Sentences with phrase «after the diet»

I spent a lot of money trying diet after diet over a period of about 10 years.
About half of obese dogs that successfully lose weight will regain weight after the diet is over, a new study has found.
It may take several weeks, or even longer, for cats to improve after a diet change.
This, then, causes the rebound of the pounds lost that happens right after a diet for many people.
Most people can follow a strict eating plan for a few weeks when they know that they can relax on their eating habits after the diet is done.
The people who have this «fast fat loss» mentality are also the ones who tend to gain it back after the diet ends, or quit entirely after a few weeks.
This should allow you to lose fat at higher caloric intake after the diet break.
This implies a built - in acceptance that one will revert to their old ways after the diet is «over».
This muscle allows for a stronger metabolism and helps people maintain their weight loss long after their diet is completed.
This is why people actually become heavier after each diet.
I've been struggling with my weight since I gave birth to my 3rd child 30 years ago, diet after diet fail.
Because you intake more calories after your diet, you should consider increasing physical activities, too.
The issue then is, how much muscle was built underneath it, and how much will you retain after you diet and condition to get it off.
I would love to try these skinny jeans... maybe after my diet brought more results.
Hope you guys had the most amazing time, and I can't wait to hear what you eat first after your diet is over this weekend!
If your hamster develops diarrhea after a diet change, stop feeding the new diet item immediately to see if the problem clears up.
They gather mountains of tips, techniques and strategies to lose weight, they try diet after diet, but they still won't allow themselves to succeed.
It would be best to create an exercise plan that you can stick to and continue even after the diet is over.
In fact, because of metabolic slow down and the rebound effect, you can often end up putting on more weight after the diet.
Ok, I'll be honest, I haven't been doing very much to look after my diet or health since the beginning of the year.
If you don't want to gain weight right after the diet, you should choose one day in a month to drink just yogurt for body detoxification.
Heaps of supposedly super-safe Treasury bonds help us sleep at night after a diet of stocks left us stressed and hungry.
Maximal power output and VO2max during a similar «time to exhaustion'test was similar after both diet periods.
the day after the diet was over, I tried one bite of garlic bread and symptoms were back full force.
White tea extract prevents new fat cells to appear and it's useful even after your diet so that you don't get fat layers.
You might think that you'll feel better about your body after the diet, but the truth is that if you feel better about yourself before you diet, you'll be better equipped to manage the lifestyle changes necessary for weight loss.
Then it was diet coke after diet coke until bedtime.
When you go on a diet, the «unconscious mind» starts feeling threatened as it perceives lack of food as a «threat», thereby most people end up getting fatter after a diet.
My doggie - baby Gabe from another doggie Mommie has experience so much relief from chewing his paws after a diet on Orijen!
However, the study was small, with just 11 people, and experts say that such an extreme diet would be hard to keep up, and it's not clear how long diabetes will remain in remission after the diet is stopped.
The surprise was WHY they regained back the weight and WHO regained the most The drop in physical activity during the diet was directly related to the weight regain after the diet!
Researching diet after diet without implementing the advice is a waste.
Wave Soda is a product that is going after the diet soda drinker with a clean label product that is made with 85 percent sparkling water and 15 percent fruit juice.
Nah just kidding... although, it wasn't a diet coke so I guess I am a bit too much of a party animal after all
In a new study, almost half of patients with type 2 diabetes who followed a strict low - calorie eating plan had a remission for at least six months after the diet was over.
«We recommend statins after diet and exercise if the 10 - year risk of an event [such as a heart attack or stroke] is greater than 7.5 %,» Dr. Gotto adds, citing a metric developed by the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association.
Of those who did have biopsies performed after the diet, all but one had resolution of their villous atrophy.
All members of the study had colonoscopy examinations before and after the diet swap.
Long - term follow up of children treated with the ketogenic diet in the past suggests that although growth does improve after diet treatment is discontinued, height gain can still be below expected (15).
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