Sentences with phrase «after that date»

We can keep the dog here for ten days free of charge after the date of purchase.
Day 1 begins the day after the date of purchase.
Medical debt falls off of your report 7 or more years after the date of first delinquency.
Federal estate tax returns are due nine months after the date of death, unless an extension is requested.
You may cancel this contract without penalty or obligation at any time before midnight of the 5th business day after the date on which you signed the contract.
Additionally, my boyfriend and I broke up my last week of college after dating for three years.
In today's crazy, busy world having ample time to go on date after date in search of the one is simply a thing of the past.
You no longer have to go through the signup process on dating site after dating site just to find one that won't charge you right off the bat.
Any applications received after this date may not be considered and trip participants will need to make their own insurance arrangements.
I was assured the entire time that all payments made after the date of loss would be refunded back to me.
What would you do if the guy tells you that he is a bisexual man after dating with you for 6 months?
(b) in any other case, the date that falls 52 weeks after the date on which the increased rent took effect.
Claim denied because the death occurred after the date of the trip.
After dating in numbers the benefits are very clear to me.
How long after dating should you meet the parents.
Asian single women are more likely to delay meeting a person in appearance even after dating online for many days.
The restaurant closed shortly after that date and I was out to recreate this soup that I couldn't stop dreaming about.
Usually this feature of coverage provides for the additional coverage of relocation for a certain period of time after the date of claim.
That's because federal student loans issued after that date have a fixed - interest rate of 6.5 %.
While if the death happens after date of commencement of risk, an amount equal to the higher of basis sum assured or policy holder's fund value will be payable.
You could also arrange to meet up with a friend immediately after the date for more support.
Note that money a spouse earns prior to the date of separation that isn't paid until after the date of separation is still marital property.
We suggest opting to make something for each other so that even after the date, you two will both have something to remember the other by.
-- The borrower must have no late payments after the date of sale (closing).
Your car insurance company may discount your auto insurance premium for 2 years or more after the date on the certificate.
In the case of marriage, coverage must begin no later than the first day of the first calendar month beginning after the date the plan or issuer receives the request for special enrollment.
Probably because the service might make paid after that date.
This includes sending a text after your date to say how much you enjoyed it and that you'd like to do it again.
When you meet a stranger from the Internet for the first time, it is safe to say that you should go home after your date.
Any entry submitted after this date will not be counted.
If you only have final salary service after that date, or have any career average service, you will not get any programmed lump sum when you take your benefits.
To the benefit of making us feel good after a date, 78 % say they'll send a text or communication within 24 hours if the date went well.
Some books may be ship prior to or after the date listed above varying by location and availability.
What mercy will you give a couple that decides to not marry after a date - rape?
Applicants will be notified about 2 weeks after this date about their program status.
Claims for them typically happen soon after the date of the inspection.
«Stuff» is not a legal term of art, of course, but when I refer to it I mean the assets that were acquired after the date of marriage.
Then after your date, go home and write down what you heard.
You need to be prepared for what comes after that date because it'll be up to you to impress on the second date, and the many dates thereafter.
Children born after the date of application for the children rider can also be considered.
In some cases they could be a very sought after date but don't care for the type of people chasing them.
After dating does work our trip to the mall for a group that is so join our community for free and you are only.
You agreed to pay all taxes due after the date of sale.
(b) award double costs of all or some of the steps taken in the proceeding after the date of delivery of the offer to settle.
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