Sentences with phrase «after getting out of bed»

I've been intermittent fasting for years and don't eat my first meal until about 4 hours after getting out of bed.
The office pessimist will note that everything we do after getting out of bed puts us in some kind of risk of injury, however small.
(I typically weigh myself just after I get out of bed.)
Try beginning with 10 - minute sessions every morning shortly after you get out of bed.
I should never post comments just after I get out of bed.
After I get out of bed, I use my Neti Pot.
The bedroom gets cluttered because after we get out of bed in the morning, we don't go back in there.

Not exact matches

Looking forward to the warm shower, I got out of bed sooner and went almost straight to the shower after my burpees.
After Nava got out of bed, he walked into the kitchen and asked to speak with Professor George alone.
A mother from the US has appeared in court after being accused of using a stun gun to get her teenage son out of bed for church.
The black that succeeded in life, did not blame it on slavery but got out of bed early and went after an education and got it.
I flew home after the worst 5 days and could hardly get out of bed.
I have used coconut oil for about a year now as an all over body moisturizer when I get out of the shower, and started using it a couple of weeks ago on my face after my shower and at night before bed.
Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho won't be getting out of bed until midday today after promising himself a lie - in following a nervy victory over West Ham United, the Daily Telegraph reports.
As for your parents, try to have a calm and rational discussion about how much, and how late, you sleep, which means don't get into it right after your mom woke you up at 10:30 and said something along the lines «Get your lazy butt out of bed and empty the dishwasher.&raqget into it right after your mom woke you up at 10:30 and said something along the lines «Get your lazy butt out of bed and empty the dishwasher.&raqGet your lazy butt out of bed and empty the dishwasher.»
«Before she gets out of bed each morning, she takes her temperature, writes it down on a chart,» Dr. Marrs explains, «And at the time of ovulation, the temperature is at a baseline level, it's kind of consistently until ovulation, and it shifts up and stays up after ovulation.»
It also did not go down after delivery, so I was in the hospital for 5 days and wasn't allowed to get out of bed much at all.
After nursing, it also allows mom to return baby to his separate sleep area without requiring her to get out of bed.
After we say goodnight getting out of bed is not allowed.
After the confinement of her crib, your child may get out of her big - kid bed over and over just because she can.
I have a 6 and a half week old that is breastfed and she refuses to go to sleep at night, without me right beside her or being latched on... I try to unlatch her when I think she has fallen asleep but this wakes her up... also if I try to get out of the bed to spend time with my boyfriend before I'm ready to go to sleep she also wakes up shortly after I've left... This is getting quite tiresome and I've tried every different shape and name of pacifier and she will not take them, I also tried to get her to take her bottle before bed so I would know she ate a full 5 ounces and sleep most of the night but she won't take them anymore either.
For example, after talking with your child's mom, you might tell your child, «We're having trouble getting you out of bed and ready for school.
i got in the shower & let the water meet my tears & something within me said - «this is the process sokhna, open to the process, open to the process»... that was the light... my mantra became «this is the process», & i returned to the bedroom... maria took my hands, looked me in the eyes & said «this is the process, sokhna...» i knew i was on my way... i rocked, squatted & allowed... maria checked me again & i was softening enough for maria to open the cervix the rest of the way... soon enough maria had massaged the cervix completely open & she told me to push... when she said this i filled with brilliance - i wanted to push, i wanted to feel it, i wanted to see wayana... in just a few pushes wayana kamalah lioneye ra was born - i held her as she came out - i looked at this little one & she looked at me & i told her i was her mother... kayenn came over & i saw a baby in him... this natural birth birthed my heart... i suddenly knew what kayenn needed, what i needed & what wayana would need... the placenta came soon after & maria helped me to bed... i really just wanted to look at my 2 babies - to stand over them & beam light, gratitude & promises of infinite love & support... i wanted a natural birth, i had a natural birth & it continues to this day... i am writing my birth story on wayana's 15 month celebration...
I tried early mornings, but after a few successes, I found that the earlier I got out of bed — the earlier my KIDS started to get out of bed.
For the first time in a year after wearing only one night he got out of bed with his socks on and had no pain in his feet amazing!
Taken with a special, basal body thermometer, basal body temperature is the baseline reading you get first thing in the morning, after at least three to five hours of sleep and before you get out of bed, talk or even sit up.
Before high school, a child is not likely to fully appreciate that if she plays on a select team she may often be practicing or going to bed early, worn out after a hard day of exercise, while her classmates are watching TV or socializing, or she may be getting up early, while others are giving their growing bodies the rest they so desperately need.
Because of this, mommy didn't get to hold you until 24 hours after you were born because I had surgery and couldn't get out of bed and walk to the NICU.
as far as nursing to sleep, i still nurse her to sleep about 90 % of the time — if she doesn't fall asleep in 10 - 15 minutes, i count to 10 — i just tell her «ok, Mommy's going to count to 10» and then when i get to 10, she usually lets go and then i'll continue to rock her or sit next to her bed until she falls asleep — sometimes my husband takes over after i nurse her — i implemented the counting to 10 thing when i was pregnant because i was getting really touched out — i still use it fairly frequently now because she wants to nurse all.the.time and because i'm still really touched out: /
After a terrible emergency c - section, (i was cut from my right hip bone to my left pubic bone) it was EXTREMELY hard for me to get in and out of bed!
A floor bed can actually help promote independence, since the baby can explore his room before bedtime and after he wakes without having to cry to get out of his bed.
Basal body temperature is usually estimated by a temperature measurement immediately after awakening and before actually getting out of bed, or performing any type of physical activity.
I made the nurses mad because I was getting out of bed less than an hour after giving birth to the second baby.
To maintain an accurate chart, most experts recommend taking your BBT in the morning directly after waking and before getting out of bed.
After the confinement of his crib, your child may get out of his big - kid bed over and over just because he can.
I don't want to get out of bed after having a baby.
Except when you bottle feed, you've got to get up out of bed, go downstairs, prepare the formula, make sure it's the perfect temperature, and after you've done all that, walk back upstairs and feed the baby.
I didn't even try to get them out of my bed until they went to a bottle after a year and a half.
There are still some rules and for each family this is different; for us, Miss G must choose her books and toys before getting into bed and is not allowed off of the bed after lights out.
Currently the only time I can get out of the house on my own is after the babies have gone to bed at night — any other time, I am too worried about someone else having to deal with the waking (two at once = NOT FUN).
Finally after going to the triage bathroom three times and seeing the «bloody show» (just a little bit of blood) in their toilet, they got me out of the waiting room and into a bed for evaluation!
Knowing that other people are relying on you to turn up helps get me out of bed, and the thought of pulling the boat up onto the beach just as the Ferryboat Inn is opening its doors means I can usually look forward to a nice lunch after my exertions!
Ever fail to get out of bed in the morning after a night's indulgence, or, worse, screw up an experiment the day after a night out?
Pain, swelling and stiffness, especially after you've been sitting or when you get out of bed.
You know that moment when you just need to stretch — maybe it's before getting out of bed in the morning, during a long flight or right after a long run.
You'll notice pain on the bottom of your foot near your heel that's especially bad after a long period of rest — like when you get out of bed in the morning or stand up from sitting at your desk — since the ligament stiffens up when it's not being used.
Need a hand getting out of bed this morning after you've already hit the snooze button (twice)?
In the weeks after, I slept better (and got out of bed more easily) than I had in months.
In other words, if I'm hungry after a long day of training, I eat — and on big training days, I'll often get out of bed at 1 or 2 am if I wake up hungry, stumble to the refrigerator, and guzzle a glass of coconut milk or a spoonful of almond butter.
But my blood sugar always comes back down to below 100 within 3 or 4 hours, and is in high 80's low 90's when I get out of bed in the morning, after not haven eaten since last meal.
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