and tendencies from the modern and postmodern periods, as well as near and deep history, they conduct their investigations without irony or sentimentality, but rather with positive affirmation, intelligence and deliberation.
If you chuck the stolen bits as indicating that Wegman didn't know enough to write those parts of his report up himself, you are left with his rather trivial affirmations of the rather trivial points made by McI and MciT.
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