Sentences with phrase «after ingestion of»

For example, in the Employment Division v. Smith, the U.S. Supreme Court held that two Native Americans had been justifiably dismissed from their work after the ingestion of peyote, a powerful entheogen.
The research team found that symptoms such as fatigue, cognitive difficulties, or mood disturbance — which occur after ingestion of wheat, rye, or barley in foods — can be explained by a weak intestinal barrier.
«These signs can develop quite rapidly, at times less than 30 minutes after ingestion of the product.
These are some of the initial manifestations that your dog can develop after ingestion of grapes.
A classic example of a food allergy is anaphylactic shock seen after ingestion of peanuts or after being stung by bees: as soon as the person or animal comes in contact with the allergen, their airway closes and they can't breathe.
The initial stages of lily toxicity typically occur 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingestion of the plant and common symptoms include vomiting, lethargy & depression, and loss of appetite.
Daffodils can be toxic, most often after ingestion of the bulb but occasionally after ingestion of flower heads and can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy that in severe cases may result in dehydration, tremors and convulsions.
The moderately high and fixed activity of the urea cycle provides a safeguard against ammonia toxicity after ingestion of a high - protein meal.
Signs of illness occur around 30 minutes after ingestion of the mushroom.
Theobromine deaths have been reported after ingestion of 52 mg per pound of body weight.
More severe, life - threatening signs of liver failure may include black tarry stool, jaundice (e.g., yellowing of the gums), severe lethargy, walking drunk, and rarely, seizures and death, although these signs aren't typically seen for 24 - 72 hours after ingestion of xylitol.
Dogs may experience minor gastrointestinal upset after ingestion of these lilies but do not appear to develop kidney damage.
According to Dr. Eric K. Dunayer, a consulting veterinarian in clinical toxicology for the poison control center, «These signs can develop quite rapidly, at times less than 30 minutes after ingestion of the product» states Dr. Dunayer,»... therefore, it is important that pet owners seek veterinary treatment immediately.»
In SIBO, elevated breath H2 concentrations occur within 1 to 2 hours after ingestion of the test substrate.
The time after ingestion of the test substrate at which increased breath H2 concentrations are first detected is used to distinguish between SIBO and carbohydrate malabsorption.
Dogs may develop disorientation and seizures within 30 minutes after ingestion of xylitol, the ASPCA states.
Kidney failure may occur 24 — 72 hours after ingestion of ethylene glycol.
The longer time needed to reach peak plasma nitrate concentrations after ingestion of rocket salad and spinach beverages may be related to their higher fiber content and the larger volume ingested (Supplemental Table 1), likely resulting in a slower gastric emptying (34).
phenylalanine intracellular enrichments in muscle biopsy samples of healthy adults on days 1 and 7 after the ingestion of diets with an EVEN or SKEW protein distribution1
Residual plot of 24 - h protein synthesis in healthy adults on days 1 and 7 after the ingestion of diets with an EVEN or SKEW protein distribution.
For example, catechin concentrations in human plasma reach their maximum level at 2 hours after ingestion of green tea but are undetectable after 24 hours.55
Tissue protein turnover measurements were performed at the end of the 21 - d experiment in rats in either the postabsorptive state (PA), 4 i.e., after 12 h of the light period, or in the postprandial state (PP), i.e., 2 h after the ingestion of the high protein meal (pulse groups) or 2 h after the ingestion of the standard protein meal (spread groups).
Gastric emptying and glycemic response after ingestion of mashed bean or potato flakes in composite meals
Plasma amino acid response after ingestion of different whey protein fractions.
The results showed a significantly higher insulin response and a nonsignificant tendency toward a lower glycemic response after ingestion of the chickpea bread (normal process).
That study reported a 12 % greater diuresis after the ingestion of 1 L lager beer containing 4 % alcohol compared with the ingestion of the same volume of a nonalcholic control beer.
When the standard glucose test was performed after ingestion of 15 g / d of guar gum, improved glucose toler - ance was observed in all but one pregnant women.
Similarly, the appearance of the carotenoids in plasma chylomicrons was higher after the ingestion of salads with full - fat than with reduced - fat salad dressing (P < 0.02).
The syndrome should be suspected in patients who present with characteristic symptoms immediately after ingestion of raw fruits, nuts, vegetables, and spices.
Results: After ingestion of the salads with fat - free salad dressing, the appearance of α - carotene, β - carotene, and lycopene in chylomicrons was negligible.
Cumulative urine output at 4 h after ingestion of cola, diet cola, hot tea, iced tea, coffee, lager, orange juice, sparkling water, and a sports drink were not different from the response to water ingestion.
After ingestion of the salads with reduced - fat salad dressing, the appearance of the carotenoids in plasma chylomicrons increased relative to that after ingestion of the salads with fat - free salad dressing (P < 0.04).
After ingestion of substantial amounts of calcium the short term control that prevents calcium spiking in the serum is absorption by the bone matrix.
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that postexercise muscle protein synthesis rates increase more with the ingestion of greater amounts of protein, reaching maximal stimulation after ingestion of ∼ 20 g of protein (39, 40).
The complete release of amino acids into your blood stream mostly lasts for 7 hours after ingestion of casein protein.
An easier way for you to detect more subtle food sensitivities is by checking your resting pulse before and after the ingestion of the newly re-introduced food.
Glycemic and insulinemic responses after ingestion of ethnic foods by NIDDM and healthy subjects
Intestinal permeability was estimated in healthy subjects after ingestion of aspirin (1.2 +1.2 g), ibuprofen (400 +400 mg) and indomethacin (75 +50 mg) at midnight and an hour before starting a 51chromium labelled ethylenediaminetetraacetate absorption test.
Glycaemic responses after ingestion of some local foods by non-insulin dependent diabetic subjects
A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed no significant increase in flatus frequency after ingestion of 34 grams (about two tablespoons) of soymilk, but a major increase after 80 grams (about one - third cup).
According to studies, green tea extract reduces the elevation of insulin and glucose after the ingestion of 50 grams of starch.
There have been postmarketing reports of patients who experienced significantly elevated blood pressure (including rare cases of hypertensive crisis) after ingestion of unknown amounts of tyramine - rich foods while taking recommended doses of AZILECT.
Training is initiated on an empty stomach and after ingestion of 10 g BCAA or similar amino acid mixture.
This double blind randomized trial was realized in Colombia, where researchers from three different universities (San Buenaventura University, Pontificia Javeriana University, and Icesi University) joined forces in order to analyze the effects of Sacha inchi oil on glucose metabolism after the ingestion of meals rich in saturated fat.
Mussig K, Thamer C, Bares R, Lipp HP, Haring HU, Gallwitz B. «Iodine - Induced Thyrotoxicosis After Ingestion of Kelp - Containing Tea.»
Symptoms start to appear in small children after introducing starchy foods and may include abdominal cramps, bloating, flatulence and watery diarrhea after ingestion of certain carbohydrate foods [16].
The squat exercise session commenced ∼ 15 min after ingestion of the test solution.
Dr. Agatston spends much time explaining the glycemic index, a measure of how rapid and high a spike in blood sugar is seen after ingestion of particular foods.
Insulin: Responsible for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels after the ingestion of carbohydrates.
Responsible for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels after the ingestion of carbohydrates.
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