Sentences with phrase «afflicted people»

Although many of the characters decry the difficult refugee - like situation afflicting the people of Palestine, the film never quite visualizes the wider implications of this.
Seeley concentrates on frontotemporal dementia, a family of syndromes usually afflicting people in midlife.
It is recognized as afflicting people who survive traumatic events — wars and conflicts, natural disasters, terrorist attacks and school shootings, but can also be experienced by others such as first...
It's the leading cause of death in cystic fibrosis patients; the bug frequently infects slow - healing wounds and grows as tough communities called biofilms on inserted medical devices such as catheters; it also afflicts people with weakened immune systems.
It should be noted, however, that a particularly dangerous counterfeit of friendship may afflict people living in such times.
Diabetes can be a life - long struggle for afflicted people.
Relaying on Charity to help ease the burdens afflicting people as a result of our politics or economic system is just plain wrong.
SAN DIEGO — A neurodegenerative disorder commonly afflicting people over age 50, Parkinson's disease has so eluded geneticists that many have pronounced it noninherited.
During a 24 - month clinical trial, Colby (and fellow ophthalmologists David Chang of the University of California, San Francisco, Doyle Stulting of Emory University's Eye Center in Atlanta, and Stephen S. Lane of Associated Eye Care in Stillwater, Minn.) developed and tested a preferred technique for implanting the device to most effectively treat bilateral end - stage macular degeneration, which most commonly afflicts people over the age of 55.
Did you know that learning disabilities usually afflict people with a higher IQ?
Tick paralysis can also afflict people — especially children.
The disease afflicts people of every age, but has become a particular problem in children, now that about one - fifth of U.S. school - age children are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
And third, the analyst might admit that the sickness afflicts all people, but still regard it as an unchangeable «fact» of «human nature.»
A cholesterol afflicted person may enjoy a bean and spinach soup.
A treatment that appears safe and effective in treating natural color - blindness in monkeys might just lead to colorizing the world for similarly afflicted people, along with restoring sight to those with other retinal diseases
When it is, this book will need to guide our policy towards afflicted persons.
Leppert and his colleagues found that several afflicted people in families with a high incidence of this condition had mutations in small sections of chromosome 20.
In 2011, when ProPublica first reported on the different health problems afflicting people living near gas drilling operations, only a handful of health studies had been published.
Because this inherited form afflicts people late in life — as does the more common, sporadic form of PD — the discovery may help uncover a cause that underlies both of them.
Fight off the common cold by drinking echinacea tea and abbreviate the length of time a cold normally afflicts a person by 1.4 days due to its ability to counteract inflammation and combat bacteria.
Coupland thinks he has a foolproof plan that can not only save Jane, but subsequently all such afflicted people, but Jane's parasitic entity, whether real or imagined, proves to be more difficult to deal with than even he could have anticipated, putting them all in mortal jeopardy.
Opioid addiction is often described as an «equal opportunity» problem that can afflict people from all races and walks of life, but while true enough, this obscures the fact that the opioid crisis has particularly affected some of the poorest regions of the country, such as Appalachia, and that people living in poverty are especially at risk for...
You could puff it away into oblivion, like a dandelion clock — yet this house of flesh is intimately grounded, dense with family and ethnic history (not least because the disease disproportionately afflicts people, like Rodney, of African and Caribbean ancestry).
Mesothelioma afflicts people who have worked with or near asbestos and breathed in the asbestos fibers and dust.
Stimulated by real or imagined dangers, anxiety afflicts people of all ages and social backgrounds.
It was as if Jesus were still with them and responding to the needs of the sick and afflicted people who called on him for help.
The serious chronic complications that afflict people with diabetes mellitus (such as kidney disease, blood vessel disease, and coronary artery disease) are uncommon in diabetic cats.
Join Joy Reid, host of MSNBC's The Reid Report, and 30 Americans Artist Hank Willis Thomas for an intimate conversation about art, life, and the historical and persistent stereotypes that afflict people of color in the media.
Even Jesus» own family was not free from the unbelief that afflicted the people in general.
It is a condition that afflicts people who have too many passwords, frequently forget their login information, and succumb to a number of side effects, which include crying, screaming, and banging their heads on their desks.
While some addictions, such as to drug and alcohol, are easier to recognize (and be videotaped) by those close to the afflicted person, problem gambling usually comes to light when financial and legal issues arise.
We become involved with anybody, any where, any time and in any manner that's designed to eliminate the evils, the political, economic and social evils that are afflicting the people of our community.
Watt - Cloutier sees connections between her personal struggles as an Inuk girl and her public leadership decades later, addressing the environmental crises that afflicted her people.
[7:94] Whenever we sent a prophet to any com - m - unity, we afflicted its people with adversity and hardship, that they may implore.
To show mercy is to lift a burden off of afflicted people and take that burden on our own shoulders.
It was like a medieval plague that afflicted people.
You with your own hand drove out the nations, but them you planted; you afflicted the peoples, but them you set free; for not by their own sword did they win the land, nor did their own arm give them victory; but your right hand, and your arm, and the light of your countenance, for you delighted in them.
The afflicted person this time was a woman who had suffered for eighteen years from a «spirit of infirmity.»
In a recent poll from Quebec — where lethal - injection euthanasia is legal — a chilling 72 percent of caregivers favor permitting Alzheimer's patients to be euthanized, even if the afflicted person never requested euthanasia.
Whether or not God is more powerful than those things, He has chosen to allow those things to continue to afflict people.
@Jarred, «Whether or not God is more powerful than those things, He has chosen to allow those things to continue to afflict people.
The cause of all this hatred, war and bloodshed, all this animosity and disunity, is that we afflict the people we disagree with.
The afflicted person drinks the concoction with chocolate or wine and the yellow stools will cease.
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