Sentences with phrase «after story»

To hear story after story of people making the world better by simple living and sincere generosity was overwhelming.
I got story after story of adults who were still hurt by that grade (or sixth or eighth).
First with an open letter to bank employees a day after the story broke, which provided the foundation for today's release.
I kept reading story after story about why people have life insurance, or why they only have the minimums that their companies provide.
A plethora of rewards and customization options kept players engaged long after the story ended.
Of course, the day after the story ran, I had the opportunity to enjoy a bit of celebrity, but I expected things to get back to normal after that.
She is particularly drawn to before - and - after stories by women who have overcome adversity and who wish to share their stories as a means to encourage others.
He denied the allegations but resigned hours after the story published.
After the story went viral, the group filed it.
A plethora of rewards and customization options kept players engaged long after the story ended.
On our website, you can find lesson plans to keep the exploration going after story time is over.
After the story missions is when the new expansion really starts to open up.
What happens next is a series of interesting plot points which kept me hooked throughout my entire playtime, which ended around 86 hours after story and side content.
This will definitely appeal to some people and keep them extra busy with the game long after the story mode has been completed.
He paid those taxes about a month after our story broadcast.
It'll surprise you, make you shed a tear and almost certainly remain with you long after its story comes to a close.
Shortly after this story broke, another source was found with conflicting claims.
There is plenty new about Destiny 2, with its open world settings being bigger than ever before and plenty to do even after the story has been long completed.
«Even now, nearly two years after this story broke, there are still details relating to other women that have not been exposed,» she said.
Being married to my childhood sweetheart for 30 years sounds like a true happily ever after story for some.
I just want to note here that most of the front matter isn't necessary until after the story is written.
Yet that's not what happened after the stories were published.
In the first game there wasn't much to do after the story was complete, and the story missions were pretty lackluster.
It's also set after the story ends, so expect spoilers for the main game, as well as some of the most challenging combat scenarios we've seen yet.
Right after the story, he tells his disciples that the beautiful stones of the temple will be torn down.
So, when I'm particularly obsessed, I duck to the computer 10 minutes after each story has been posted to check on its progress.
The graphics, voice acting and story all help build a title that will be played after the story is finished.
After some story bits you'll return to the beginning of the game, but things are vastly different.
Often the error occurred sometime after the story left their hands.
Sure, you can do so much after the story but for me it's sad that the story is over now because that was a real cool and unique story.
All in all, it's a great little way of adding replay value after the story is completed.
Not only in my own life, but in story after story around me, for all of history, there is so much injustice.
It gives players something to do in the world after the story is seemingly over.
As the mayor defended her, story after story landed in the papers.
The stuff available after the story is broken up into a handful of side content that varies in quality.
These could add a bit of longevity, however, in reality it's just more of the same gameplay that you'll possibly be sick of after the story finishes.
Students advance by correctly answering quizzes after each story.
Two rounds of edits (allowing you to revise after the story edit).
Just leave your comment in the section after this story and you will be entered.
Characters have a lasting impression after their stories, and it is hard not to be emotionally invested in these long - standing franchise icons.
On top of a 6 - 8 hour main campaign, endless survival arenas with online leaderboards add some addictive replay value to keep you typing away after the story has run its course.
His response after the story broke last month is arguably still true.
We spent the day sharing story after story about work, life and our first few years after college.
It's heartbreaking to hear story after story of children who accidentally shot themselves or another child.
After story time, we moved to the table and did a fun sorting activity.
Basically, after every story mission, and after accumulating credits to upgrade wings, go do it.
You can find story after story about authors who have had books published that their so - called editor never even looked at.
After the story broke, he directed media inquiries to his attorney.
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