Sentences with phrase «after the last ice age»

This decline is possibly related to warmer conditions on the earth in the 10,000 years after the last ice age ended.
As the world changed after the last ice age, many of our ancestors were forced to abandon their homes.
On some of the Gobi mountain ranges included in the study, glaciers started growing thousands of years after the last ice age ended.
In the north are big lakes formed by the digging of peat from bogs formed after the last ice age.
This impact helped form the cenotes, along with millions of years of erosion, plus rising water levels after the last ice age which causes the caves to flood.
Great flood: the filly of a large basin by raising oceans during the warming period after the last ice age.
Hayhoe: To put it in perspective, after the last Ice Age there was about a thousand years for the world to warm.
Although Equus survived in Eurasia after the last ice age, eventually leading to domestic horses, the stilt - legged Haringtonhippus was an evolutionary dead end.
For almost 50 years, scientists have been discussing what led to the mass extinction of large animals (also known as megafauna) during and immediately after the last Ice Age.
A genetic analysis of Cheddar Man, one of the first people to settle in Britain after the last ice age, suggests that his skin was dark
The Eastern tree frog (Hyla orientalis) recolonized the northern latitudes after the last ice age from a glacial refugium around the Black Sea and meets the other species, the European tree frog, in the region of the Vistula River in Poland.
The scientists believe that giant deers had to share their habitat and their food with other species of deer after the last Ice Age.
For example, our data provides evidence for today's European population being genetically descendant primarily from late mid-eastern migrations that took place after the last ice age, rather than from the first humans to arrive to the continent, more than 40,000 years ago.»
These are the direct descendants of the people who settled the Americas after the last Ice Age — the same people Baker sometimes studies in her work with ancient bones.
A novel study led by Mattias Jakobsson (Uppsala University / SciLifeLab) suggests that migrants settling down in Scandinavia after the last ice age initially came from the south, but later also from the northeast.
The newly sequenced genome of an Alaskan infant who lived just after the last Ice Age provides clues about the ancestry and migrations of early Native Americans.
In the First Century AD, the hostile Pictish tribes that had settled in Scotland shortly after the last ice age, confounded attempts by the invading Romans to add the country to their empire.
Part of this land collapsed after the last ice age more than 8,000 years ago, creating sinkholes called CENOTES, derived from the Mayan word «Dzonot» which means sacred well and were considered the entrance to the mythical underworld by the ancient Mayas.
-- Sea level has been rising at 1 mm to 3 mm every since the large continental glaciers melted after the last ice age — ie for the last 9,000 years.
Second, by «bidirectional causation» Karlsson seems to be referring to the idea that ``... after the last ice age initial warming cause [d] additional carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere from the ocean, which led to even more warming.»
Add in the fact that the thickness of the ice, which is much harder to measure, is estimated to have fallen by half since 1979, when satellite records began, and there is probably less ice floating on the Arctic Ocean now than at any time since a particularly warm period 8,000 years ago, soon after the last ice age.
Yes, CO2 comes out of a warming ocean and that was a positive feedback after the last Ice Age, but in the last century or so Man has emitted a boatload (twenty times) more than the ocean, and also added some to the ocean, hence a lower pH. Figure that into your carbon budget.
Notice how it took 8000 years after the last ice age for temperatures to increase approximately 4 degrees C.
While the researchers, led by Shaun Marcott of Oregon State, conclude that the globe's current average temperature has not exceeded the warmth that persisted for thousands of years after the last ice age ended, they say it will do so in this century under almost every postulated scenario for greenhouse gas emissions.
But despite earlier pollen analysis that pegged the movement of some tree species (that is, average advancement via seed dispersal) at about a kilometer per year after the last ice age, genetic studies have reduced that estimate to a pace closer to a tenth of a kilometer per year, Loarie says.
«Bee populations expanded during global warming after the last Ice Age
«You see a rapid increase in population size from about 18,000 years ago, just as the climate began warming up after the last Ice Age,» says lead author Rebecca Dew.
Such work has shown that the southwestern United States became drier about 10,000 years ago, after the last ice age ended.
After the last ice age, earthworms inched their way from the frozen grounds of the northern United States and Canada down south, Costello says, and they've yet to inch their way back.
Earlier genome - based estimates have suggested that the ancestors of modern - day dogs diverged from wolves no more than 16,000 years ago, after the last Ice Age.
Clovis culture was widespread for 400 years after the last Ice Age.
After the last Ice Age ended, the period of warmer temperatures between 9,000 and 4,000 years ago has been dubbed the Holocene Optimum.
New Scientist: About 12,000 years ago, as the world warmed after the last ice age, temperatures in the far north plummeted.
SD: Recent reconstruction by Shakun et al (2012) shows the main warming after the last Ice Age was about 2 Celsius (globally) over 4000 years starting 16,000 years ago.
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