Sentences with phrase «after one's first birthday»

Your baby won't be able to digest regular cow's milk until after his first birthday.
Children don't need typical shoes until well after their first birthday.
My daughter grew normally and rarely got sick until just after her first birthday.
I started only nursing him twice a day after his first birthday.
Nope, it's going to be cold turkey for mine sometime after his first birthday.
We started cloth diapering our first child shortly after his first birthday.
As long as your pediatrician gives you the OK, you can introduce cow's milk into your little one's diet right after her first birthday.
Doctors often tell parents to try to break the habit by age 1, but many (perhaps most) children drink from a bottle long after their first birthday.
If your child is no longer breastfeeding after her first birthday, she'll need cow's milk or other dairy products to help get enough calcium and protein.
Your child will really start developing her own sense of self in the first few months after her first birthday.
I always hope that these females go into their first heat after their first birthday.
A little bit after his first birthday, my son ate a mashed blueberry and decided it was the greatest thing that ever happened to him.
You don't need to use toothpaste until your baby is older, usually after her first birthday.
However, you should not consider offering almond milk to your baby until after their first birthday at the earliest, and even then there are some factors you will want to consider first.
However, this varies from one child to the other because some can start teething as early as two or three month's while for others it will only happen after their first birthday.
However, many parents took this as a milestone and they flipped their children around after their first birthday.
Some babies can start to attempt cruising anytime between 8 - 11 months but some won't start till after their first birthday.
When I quit nursing my son after his first birthday, my weight just melted off on its own!
But for some reason after that first birthday people like to make fun of referring to a child's age in months instead of years or «1/2» measurements.
Though the benefits your child receives from nursing don't change after his first birthday, they're no less positive.
So when I turned my daughter forward facing just after her first birthday, I didn't think anything of it.
After 6 months, solid foods can gradually replace breast milk or formula, but your baby shouldn't have any kind of milk until after their first birthday.
Your child will probably start doing things for himself sometime after his first birthday.
My mother insists that I was toilet - trained shortly after my first birthday.
This is the perfect maintenance formula for felines right after their first birthday.
Many females come into heat after their first birthday, and only once a year after that.
New parents may be drawn towards the cute infant seats, however, they typically have a weight limit of 25 - 35 pounds which means a new car seat will need to be purchased soon after their first birthday.
You can flip the mattress to the cushier side after the first birthday of your kid, when the risks of SIDS have decisively decreased.
The stage known as the terrible twos can actually begin any time after the first birthday.
When Hitting Enters the Home — Suggestions on how to deal with hitting, based off my daughter's sudden desire to whack her baby brother after his first birthday.
I nightweaned my first child just after her first birthday because I had a set of nights coming up, was exhausted, felt she didn't need it anymore and work a job where exhaustion can have dire consequences.
If she still has frequent hiccups after that first birthday or her hiccups are uncontrollable, let your doctor know.
How have other moms dealt with close family being critical of breastfeeding beyond 12 months and do I really need to give my son a pint of cows» milk daily after his first birthday?
Thankfully, molars appear when your baby is a bit older after his first birthday which means that you will get some time to recover from the stress associated with teething.
I used to share monthly updates with Layla's progress and milestones, but I fell out of the routine after her first birthday.
During school outbreaks, the aap recommends that all students and their siblings be revaccinated if they were born after Jan. 1, 1957 and did not get two doses of vaccine after their first birthday.
Both of my parents worked full time jobs and that is probrably why it took me until a little after my first birthday to be potty trained.
I didn't give grains or dairy to my older son Otto until well after his first birthday and plan on doing the same with my second son Leo; however, you may find that your infant does well with these foods and you feel comfortable serving them, after first introducing iron - rich foods.
For a few days after his first birthday, my son decided he was too cool for his sippy cup or something, and basically stopped drinking water during solid meals.
Now, since there are all kinds of recommendations to continue breastfeeding after the first birthday and since 1st birthdays have a way of sneaking up on parents, more and more moms find themselves following, often unintentionally, in the age old tradition of breastfeeding their kiddo through college.
They just put my friends grandbaby on almond milk just after his first birthday and now he seems to be getting the shakes what could that possibly mean
(But don't panic: For some children, teeth don't start coming until several months after their first birthday, yet they still catch up with their peers.)
We had a kiddo who was transferred from the NICU to the PICU about a week after his first birthday (nurses brought a cake).
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