Sentences with phrase «after case»

And, as an infectious disease specialist with expertise in immune deficiencies, in the mid - to late 1980s, he began seeing case after case of extremely sick, dying young men.
As such, after a case of recent or historic sexual abuse or assault, survivors are entitled to justice as well as compensation.
As your local attorney we are available even after your case has concluded.
We are concerned about the lives you and your family will enjoy long after your case is over.
Your hearing date typically takes place 20 to 40 days after your case is filed.
A wet signature means that you must actually sign the document and the attorney must have the original document in their files for at least two years after the case closes.
These treatment providers include board - certified physicians who agree to wait to be paid until after a case settles or a verdict and award is paid.
People write case study after case study on the trendy new subscription box.
On the flip side, there are cases where six months after the case ends, you probably don't remember many of the facts.
After the case ends, the judiciary official in charge will render a verdict, ruling you either guilty or not guilty.
It is often necessary to check your credit report and confirm its accuracy after your case closes.
Finally, it will specify the compensation that we will receive in exchange for this work after your case settles.
In most cases, there is a good chance that you will be able to get credit after your case goes through the bankruptcy courts.
All working documents are stored in the secure room and shred immediately after case completion.
It is generally continued after a case has reached a terminal point.
The service provides summaries of cases soon after the cases become available.
Each volume allows you to read the cases you need to know about reasonably soon after the case is released and before the next volume comes out.
Still, it can be a useful tool to bring the parties together if you still disagree after case evaluation.
Give them a call a week or so after the case is closed.
Try sitting in rent court a few hours a day, listen to the cases, meet landlords in the hall outside the court after his case.
They have had extensive training in our paperless office system, and are all well qualified to look after your case.
In the legal profession it starts with developing the business, and then positioning yourself to attract the most sought after cases or matters in your field.
The defense of comparative negligence, however, is a fact for the jury to consider and it generally can not be determined until after a case begins.
Our firm goes above and beyond the efforts offered by most attorneys, providing clients not only with a legal strategy, but a recovery plan that extends well after a case is settled.
In some cases, divorcing spouses can not agree on one or more aspects of their divorce settlement after the case has gone to court.
The detox was started 15 hours after the case study begins.
Any legislative action should be assessed after the case is resolved in the courts.
Readers of this blog will recall that the automatic stay is an injunction issued by the bankruptcy court that prevents collection activity of any kind after a case has been filed.
Most likely, you will also pay the debt after the case is closed if you skip listing a creditor.
If you motion to sell is approved then the proceeds will be paid into your case and any excess funds after your case is paid off will be paid directly to you.
Just like with Credit Cards, they understand you are now a better credit risk after your case is filed.
We can even help you decide on a trustee and file all the necessary paperwork after your case is over.
For families and individuals who have sufficient means to cover bail themselves doing so will create a potentially significant savings when the bail is returned after the case is resolved.
In a contingency agreement, this means that the lawyer will not be paid per hour, but instead, will get a percentage of the recovery money after the case has been settled.
This is one reason why it is so important to contact an experienced car accident lawyer as quickly as possible after your case.
Because of this, you're willing to incur a higher cost per case — because you'll make it back after the case is settled.
My slides can be viewed after the case listing.
In case after case, he finds that schools have spent huge sums on technology at the expense of more pressing needs.
We work closely with clients and their families, staying in touch even after the case is over.
While we are proud of the more than $ 850 million obtained for clients over the years, we are just as proud to have regularly maintained friendships long after cases have been settled.
You are required to attend a meeting of creditors, which will take place about 30 days after the case is filed.
Typically, a public hearing is scheduled within four to six months after the case is assigned to a hearing panel.
Thankfully, creditors can't bother you too much until after your case is filed.
This book reads like a riveting detective story, in which case study after case study leads to one of the most compelling findings in recent medical history.
Many law firms have hidden fees and inevitable charges that show up after your case closes or doesn't close.
I hadn't heard from John in several years — since shortly after his case settled — but I often wondered how he was making out.
Susan read case after case where chronically ill pets recovered fully just by upgrading from commercial to fresh food.
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