Sentences with phrase «after inoculation»

The mice continued to be monitored three times a week until 57 days after inoculation when disease symptoms (e.g. significant weight loss and hind limb paralysis) associated with this xenograft model were detected in multiple mice.
Fatal spongiform encephalopathy occurred in four chimpanzees 12 to 14 months after inoculation with suspensions of brain from four patients, respectively.
Fasting blood glucose was monitored at various times after inoculation as indicated in the text.
According to the NCSU guidelines, challenge tests have shown that vaccination with modified live virus vaccine for canine distemper has protected dogs from the disease five to seven years after inoculation.
Kim Janda is a professor in the departments of chemistry and immunology at Scripps and co-author of a paper published in the Journal of the American Chemistry Society that found monkeys treated with the heroin vaccine remained immune to the drug's effects up to eight months after inoculation.
Although the distribution of «responsibility» for reproduction and toxin production defines the range of outcomes available, the decisions made by individual members of the toxin - producing strain during the first few hours after inoculation of the culture determine the actual result of each competition.
Most pets can experience a few mild side effects in the first few hours after their inoculation as their bodies acclimate to the vaccination.
In a final set of experiments, the researchers removed the skin surrounding the site of transmission shortly after inoculation.
They repeated the experiment and found the disease symptoms five days after inoculation on the plants placed in the dark — and still, little to no symptoms of the downy mildew was found on the basil plants exposed to the red lights.
But Natalie dug up more news items, and it turned out that a number of children across Northern Europe — from Ireland to Finland — did indeed appear to have developed a sleeping disorder after inoculation against the previous winter's swine flu.
The virus produced a marked cytopathic effect (CPE) in the primary duck embryo fibroblasts (DEFs) 36 hrs after inoculation.
Murine experiments showed heightened host immune responses against transplanted experimental tumors after inoculation with bacillus Calmette - Guérin (BCG).
Eight days after inoculation mice were injected intraperitoneally (IP) with 75 mg / kg of D - luciferin in 150 μl PBS and imaged 15 min later under isoflurane anesthesia in a Xenogen IVIS Spectrum.
For example, «germ - free» mice exposed to stress experienced normalization of their cortisol response after inoculation withBifidus infantis.
The guidelines also note that dogs vaccinated against parvovirus and hepatitis did not develop these diseases when challenged up to seven years after inoculation.
Following exposure to sheep prions, all rabbits with the sheep PRNP transgene in addition to the full complement of rabbit genes (including rabbit PRNP) developed typical TSE after 6 - 8 months, whereas rabbits without the sheep PRNP transgene remained healthy more than 700 days after inoculation.
The downy mildew appeared on plants in the dark six days after inoculation, while no symptoms showed up on the plants that were under the red lights, Patel said.
Extracts from the brains of FFI patients transmitted disease to transgenic mice expressing a chimeric human - mouse PrP gene about 200 days after inoculation and induced formation of the 19 - kilodalton PrPSc fragment, whereas extracts from the brains of familial and sporadic Creutzfeldt - Jakob disease patients produced the 21 - kilodalton PrPSc fragment in these mice.
The mice developed neurologic dysfunction between 380 and 660 days after inoculation.
Representative bioluminescent images (A) taken at day 21 after inoculation and quantification (B) of bone lesions are shown.
(C) Bioluminescent images of representative mice at day 22 after inoculation.
(L) Bioluminescent images of bone metastases from representative mice at day 18 after inoculation.
(C to F) Bioluminescent images (C and E) of bone metastasis from representative mice at day 22 after inoculation with 1833 cells (n = 10 mice per group) or day 35 after inoculation with SCP28 cells (n = 8 mice per group).
Unless noted, all media were sterilized at 121 °C under 15 PSI for 15 minutes, wrapped with Parafilm (Fisher Scientific (FS)-RRB- after inoculation, and all plates were inverted two days after inoculation.
All samples collected before and after inoculation / exposition were tested following the protocols described below.
After inoculation, oral and cloacal swabs, as well as feathers, were collected daily, and stored in VTM at − 80 °C until further analysis.
The baseline that was observed in the original study eight days after inoculation (~ 2 × 106 bioluminescence) was not observed until day 27 post-inoculation in the pilot study.
When male SCID / NOD mice were injected with 5 × 106 cells, a baseline signal was not reported until two weeks after inoculation (Mitsiades et al., 2004), while Azab and colleagues, which inoculated 2 × 106 MM.1S - luc cells, reported that it took 3 — 4 weeks for sufficient tumor progression to occur and be detected (Azab et al., 2009).
Some university studies indicate that immunity lasts longer than a year after inoculation, but pet owners should discuss frequency of vaccination with their veterinarian.
The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) says that most veterinarians or owners only consider the adverse reactions that happen within the first few hours to a day after inoculation to be associated with the vaccination.
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