Sentences with phrase «after grantor»

A revocable estate planning trust is now irrevocable after grantor passes away.
Instead, the trust becomes irrevocable after the grantor dies, and the successor trustee appointed in the trust document distributes the property according to the terms of the trust.

Not exact matches

In truth, the credit bureaus will often temporarily delete a negative listing if they haven't heard from the credit grantor after approximately thirty days.
If the credit grantor reports late, say after six weeks, and then verifies the negative listing, the credit bureau will often reinsert the negative listing on the credit report.
Mesabi Trust is a grantor trust in the United States, which protects the Trust Estate and to collects and distributes the income and proceeds there from to the Trust's certificate holders after the payment of, or provision for, expenses and liabilities.
Your next option is to purchase our credit repair service to get it fixit, if you need to increase your credit score for any reason, this is your best choice, Joe's Credit Repair can challenge your late payments on your credit, disputing with the credit bureaus after you try your best with the credit grantor.
In 1958 (two years after they'd founded the company) their released their first scoring system for American Investments, which was the only company out of the top 50 credit grantors to positively reply to their invitation to explain credit scoring in person.
Here, a person can be both the grantor (contributor) to the IRA, and the beneficiary (a withdrawer after retirement).
For example, the grantor of a trust can mandate that a beneficiary receive a third of the trust assets when they reach a certain age, another third five years later and the remainder five years after that.
While living, the grantor names a trustee to manage the trust after they are gone.
An ILIT is a type of trust that can't be rescinded, amended, or modified by its grantor (or creator — the person being insured) after its creation.
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