Sentences with phrase «after meeting their parents»

Maybe we'll talk about Naples and Riadoso, that one field somewhere in the middle of Kansas where we had a picnic after I met your parents, oh, and the Silverthorne Village Inn on the winter nights of Colorado when we sneaked out of the communal condo and stayed up all night, talking, over terrible coffee.
Maybe after meeting their parents, even after moving in together.
ELIZABETH HURLEY took her relationship with Australian cricketer SHANE WARNE to the next level on Wednesday (09Feb11)- after meeting his parents...

Not exact matches

After that meeting with Freston, Redstone set his sights on Viacom, MTV's parent company.
After the shooting, Ryan Gutierrez, 18, a senior, walked the two miles from the school to a 7 - Eleven in Coral Springs — the nearest spot where his parents could meet him.
And you often hear how those still living say they will meet their parents, children in heaven after they die too.
Very sad when parents find that out too late after putting behavioral requirements on them that is just impossible for them to meet, and not taking the time for understanding, rather than blindly following what is popular to believe regarding those behavioral requirements.
I would just add that adults who find the kids too squirmy or noisy can either attend an earlier meeting, or they can simply sneak in after the first 15 minutes with the parents who just walked their kids to First Day School.
You took me safely to my first job at a daily newspaper, to interviews on city streets and pig farms, to the hairdresser on my wedding day, to my first meeting with a publisher, to my parents» house to cry after I was rejected by that publisher, to my first book signing, to Jersey and West Virginia and Nashville and Florida on road trip after road trip, and safely to my driveway just seconds before your timing belt finally went out.
Dressed alike in black dress, cape, and bonnet, after the widows Elizabeth had met in Italy, the Sisters opened St. Joseph's Free School in 1810, which educated disadvantaged girls, and soon thereafter began St. Joseph's Academy, with pupils whose parents could afford tuition, enabling the Sisters to subsidize their mission.
My parents got to share the experience in several visits to New York and, most dramatically, in a trip to Rome at the turn of the millennium, where they joined me at a grand reunion of the Krakow seminar alumni — and where, just eight months after entering the Church, in the Clementine room off St. Peter's Basilica, they got to meet the Holy Father.
Last week, the parents of two young men who died earlier this year after ingesting caffeine powder met with Food and Drug Administration officials to deliver a citizen petition urging the agency to ban the sale of powdered caffeine.
West Brom are fighting against relegation in the Premier League and his parent club, PSG, are looking to raise cash in the summer in order to meet Financial Fair Play regulations after their splurge on Neymar and Kylian Mbappé.
The regulations are due to come into force on 1 December 2014, and the options to use the new Shared Parental Leave rights will apply for parents who meet the eligibility criteria, where a baby is due to be born on or after 5 April 2015, or for children who are placed for adoption on or after that date.
The after - birth or reunion class also gives participants an opportunity to reflect on what their birth experience taught them and how they are continuing to use their mindfulness practice to meet the joys and challenges of parenting their newborn.
PALS Meet - Ups support moms who are trying to conceive after, pregnant, or parenting in the first year after their subsequent baby is born after a loss of a previous child.
I checked out Dr. Sears» The Attachment Parenting Book after the meeting, and it felt right.
Not every parent will need to take this step, but if there are no improvements to the situation after meeting with the teacher, it may be necessary.
We started seeing a family counselor (just us two parents) and after 2 years with some improvement but still not really a good outcome, we've started making heavy use of the local children's crisis line (we, or sometimes my daughter, calls them at night to get help containing her emotions) and are also now seeing a different counselor who meets all three of us.
The result of all this hypocrisy is «stealth parenting» by fathers with any ambitions at work, who lie about «breakfast meetings» when they take their children to school and «client appointments» when they sneak out to look after a sick child.
Under the scheme, known as the «Early Interventions Pilot Project», parents asking the courts to settle disputes over child contact would be diverted first to meet experts who would explain what children need after separation.
She was born after I hosted an Attachment Parenting info meeting at Notre Dame with Dr. McKenna as our guest speaker.
This event, where parents visit their child's school shortly after school starts in the fall, is a chance to tour the classroom and meet the teacher as well as other parents.
Open adoption: The birth parents and adoptive exchange identifying information about each other and keep in contact — through emails, phone calls or face - to - face meetings — before and after the placement of the child.
But the story had a happy ending: after the parent met... [Continue reading]
Now, even old classics like Monica are seeing a twist with parents switching the «C» in the name to «K.» Variety is great and is of course the goal of parents to give their baby a name that is memorable and beautiful so that they are remembered long after some one has met them.
No parents spoke out about the peanut restrictions, but one parent of a student who has a peanut allergy said after the meeting that he was too upset by the board's decision to talk about it.
After their initial meeting and assessment, Kelly customized the curriculum to build on Kathleen's strengths as a parent and to address her weaknesses.
I met parents whose children are in special needs programs, and of course some awesome little ones who were thriving after having been identified as special needs and placed in early childhood programs.
After legal has been completed, intended parents and surrogates can arrange to meet at their own discretion.
Lexington — Pregnancy & Parenting After Loss Support Group meets from 11:00 am — 12:30 noon the first Wednesday of each month at Baptist Health Lexington, 1740 Nicholasville Rd, Building E. Meetings are held in the lower level in the rooms listed above.
They tutor kids having trouble, they help with after school activities, they attend meetings with faculty and parents, and they stay up late into the night grading papers.
The «think about it» sections that appear after each realistically described situation help to establish a problem - solving perspective and allow the mind to open up to the numerous ways parents» and children's» needs can be met.
Bob didn't have a 5 year plan but knew that as long as he took one step after another in the right direction, he could create a high performance pushchair that not only met the needs of new parents but let them keep their sense of style.
While some parents have found that placing the chair in the bathroom helps their child associate it more quickly with the act of elimination, others have met with greater success by keeping the potty in their child's bedroom, where it is easily accessible after a nap, or in the kitchen for use after meals.
Parents know how the story goes: boy meets girl, they get married, have kids, and live happily ever after, right?
But actually, once I begin a workshop, and meet all the lovely parents, I end up having a great time and feel so fulfilled after sharing the amazing Hand in Hand parenting tools.
After your first meeting with the adoptive parents, each of you will decide if you want to make an adoption plan together.
After a week of meeting other gay and lesbian parents at the beach, they invited about 15 of those families to their rented house for dinner.
A meeting with the parent, class teacher, and educational support teacher takes place after each individual assessment.
It's nice to have the siblings meet the new little one, whether immediately after the birth, or an hour or so later, once the parents have had some alone - time with the baby.
After that, they get to meet their parents face to face and the rest of the family.
After taking an introspective journey through this book, you will be armed with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the many challenges and joys of parenting with confidence.»
After all, if every little part of your relationship is of earthshaking importance, for example if not being emotionally available to meet your baby's every need 24/7 will cause long term emotional damage, if being an imperfect parent will mean your little one will be toast by age 3, who wouldn't be a wreck about it?
At Surrogate Parenting Services, the psychological evaluation usually happens after the initial screening and the home visit as the final step before moving forward with meeting the intended parents.
After the match between you and the intended parents, meeting with a fertility specialist is the next step.
From that initial meeting, to her visit at the hospital immediately after our little girl was born, to a late - night phone call on our first evening home, she has educated, guided, and reassured us at every leg of our parenting journey.»
Offered from 3 to 6 p.m., the program also aims to meet the needs of working parents by providing constructive, safe activities for their children after school, officials said.
After a brief tour of parenting styles around the world, Small looks at infants» biological needs and discusses how we can best meet those needs both within and across cultures.
It can be a challenge for parents to meet the needs of all their children while looking after a disabled child.
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