Sentences with phrase «after lectures like»

Allow those students to perform movement tasks before and after lectures like passing back assignments, handing out quizzes, writing on the chalkboard, or even rearranging desks.

Not exact matches

After 4 days this week of my frustrated angry lectures at my boys who were bored and avoiding work like the plague, I banned electronics during daylight hours and told them there will be jobs to do everyday this summer.
Gibson doesn't travel in the rarified air of a Hillary Clinton (her national book - signing at Oblong Books on Dec. 7 was sold out hours after it was announced last summer), but he works the lecture circuit, radio interviews and the like.
After completing the lecture, Callie allows students to talk in pairs and then with the whole class about what they learned and what they liked best about the lesson.
After wrapping up my lecture I fielded questions for nearly a half hour (it only felt like 5 minutes!)
After the lecture and questions had concluded someone from the audience asked me what seemed like a very simple question — of all the artists I discussed tonight which one was my favorite?
In the lecture staged by Andy Holden together with curator Tyler Woolcott, the pair put forward an idea that we can use the laws of physics as they appear in cartoons to help us devise a possible way of understanding the landscape «after the end of art history... a landscape where it seems like anything might be possible, but not everything is, there are rules that begin to emerge as we make observations».
There is nothing like having someone politely lecture me with more of the BS on a forum such as this after publishing the same in a so - call «scientific journal».
More recently, on March 25, Rizun - much like Vitalik - cornered Wright after a lecture, to argue his technical ideas related to unconfirmed transactions were not feasible.
While it may seem like an easy fix to simply skip the lectures, the impact of avoiding your professors» presentations time after time may actually cause a large deficit in your learning.
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