Sentences with phrase «after snow melt»

You can even add an element of competition: Who can find the strangest treasure in the yard after the snow melts?
Mud can make forests impassable in fall, and even more so after the snow melts in spring, making life difficult for companies that buy standing trees, Rittenhouse says.
But the «fire season,» according to the Department of Natural Resources, begins almost immediately after the snow melts and brush becomes dry.

Not exact matches

After all the snow and ice have melted, the ground underneath has heaved and repositioned itself, and the previously unmowed grass has wilted and yellowed, falling in heaps and whorls like matted hair shaved from an unkempt Goldendoodle (or was that an unkempt Joaquin Phoenix?)
If you want a really defined crackle top you need to coat them quite well, but if you're after a melted snow look then a light coating suffices.
It is snowing this morning???? Well, after an hour of light snow, most of it is melted now.
They rumble along like a river after the snows have melted.
When the snow melts and the sun shines bright, the same vest can be the perfect outdoor piece — I mean it is WINTER after all — to keep you sufficiently covered against the elements.
The ice sheet is made up of snow that falls and never melts, but rather remains year after year and is gradually compressed into ice.
After the snow cover melts for the season, other species of alga take over.
After winter's last snow melted in our town near the Alps, my father - in - law would start his own annual rite of spring: collecting the best dandelion leaves in the garden for lunchtime salads.
Because ABQ is on the west side of the mountains, we get the beautiful snow covered views for about a day after it snows, then it all melts.
#choosejoy I snapped this yesterday after the snow stopped and the sun came out and melted it all.
Meanwhile, there I was in sweat pants and a hoodie, surrounded by covered deck furniture that still had small batches of snow that was slowly melting and my head tilted towards the sun, desperately hoping Mr. Sun will stick around but after 10 minutes, the clouds covered the sun and a cold breeze swept through.
After waking up bright and early, we headed back down the mountains back to Krakow, where unfortunately all the snow had melted.
It must be the longing for forsythia to bloom so I can finally get back outside and garden... after all this snow melts of course!
After the biggest downpour of snow on Friday night I think ours is at last melting!
We took these photos a day or two after it snowed and although it was beginning to melt, there was still a decent amount of slush on the ground.
After the 4th day, the snow person disappears from the town, since the snow person has fully melted.
Each day in Animal Crossing: New Leaf after any snow people are built, they will melt a bit around the body until the 4th (and final) day is when the snow person's body is almost fully melted, and their head is almost on the ground.
With just a pencil and paper, letter writing helps students create their own habits of gratefulness to carry on long after the holiday snow has melted.
When I get into it after a cold night and turn on the defrost it melts all the ice and snow off!
After all, snow melt can be catastrophic and sweep all away.
Chemicals used to melt ice and snow on sidewalks can irritate your pet's paws (and burn your pet's mouth if it licks), so you may need to wipe them with a wet cloth after an outing.
After playing or walking in the snow, thoroughly wipe down your pet's legs, feet and belly to prevent them from ingesting chemical ice - melting products.
Be sure to wipe your dog's paws after returning from a walk to remove salt, sand and other chemicals designed to melt ice and snow.
Norway is at its most beautiful during the spring (May to mid-June) when trees and plants burst back into life after the snows, which melt away to boost Norway's rivers and waterfalls.
This area has now become the cradle of Atlantic depressions, which over the past (and coming) weeks formed the one after the other, coursing for North Europe, bringing much rain, leading to a very mild month of January, melting snows and high river discharges and flooding in parts of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Filters showing airborne particulates left after 900 mL of melted snow from each sampling site was filtered.
A flood on the Thames noted in February — presumably a combination of heavy rain / inland snow - melt etc., after the events referred to above.
ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level,» are three disjoint sources of confirmation that give us reliable enough trend information to establish consilience about what we may say after 2005 on HadCRUT4.
(Assuming there's even snow to melt: Earlier this year, after «an historically dry December,» the snow - water equivalent (SWE) of the northern Sierra Nevada snowpack was at just 27 percent of its multi-decade average.)
Anyone working, living, or simply in love with downtown can join the Biz's enviro - team to collect trash that always emerges after snow piles melt.
Snow landing on the black lava next to it can melt due to the black lava heated at the surface by the sun or it too just sublimates after a few days.
This problem should be worst in late summer (after seasonal snow has melted) and and early fall (latewood density).
After all the warm and cold events, snow falls and melts, swings in ocean currents, and passing of storms, at the end of the summer we can measure how much ice is left and see the sum of all these effects.
This is after a winter when the bike lanes were completely buried in snow, cars pushed into the bike lanes by snow, or as Toronto writer Shawn Micallef calls them, «gutter glaciers» that are just finally melting now.
Soot on snow melts next to clean snow and temperatures drop like a rock after Mt Pinatubo blows it's top.
During the summertime sea ice melt, after the surface snow has melted off, the albedo of melting ice is complicated by the presence of melt ponds and depends on the areal coverage and depth distribution of the melt ponds.
- Clearing snow off the panels after snow storms (this is a quick job with a broom, and is not really critical as the snow usually melts off fairly quickly)
After all the snow melts, you'll want to make sure to clean your gutters and clean out any debris that may keep spring rains from flowing freely through your downspouts.
After what seems like days of nasty weather, it is so pretty shining on the melting snow!
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