Sentences with phrase «aforementioned securities at»

< Disclosure: The author held no positions in aforementioned securities at the time of publication. >

Not exact matches

All the while, she's being watched by security cameras; at the very end of the video, she stands in the aforementioned dimly lit hallways and stares straight at one of the cameras before the point of view switches to that of the camera's footage, showing that, in fact, there's no Selena Gomez standing in the hallway.
Functioning as an utterly charming take on the classic Beauty and the Beast and Creature from the Black Lagoon fables, the Cold War - set love story focuses on the introverted, reclusive, and sexually inexperienced aforementioned mute Elisa, a cleaner working at a high - security level government facility.
The period part of the film concerns itself with the scandal that rocked Britain when Edward VIII (James D'Arcy), bookmarked to be the next King of England, becomes involved with the twice - divorced American Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough); the modern portion finds Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish), an unhappily married woman in New York, finding solace among the aforementioned couple's possessions at an auction house, and receiving further comfort from a kindly security guard (Oscar Isaacs) who works there.
With the refusal to comment any further than the aforementioned «security concerns,» Penguin appears to be taking a stab at Amazon over the recent Kindle Lending Library boycott from some of the major publishers.
At the time of this writing, the author held no positions in any of the aforementioned securities.
Having said that, smartphones running at least the aforementioned security patch should be safe but with the Android ecosystem being made up of older and newer devices alike, and not every Android smartphone in the wild is protected by the April 2016 security update.
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