Sentences with phrase «affluent schools as»

The report also describes how the black / Latino schools are shortchanged in funding; teacher experience (the most experienced teachers move to the more affluent schools as soon as possible.)

Not exact matches

A recent report by the Academy of Finland warned that some schools in the country's large cities were becoming more skewed by race and class as affluent, white Finns choose schools with fewer poor, immigrant populations.
In 1978, California voters passed Proposition 13, which resulted in reduced funding for public schools, which accelerated the growth and popularity of private schools, especially in affluent areas such as the Peninsula and South Bay, which enjoyed the fruits of the Silicon Valley high - tech boom.
From a recent article in The Bay Citizen I learned that about two dozen small, affluent public schools in the California Bay Area have opted out of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and instead have hired small catering companies (such as... [Continue reading]
But one of the complaints I most often hear from parents at more affluent schools is that their kids are «double - dipping» at breakfast, eating a full meal at home and then eating some or all of the school meal as well.
I love the idea of remaking school food, but as an (affluent) parent, I still wouldn't participate.
Now I'm not endorsing that both get power careers and leave the child completely unattended, but I have contact with plenty of stay home moms as my child attends a very affluent private school and many of those stay at home moms don't do squat after the kids are dropped off other than yoga.
However, an analysis of the 32 free schools set to open in the next academic year shows 13 are in the most affluent half of England with only two in the 10 % most deprived areas and 10 in the 20 % most deprived areas, as ranked by the government's English Indices of Multiple Deprivation, 2010.
Affluent students who receive a top - notch education may acquire this skill as a matter of course, but this capacity is often lacking among low - income students who attend struggling schools — holding out the hopeful possibility that retrieval practice could actually begin to close achievement gaps between the advantaged and the underprivileged.
I was lucky enough to be raised in an affluent suburb, St. Charles, but as with most wealthy communities, not too far away, there are school districts that are severely underfunded.
They were friends as girls; now nearing the end of their high school years, they drifted apart, particularly after a grisly incident involving Amanda and one of her family's horses essentially made her a pariah in their affluent Connecticut community.
Justin Lin's comedy of manners onsiders a group of affluent Asian - American kids in high school, who get straight As and supplement their incomes by selling term papers and eventually escalating to drugs and murder.
The man known as Andre 3000 in his music career also discussed his own experience of being an African - American family engaged with an affluent private school.
Selective high schools School Without Walls and Banneker are oversubscribed, as is Wilson, the neighborhood high school in affluent WSchool Without Walls and Banneker are oversubscribed, as is Wilson, the neighborhood high school in affluent Wschool in affluent Ward 3.
During my 17 years as a high school principal I have worked in districts that were rural economically disadvantaged as well as affluent suburban.
Among many affluent families who want their offspring to attend elite colleges, the school / home / culture values are quite well aligned, and as a group these youngsters have high levels of academic achievement.
«Because, as a result, children from low - income families are less likely to attend schools with children from affluent families, and this ultimately isolates the poor kids.»
Buchanan said that Prime Minister Theresa May was «knocking at an open door», as independent schools are already delivering substantial programmes to improve state education and create places for less affluent pupils in their schools.
The school board in Montgomery County, an affluent suburb of Washington noted for the quality of its schools and its voluntary efforts at integration, «violated its own regulations and procedures» on racial balance and building use in the cases of four schools, said Mitchell J. Cooper, a Washington lawyer acting as adviser to the state board.
As a result, more - affluent parents in the transitioning neighborhoods — squeezed out of schools west of the park and unable to afford private schools — are taking a shot at either the elementary school down the street or a diverse charter school nearby.
Thus systems that look at growth alone sometimes end up labeling affluent, high - achieving schools as mediocre or worse.
As Tom Loveless of the Brookings Institution argues, affluent high - achievers who come into school with so many advantages typically enjoy opportunities that prepare them well for college: gifted - and - talented programs, accelerated courses, and classes with high - achieving peers.
District 4 parents have even gone so far as to accuse the school of deliberately keeping local families away in favor of more affluent ones from other districts via a manipulated waitlist.
WASHINGTON — Black and Hispanic students in an affluent Maryland school district fall behind their white and Asian peers in mathematics as early as the 3rd grade, and the gap widens steadily through the elementary grades, a new study concludes.
Finally, we find that a majority of teachers often takes positions contrary to those of a plurality of both the public and the affluent on key issues such as teachers unions, the rights and prerogatives of teachers, and school vouchers.
In addition to the views of the public as a whole, we pay special attention in this year's survey to two potentially influential types of participants in school politics: the affluent and teachers.
Children from more affluent families from state schools were almost four times as likely as young people from low - income families (3.8 times) to go on to join a higher - tariff university in 2016.
First, as noted in the previous section, the distributional characteristics of the benefit are heavily tilted to affluent families who have a significant state tax burden and can save for private school tuition.
The findings from the Education Next — PEPG survey reported in this essay are based on a nationally representative stratified sample of approximately 550 adults (age 18 years and older) and representative oversamples of roughly 350 members of the following subgroups: the affluent (as defined below), public school teachers, parents of school - aged children, residents of zip codes in which a charter school was located during the 2009 — 10 school year, African Americans, and Hispanics.
After interviewing more than 50 of these gentrifiers about their school - choice process, I concluded that it is the substantive differences in parenting styles between the white, upper - middle - class parents and the nonwhite, less - affluent parents that are hindering school integration, as these parenting styles directly affect school culture and expectations.
And the assessment shows that white voucher students from more affluent families do better — just as in public school.
He sees hope that a revolution will occur, as Jonathan Kozol predicted in a visit to Central, after the affluent white oppressors in privileged schools are enlightened by their encounters with the rapping Kansas City debate team.
«The question I keep returning to, as firm believer in education equity, is a simple one: Are you comfortable allowing more affluent families to choose their schools while denying poorer families similar opportunities?»
I'd never heard the term, but suddenly we envisioned McCarver as a school of excellence — good enough to pull in white students from the more affluent neighborhoods.
Chris Barbic, founder and CEO of the stellar YES Prep network, says that «starting new schools and having control over hiring, length of day, student recruitment, and more gives us a pure opportunity to prove that low - income kids can achieve at the same levels as their more affluent peers.
Children who live in poverty are as worthy of attending good schools as their more affluent counterparts, and much is known about what it takes to transform schools into places that better meet their needs.
Later, as the program was amended, more affluent families were enticed to poorer schools via the broader educational options offered.
The findings suggester poor children who attended after - school clubs developed better social, emotional and behaviour skills, with children from disadvantaged homes participating in the activities equally as much as those from affluent ones.
01, feels this is particularly critical at less affluent schools like the ones she has worked at in Boston, Cambridge, Mass., and Los Angeles as a literacy coach.
For many children living in deprived areas — who are more than twice as likely to be obese than those in more affluent areas — school and community playgrounds are often their only chance to play outdoors.
Hispanic students for the first time outnumber their peers in other racial and ethnic groups in Montgomery County's public schools, a milestone for diversity in a suburb long regarded as largely white and affluent.
Philanthropic foundations that support education causes are interested in serving as many poor and minority children as possible; when 30 % to 40 % of a student body is made up of white or affluent students, the school is deemed suspect, as reform - minded foundations see such programs as «wasting» a third of their seats.
As a movement, knowledge - rich schooling has the potential to promote excellence, inspire passion, and enhance educational equity — particularly for children from homes with limited access to books and fewer opportunities than their more affluent peers to travel or visit museums.
This isn't just wishful thinking; all around the country, affluent families are choosing to send their children to racially and socio - economically integrated schools, in places like Cambridge and Berkeley, but also in less likely spots such as Alexandria, Virginia; Stapleton, Colorado; and Miraloma Park, California.
Educrats all over the country have begun to persuade federal education officials to grant waivers from NCLB, adopting the position that it is unfair to label schools as failing when the performance gaps between ethnic groups are so wide and when minority children lag so far behind their White, more affluent peers.
To combat what they refer to as the summer school achievement gap, the story explains, educators in less affluent areas are trying to create more summer programs that are not remedial.
Caroline Hoxby's «remarkable study» of New York City's charters, as John Merrow describes it (see here) would surely suggest that they do: «The lottery winners [those who attended the charters] went to 48 public charter schools, and those who finished 8th grade performed nearly as well as students in affluent suburban districts, closing what the researchers call the «Harlem - Scarsdale achievement gap» by 86 percent in math and about two - thirds in English.»
By high school, those leaders assert, their students will be learning at a level just as sophisticated as the children of affluent American families who attend schools like St. Mark's.
Many Democrats see portability as the first step toward federal vouchers for private schools and argue that it would siphon dollars from schools with high poverty and profound needs to those in more affluent neighborhoods.
What is the power of affluent parents who continue to see charters as a threat to the traditional public schools they have nurtured?
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