Sentences with phrase «after major surgery»

Patients in the study were those at highest risk for developing chronic pain and persistent high - dose opioid use after major surgery.
Then, last year, he was in the midst of growing strength back in his leg after major surgery.
And the compression will help reduce the discomfort and swelling that occurs after a major surgery.
We also provide continuous monitoring for patients requiring intensive care, ensuring your pet's care and comfort after major surgery, illness, or trauma.
Does your pet (or person) seem confused after major surgery?
They would check on my dog after his major surgery, send me E-mail asking how he is.
In January, Glasson was named the PGA Tour Comeback Player of the Year for his 1997 season, which included a victory in the Las Vegas Invitational only 17 months after major surgery on his right forearm.
After major surgery in July 2014, she faced a lengthy recuperation period.
Time taken to recover after major surgery means you are in good health and able to work.
Ask ANYONE WHO HAS DIED AND RETURNED TO LIFE AFTER A MAJOR SURGERY they will all say the same exact thing, whether you are Black, Latin, Arab or Indian I am not here to bash anyone I am here to just fill in the blanks with all the information I have been able to gather.
In a study published online by JAMA Surgery, Hance A. Clarke, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.C.P.C., of Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto, Canada, and colleagues measured rates of ongoing opioid use up to 1 year after major surgery.
Exposure to opioids is largely unavoidable after major surgery because they are routinely used to treat postoperative pain.
The gene produces an enzyme that, if inhibited via a specific drug therapy, could offer hope to patients prone to deep - vein clots, such as those that sometimes form in the legs during lengthy airplane flights or during recuperation after major surgery.
She was floundering, depressed, in pain, and alone at home six weeks after major surgery on her reproductive organs due to a cancer scare.
In fact, many cities deliberately re-abandon feral cats to fend for themselves in the great outdoors, the day after major surgery, calling it TNR and claiming that it's humane!
«Low risk of developing persistent opioid use after major surgery
It's hard to say in my situation whether it was because they are not into nursing or because I was after major surgery.
«Effect of increased blood flow during, after major surgery
After major surgery and having part of Jobs» gallbladder AND small intestines surgically removed, the doctors blamed Jobs» life - long «eating disorders» as the reason he lost 40 and 50 pounds AFTER surgery AND as the cause of his death.
They contain large amounts of iron, making them an ideal dietary add - on after a major surgery.
Zinc deficiency might occur in people with severe diarrhea, conditions that make it hard for the bowel to absorb food, liver cirrhosis and alcoholism, after major surgery, and during long - term use of tube feeding in the hospital.
Then, I retired, after some major surgery, and soon got bored.
For instance, if Facebook could determine that an elderly patient doesn't have many nearby close friends or much community support, the health system might decide to send over a nurse to check in after a major surgery.
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