Sentences with phrase «after pill prevents»

The morning after pill prevents fertilization.
The morning after pill prevents a pregnancy from ever occurring.
The morning after pill prevents a newly conceived child from being implanted in the uterus.

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I don't support abortion, but from what I've read, the «morning after pill» actually prevents an egg from being fertilized, thereby preventing a pregnancy in the first place.
Research has shown, conclusively, that the morning after pill works by preventing ovulation, so no fertilized embryo is present.
It is totally up to the doctors / parents to decide whether the zygote will be implanted; is that not the same process that the morning after pill accomplishes, preventing implant?
The morning after pills perform the same function in reverse, preventing the zygote from being implanted, the zygote is no more of a potential child than those in the petri dish.
Men don't know what it means to be raped and to face the prospect of pregnancy as a result, a situation in which the morning after pill can prevent a pregnancy without causing an abortion.
In addition, there was some pilling that happens after a couple of days of wear but that could possibly have been prevented with a different wash routine.
Emergency birth control pills are also known as Plan B, morning after pills and emergency contraception, which you take these after having unwanted or unprotected sex to help prevent pregnancy.
ECPs are a regimen of hormone pills that can prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse by temporarily blocking ovulation, interfering with fertilization, or thinning the lining of the uterus to keep a fertilized egg from becoming implanted.
Young women in areas where teen pregnancy rates are highest may struggle most in trying to get the morning - after pill, which can prevent ovulation — and thus pregnancy — after unprotected sex
Emergency contraception (AKA the morning - after pill) is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after unprotected sex.
While several elements of their vision sound promising — better safety features enabled by nanotechnology and satellite communications and «clever clothes» to help prevent or heal injuries after accidents — many seem downright unfeasible (passengers being given sleeping pills and stacked horizontally on beds in ships and planes) or dangerous («Big Brother - ish» surveillance devices and chips implanted in humans).
The morning after pill must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex to be effective in preventing pregnancy, but the earlier it is taken the more effective it is.
Where you're at in your menstrual cycle and how soon you take morning - after pills can affect how well they prevent pregnancy.
So it's totally safe to take the morning - after pill as many times as you need to — it's just not the best way to prevent unintended pregnancies long - term.
Also known as EC, the morning - after pill or Plan B, emergency contraception can be used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex (or if the condom breaks during protected sex).
Emergency contraception (AKA the morning - after pill) can prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after sex, but some kinds work better the sooner you use them — so it's important to act quickly.
If you took the morning - after pill today, then it will not be effective in preventing pregnancy if you have unprotected sex tomorrow.
The morning - after pill doesn't prevent pregnancy as well as other forms of birth control like the IUD, implant, pill, shot, or ring.
If you have a condom mishap and you're not on another birth control method, emergency contraception (the morning - after pill) can help prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after unprotected sex.
You need to use the morning - after pill to prevent pregnancy after each time you have unprotected intercourse.
PEP is a daily pill taken for 28 days to prevent HIV after exposure.
If your partner did ejaculate outside the female condom near your vulva or into your vagina — and you're not using another method of birth control — you can still prevent pregnancy with emergency contraception (the morning - after pill).
The morning - after pill will not prevent pregnancy for any unprotected intercourse you may have after taking the pills.
The morning - after pill (emergency contraception) is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected intercourse.
Yoest has described the morning - after pill as «a potentially life - ending drug» — a claim at odds with the medical understanding that Plan B and other morning - after pills avert pregnancy by preventing ovulation.
Emergency contraception (EC), sometimes known as the «morning - after pill» or emergency birth control, is a safe and effective means of preventing pregnancy.
You need to use a backup method, such as a condom, for at least 48 hours after you start these pills to prevent pregnancy.
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