Sentences with phrase «after birth as possible»

They write their birth stories as soon after the birth as possible in order to remember everything as it happened.
Current research suggests that just as with mothers, fathers should begin developing attachments with their children as shortly after birth as possible.
Depending on the ease of the delivery, you should be able to breastfeed as soon after birth as possible.
When baby is born the best thing you can do is feed baby at the breast as quickly after birth as possible and to feed on demand meaning whenever baby shows feeding or hunger cues (sucking on fingers, smacking lips, rooting, etc) and they will teach your body how much milk to make.
Dr. Amanda Kilian, DC, Webster Certified, believes every pregnant woman should be checked from conception to post-delivery and every child should be checked for spinal misalignment as soon after birth as possible.
If you plan to breastfeed, start pumping as soon after birth as possible.
Skin to skin contact as soon after birth as possible was important to me, so once we were all rolled back into my recovery room, both babies were placed on my chest together.
It is important to start this bond with baby as soon after birth as possible.
Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is very important to us, I would like to breastfeed as soon after birth as possible.
Initiate breastfeeding as soon after their birth as possible.
Vulnerable families will be referred prenatally or as soon after birth as possible to voluntary home visiting programs.
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