Sentences with phrase «after students»

Usually it is written after a student completes coursework and passes a comprehensive examination.
Many couples delay getting married until after student loan debt or personal loans are less overwhelming.
In most cases, payments aren't due until a few months after the student graduates, but it's important to check your specific agreement.
Student records must be kept in the main office for 3 years after the student finishes instruction with the school.
However, some lenders may allow parents to defer payments on loans until after the student graduates.
Loans are automatically deferred until six months after a student leaves school for all borrowers enrolled at least half - time in school.
Before, during and after the student finishes taking their training from our school, we are dedicated to assisting them in any way possible.
In fact, state lawmakers suspended textbook adoptions until a year after students take the first mandated test under Common Core standards.
The grace period begins the day after the student graduates, leaves school, or drops below half - time status and ends the day before repayment begins.
Educators need to prepare their students with the skills and abilities to collaborate and learn long after the students leave today's halls of academia.
Moreover, legitimate service providers ask for money only after the student gets the intended grades.
They are there to not only teach but look after student well being.
After students wrote your application essay and went to the next stage of passing exams, they have an assignment to write essay scholarships.
You want to lower the amounts owed on credit cards and then go after student loans.
These loans are still outstanding debts that might have to be paid, even after the student dies.
Student after student thanked the adults who had made it happen.
After students read the survey results and student quotes, they write about how their own experience is similar to those of the students they read about.
When I meet former students, long after their student days are over, I sometimes get the impression that they remember nothing I ever told them except my jokes and stories.
This activity is best used after students have had experience reading and solving math word problems as a class, in small - groups, and independently.
After students receive permission to complete a Type 3, the next step is for them to draft a detailed plan.
Teachers aren't given test results until after their students move onto the next grade.
After students create their plan, have them share it with classmates and get feedback.
They are not after a better test score; they are after students who learn better.
The consequences of a rising debt load may not be immediately noticeable in the years just after students graduate, but the long - term impact could be crushing.
After the students answer a question, have them place an X on the line to represent how sure they are that their answer is correct.
This video begins after students find and record evidence that supports or challenges the statements.
After the student successfully gives an example of bullying, he or she will poke a hole in the cup with the pencil.
After students share, you might ask some of the students to identify things that other students like but they don't like as much.
After students find their matches, they can take turns introducing themselves to one another.
First, the report tracked test scores for only one year after students participated in the program.
After a student masters a skill, the program moves them to the next level automatically.
After students made decisions about what their toolkit needed, they divided up the work.
The data collection occurred after students had been formally taught the material, and thus, the intent was for the questions to cover material that was familiar to the students.
After the student becomes more comfortable in the health care setting, the experienced MA will begin having the student perform the tasks and duties in which they are responsible.
Results from the modular assessments will be available immediately after students complete the assessment.
After students see the video, take time for questions and comments.
After students turn in rough drafts of their papers, the class focuses its attention on punctuation.
A quick mindfulness activity, for example, can help calm yourself and the class after a student acts out.
And, even after a student failed one or more state tests, there was no guarantee that assistance would be provided.
Instead, these critics contest, only after the student protests did the board finally look at alternatives.
After students collect heart rate data, creating bar graphs on the printable worksheets helps them make conclusions about what exercise does for the heart.
These worksheets are best attempted after students have a good understanding of the meaning of addition and have studied their addition math facts.
After students filled out the tally charts, they worked with a partner to discuss incorrect answers.
Most of the learning that takes place after a student takes a test happens precisely when that student has a chance to see what she got wrong and learn from her mistakes.
Ideally it needs to happen every day, first thing in the morning, just after students arrive.
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