Sentences with phrase «after germination»

They germinated the seeds in Petri dishes and inoculated those three days after germination with a bacterial solution.
This tissue becomes the food that the young plant will consume until the roots have developed after germination, or it develops into a hard seed coat.
We added the manure to a sample of the pots and then, after germination of the rucola, we added the worms.
Different roots were visualized with a FV 1000 confocal microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) at days 1 — 6, 8, and 10 after germination in Approach 1 and at day 8 in Approach 2.
Root systems consist of the primary root, which is the first to grow after germination; lateral roots, created from internal tissue in existing roots such as the primary root; and adventitious roots, which sprout from above ground tissues.
Care You can fertilize your beans with compost to provide more nutrients during the first few weeks after germination.
Reduce temperature after germination to 60 °F / 16 °C before potting in a soil - based mixture of sharp sand, gravel and loam.
Micro greens are grown in soil which increases their beneficial nutrients and they're harvested between 7 to 14 days after germination.
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