Sentences with phrase «after page»

The other is basically a book course full of page after page of reading material.
* I get copies of the two biggest American writing magazines, and each edition is full of page after page of Writing MFA program advertising.
The page on which the chosen text appeared was put without more detail immediately after the page on which the report began.
It's slow, seem buggy and freezes for a few seconds after each page turn, this is annoying.
Read more, and see the video, after the page break!
I had to sit there reading page after page without a single paragraph.
The least you could do is put some kind of Next page button at the bottom, I had to scroll up and change after every page.
After the page appears on the screen you can log in typing your email id and password.
The previous model used to do a refresh after every page which was a bit off putting.
It has been a few months now and it was done after pages upon pages of comments went missing due to someone hitting the report abuse link on posts.
The biggest gain is the inspiration to become healthier after every page.
Some were pages after pages describing a huge storyline.
What's more is that in chasing after page rankings, many people lose sight of the purpose of having a strong online presence, which is to generate or capture leads.
Many children spend all their maths lessons working through page after page of mathematical exercises.
The book is designed as an A to Z guide on decorating with page after page of beautiful images.
Read on for details on the lease offers and some of the benefits of these models, after the page break!
You can go page after page without running into an ad.
After reading page after page in the reasons for judgment eviscerating TREB I'm hard pressed to recall what exactly went in TREB's favour.
This comes after pages of smearing the Catholic Church and Christianity in general in a manner worthy of James Carroll, author of the thoroughly discredited Constantine's Sword.
«We don't think it's a coincidence that (Google Plus) was introduced less than three months after Page returned to the CEO post,» said Standard & Poor's equity analyst Scott Kessler in a note to clients.
And on August 12, 2005, a week after this page first appeared, the Drawing Center, reported The New York Times, «was all but shown the door» and «is expected to move elsewhere.»
Ghosting is the faint display of text or graphics that remains from a previous page even after you page forward.
She read a new copy of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and she laughed to herself and wet her finger on her tongue and turned page after page while Ella watched.
We could spend page after page going through every problematic idea, phrase, and comma within the rules, but the very fact that the delegates present at the last session could not agree on the meaning or reach of the draft rules seems sufficient to substantiate our argument that the rules were too complex.
Even though today's design software has exponentially more flexibility than all of yesterday's book layout options, changes made after each page has been laid out can be extremely labor intensive and expensive.
This page will be updated whenever new page additions, articles and other Update: After reading our original article on the Shroud of Turin and its carbon dating, a USA college student writing a thesis on the subject asked us a
Whether you read a chapter or two each night to your children, or grandchildren, or enjoyed secretly devouring page after page by wand light, er of course I mean lamp light; the Harry Potter novels and later film franchise, are sure to have had some kind of impact on most denizens of Britain's green and pleasant lands.
Logically and theoretically the device should have a longish battery life given its E Ink display, which needs no power after the page has been resolved.
Titled «Building a Strong Middle Class» the 278 - page document is essentially a sequel to last year's «Growing the Middle Class,» with page after page reminding voters what the government did in its first big - spending, deficit - ballooning budget.
The commenters grew more vocal, even after the page manager apologized.
Page after page recounts interrogations, torture, brainwashing, deception, and killing sprees — all aimed at wiping out faith in anything other than the State, and especially faith in a God who transcended the State.
As soon as her blog was assigned, I got to digging into it, scouring through pages after pages trying to decide what to cook from her blog.
``... So date of gazette notification after page 43 is no indication, I want to be guided that we have respected the constitution and the standing orders...», he said.
Thus, Scientific American's coverage of Selam has continued to grow and evolve right up through the December issue deadlines — and will continue to grow after this page goes to press.
As the news spread, tech websites began running page after page demonstrating just what kinds of things UPnP is making available online: video of babies in their cots at home, a dog being operated on in a veterinary surgery, people working in offices, cafes and shops who do not know that their employer is inadvertently broadcasting their every move.
At the time of the interview, neither actor had seen Civil War yet, and both of them explained that the movie required so many moving parts, they had to focus on their own characters and scenes and trust the Russo brothers to assemble the larger picture (Renner describes flipping frantically through page after page when first reading the script in an attempt to find Clint's comparatively few lines).
Page after page evidences massive grandstanding (in part to secure the necessary matching funds to lock down the Zuckerburg millions), and a constant overselling of progress made.
If you have done it right, you will have no header or footer on the first page of the chapter but those should be in place after that page, complete with correct page numbers.
If you have the full cover spread, including the spine, done before your book is formatted, it will need to be redone after your page count is known.
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