Sentences with phrase «affluent populations in»

Even as the affluent population in the U.S. has increased in size and financial resources (according to the Ipsos Survey USA»), a shrinking middle class is looking to more cost - effective options.

Not exact matches

THE SILVER LINING: It takes no more work to attract customers from the explosively growing Mass - Affluent, Affluent, and Ultra-Affluent populations eager to pay premium prices in return for exceptional expertise, service, and experiences.
A recent report by the Academy of Finland warned that some schools in the country's large cities were becoming more skewed by race and class as affluent, white Finns choose schools with fewer poor, immigrant populations.
For Tribune Publishing, spun off from Tribune Broadcasting six months ago, San Diego — California's second largest city, and the tenth most affluent metro area in the nation, with a population of 3.2 million — would become Tribune's ninth metro market, and a new twist to C.E.O. Jack Griffin's clustering strategy.
This ideology is the basis for a mode of production, especially in the affluent countries, whose thirst for profit and for irrational expansion has not only promoted the pauperization of the majority of the planet's human population but has also led to the plundering and pollution of nature.
Jews have been elected to Congress and appointed to high positions in government in numbers far exceeding their percentage of the population; Jews are arguably America's most affluent ethnic group; Jews have served as commissioners of Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association, and the National Hockey League, as well as presidents of Princeton, Yale, Harvard, and Columbia; and, as the wedding notices in the Sunday New York Times indicate, Jews have not been reluctant to marry Gentiles, or vice versa.
Protein - energy malnutrition, anemia and blindness from vitamin A deficiency are very closely associated with poverty, only rarely occurring in the affluent population — even in developing countries.
«It continues to be the largest growing consumer market in the world and so it has the power of population, but that population is growing more affluent, as well.
So while there's clearly room for improvement in Greene, it feels unfair to compare it to a county which places an unusually high value on exceptional school food, has a student population better conditioned to accept such food, and has affluent parents who can pay the higher price tag that comes with it.
-LSB-...] districts fortunate enough to have the assistance of groups like WITS in New York City, or with affluent populations able to pay higher meal prices, better food is more achievable.
Although affluent and urban women began having their babies in hospitals, however, medically underserved populations, such as rural women with limited access to hospitals and poor women who couldn't afford to give birth in the hospitals, continued to give birth at home.
Just under 300,000 in population, predominantly white, rural and lower income, the 46th Senate district cobbled together farming communities, depressed industrial towns and affluent Albany suburbs.
In the North, African - American populations are largely confined to large urban areas and their less affluent first ring suburbs, and segregated neighborhoods that are a legacy of pre-Civil Rights era patterns of housing discrimination remain the norm in older parts of non-Southern cities, (although newer suburbs tend to be considerably more integrated than older neighborhoods outside the SouthIn the North, African - American populations are largely confined to large urban areas and their less affluent first ring suburbs, and segregated neighborhoods that are a legacy of pre-Civil Rights era patterns of housing discrimination remain the norm in older parts of non-Southern cities, (although newer suburbs tend to be considerably more integrated than older neighborhoods outside the Southin older parts of non-Southern cities, (although newer suburbs tend to be considerably more integrated than older neighborhoods outside the South).
The district, suburban in character, is one of the most diverse in the city, with a booming South Asian population and traditionally affluent Jewish and Italian - American communities.
Wilson said the network canvassed in the white, affluent sections of North Williamsburg and advertised almost exclusively in English, despite the large Hispanic population in South Williamsburg.
Others said Paladino's comments reflect a deeper problem in a community consistently ranked as one of the most segregated in the nation, and that has a burgeoning immigrant population both in the city and several affluent suburbs.
Encroaching agriculture — from beef to soya production — to feed a growing and more affluent human population means that, at the current rates, the number of 10,000 km2 landscapes in the Amazon that fall below the species loss threshold of 43 % forest cover will almost double by just 2030.
Ultimately, this has led to a division in the urban population — with poor residents who can no longer afford to live in tsunami - safe locations on one side, and affluent residents on the other.
Study participants were younger, more educated, more affluent and fewer were Hispanic whites than in the U.S. population.
People with low incomes and racial / ethnic minority populations experience greater levels of stress than their more affluent, white counterparts, which can lead to significant disparities in both mental and physical health that ultimately affect life expectancy, according to a report from the American Psychological Association.
With the exception of a few highly affluent states in the Persian Gulf, these dryland countries face severe and intensifying challenges, including frequent and deadly droughts, encroaching deserts, burgeoning populations and extreme poverty.
In January, the Bluestar, one of the hotels built to attract affluent tourists to Kathmandu, opened its doors to Nepal's first computer exhibition and conference, organised by the Computer Association of Nepal to show the Nepalese population, and the newly elected United Marxist - Leninist Party government, that software development could be as important as tourism to the Nepalese economy.
Air quality in cities is of increasing concern to China's stability - obsessed leaders, anxious to douse potential unrest as a more affluent urban population turns against a growth - at - all - costs economic model that has besmirched much of the country's air, water and soil.
While the Paleo diet may not be a viable option for the entire human population in our current agricultural system, and is indeed most popular among relatively affluent Westerners, this is not so much a fault of the diet itself but of our current economic paradigm.
If that is the case, studying New York City students, who arguably come from less advantaged backgrounds than, say, the students in New York City suburbs, may have led us to find a larger middle - school effect than had we followed a more - affluent student population.
In short, there are signs that support for online learning is reaching a political plateau, and important segments of the population — teachers and the affluent — are resistant to the idea.
In recent months, the city's battle over school segregation has played out in a few specific schools in some of the its fastest - gentrifying (or already gentrified - to - saturation - point) neighborhoods: Nikole Hannah - Jones chronicled the Brooklyn version of the saga in her much - discussed New York Times Magazine piece last weekend, «Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City,» about her decision to send her black daughter to a mostly minority school, only to have that school rezoned to include an affluent, predominantly white populatioIn recent months, the city's battle over school segregation has played out in a few specific schools in some of the its fastest - gentrifying (or already gentrified - to - saturation - point) neighborhoods: Nikole Hannah - Jones chronicled the Brooklyn version of the saga in her much - discussed New York Times Magazine piece last weekend, «Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City,» about her decision to send her black daughter to a mostly minority school, only to have that school rezoned to include an affluent, predominantly white populatioin a few specific schools in some of the its fastest - gentrifying (or already gentrified - to - saturation - point) neighborhoods: Nikole Hannah - Jones chronicled the Brooklyn version of the saga in her much - discussed New York Times Magazine piece last weekend, «Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City,» about her decision to send her black daughter to a mostly minority school, only to have that school rezoned to include an affluent, predominantly white populatioin some of the its fastest - gentrifying (or already gentrified - to - saturation - point) neighborhoods: Nikole Hannah - Jones chronicled the Brooklyn version of the saga in her much - discussed New York Times Magazine piece last weekend, «Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City,» about her decision to send her black daughter to a mostly minority school, only to have that school rezoned to include an affluent, predominantly white populatioin her much - discussed New York Times Magazine piece last weekend, «Choosing a School for My Daughter in a Segregated City,» about her decision to send her black daughter to a mostly minority school, only to have that school rezoned to include an affluent, predominantly white populatioin a Segregated City,» about her decision to send her black daughter to a mostly minority school, only to have that school rezoned to include an affluent, predominantly white population.
JOHN B. KING JR: Unfortunately, the history here is that in many school districts, we see that there are schools serving high - needs students where even the entire student population is in poverty, and they're actually spending 25 to 30 percent less than a school 10 blocks away that serves largely affluent students.
What had been a largely white and affluent population became predominantly non-white, with more than half of the students in the district receiving free and reducedprice lunches.
In a school district, the better - resourced schools tend to serve high - income populations in affluent communities, and the under - funded schools tend to serve low - income populations in disadvantaged communitieIn a school district, the better - resourced schools tend to serve high - income populations in affluent communities, and the under - funded schools tend to serve low - income populations in disadvantaged communitiein affluent communities, and the under - funded schools tend to serve low - income populations in disadvantaged communitiein disadvantaged communities.
Higher needs populations of students as defined in Vincent v. Voight (FRL, SpN, ELL) are at a greater funding and spending disadvantage than their more affluent peers since 2004.
In the review of the dynamic Flickr map and the photographs, teacher candidates quickly realized that more instances of walkability examples were identified in neighborhoods that were close to the university or that housed affluent populationIn the review of the dynamic Flickr map and the photographs, teacher candidates quickly realized that more instances of walkability examples were identified in neighborhoods that were close to the university or that housed affluent populationin neighborhoods that were close to the university or that housed affluent populations.
Local school district officials closely monitor the Utah legislative session each year because legislators representing less - affluent school districts inevitably look to the wealthier ones - like Park City - to help fund schools in parts of the state where population is growing.
This perhaps explains why, in another OECD report («Education at a Glance, 2010»), the countries and regions that top the international league table of reading standards are those that are both high - spending and have more affluent populations.
Students in schools serving a low - income population are more than 2.5 times more likely to have a novice teacher than their more affluent peers.
In this article, Petrilli looks at what poor students and their more affluent peers need and want from a school — and the challenge this presents to diverse schools that are trying to meet the needs of both populations of students.
Jefferson County: Cindy Stevenson, who served as the award - winning superintendent from 2002 - 2012, focused efforts on better supports for teachers, a «strive for greatness,» and more attention towards district managed schools (rather than on charters in the district who tend to serve a more affluent population).
And although there are poor students in many — if not most — schools, schools serving more affluent populations have larger budgets overall.
These systems flagrantly favored school districts in affluent white suburbs and discriminated against poor districts in urban and rural areas with high minority populations.
The 2017 test results show Texas struggling to keep pace in fourth and eighth grade reading compared to past years, even when accounting for a student population that is less affluent and more in need of specialized education programs, such as bilingual education, than those of many other states.
And while many have applauded their meteoric rise in North Carolina since a 100 - charter cap was lifted in 2011, some critics have accused the charter movement of serving a more affluent and white student population while exacerbating segregation in North Carolina schools.
The populations of rich countries have got to the end of a long historical journey... as the relationship between health and economic growth have leveled off, so too has the relationship with happiness... [In] affluent developed countries, further rises in income count for less and less.&raquIn] affluent developed countries, further rises in income count for less and less.&raquin income count for less and less.»
And with over 190 million inhabitants, Brazil's general population growth pushes lower - income people to the borders of affluent city centers, making the differences in socio - economic status even more obvious.
Japan is a potentially huge market for Google and Play Books in particular, with a large, affluent population that has so far proven difficult to crack in terms of ebooks.
Jeff, was always a dog lover lost 3 dogs in 2o years children grew up ad moved away feral cats in my area have totally elimated rat population ps (I live in a fairly affluent community) they are not destructive and provide some degree of pleasure to us aging yuppies, as it goes live and let live!
I don't care how much culture, diversity, and exciting energy lay within them, they're dirty and if you really want to see the population problem in full manifestation, take a trip to a poor city, not the affluent, higher end, upper East sides of Manhattan or the Nob Hills of San Francisco.
Affluent populations, especially in Europe, North America and Japan, devour the bounty of the planet.
To me this would appear to be a worst case scenario, based on the least developed economies building up energy infrastructures largely using fossil fuels, in order to pull their populations out of poverty, as China and India are doing today (thereby reducing their rate of population growth as they become more affluent and improving their carbon efficiencies) and the remaining societies continuing to improve their overall carbon efficiencies as they have already been doing.
Results are often inconsistent among polls; it is important to make comparisons only within polls asking exactly comparable sequences of questions and among comparable populations (for example, surveys in the developing world usually reached only the more affluent).
After several decades of Lrapid rise in world grain yields, it is now becoming more difficult to raise land productivity fast enough to keep up with the demands of a growing, increasingly affluent, population.
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