Sentences with phrase «after the second world»

All was good for decades, as the tradition of buying diamond engagement and wedding rings took off just after the Second World War, when newly employed GIs were told «A Diamond Is Forever» in a clever marketing campaign by South African miner De Beers.
In his early 20s, he served in the U.S. army working in counterintelligence in Japan after the Second World War.
Still, to put things in perspective, the U.S. dollar didn't become a global reserve currency until after the Second World War, 150 years after it was created and three decades after the Federal Reserve was formed.
After the Second World War, there was an explosion in correspondence: direct - mail advertising and the birth of credit cards meant a surge in demand for envelopes.
In his 1999 essay for the Atlantic, Beyond the Information Revolution, Drucker wrote: «Indeed, the «crisis of the family» did not begin after the Second World War.
QUALITY has been a central part of organisational strategy for many years, dating back at least to Deming's work in Japan after the Second World War and is a central construct in a long - term research program being undertaken at the University of Western A
It was one of the world's wealthiest nations when it moved to protect its resources after the Second World War.
They're going to give it to us like we're giving it to them,» said Samuel Perok, 92, a Democratic voter who spent time at a steel company after his Second World War navy service.
Beyond that simple fact, recognition of the totalitarian syndrome of the communist system did not take place during the wartime period when the book was being written; such recognition came about after the Second World War was long over.
Dr. Enzensberger was a German theologian and analyst of mass media who worked primarily immediately after the Second World War.
Regretably, after the Second World War the Confessing Church disappered immediately, because the Confessing Church was united with the German Evangelical Church, which had supported Hitler during the Second World War.
For nearly a half century after the Second World War, the cohort of....
After the second world war German New Testament scholars took up this type of work with spectacular results.
The objective of the society of Mont - Pèlerin was on the one hand, to combat Keynesianism and the social solidarity measures that prevailed after the Second World War and, on the other hand, to prepare for the future the theoretical foundations of another kind of capitalism, hard and liberated from any rule.
For nearly a half century after the Second World War, the cohort of babies born between 1946 and 1964 profoundly transformed American culture and society» from parenting styles and media consumption to attitudes toward government and authority and sexuality.
The ideas of Schechter and Kaplan gained considerable social traction following the horrors of the Holocaust and the Jewish migration to America after the Second World War.
Runciman's postings during and just after the Second World War shadowed his historical and social interests, with jobs in Sofia, Cairo, Jerusalem, and Athens as well as a chair in Byzantine art and history in Istanbul.
American revolutionary thought had the capacity to transcend ethnic barriers, as its influence on revolutionary movements all over the world, from the French Revolution of 1789 to that of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam after the Second World War shows.
I knew him very well and am sure that he was one of the most alert and valuable members of the Oxford faculty during the 1930s and after the Second World War until his retirement.
Mudbound is the tale of two interwoven families and the events and tragedies that befall them during and after the second world war.
It is a beautifully sad story, an elegy on the world of New Brunswick woodsmen and their women after the Second World War, when the old ways of lumbering, around which everything turned, were being forced to give way to the mechanization brought by American companies capitalizing on an insatiable market for fancier toilet paper and endlessly multiplied government reports.
Defining reconciliation as «the point at which violence is unimaginable,» Welby cited the example of Germany and the UK after the Second World War.
Reflecting on the meaning of the revolutionary events that were taking place in Asia after the Second World War, Thomas and his colleagues in Asia, brought into the ecumenical thinking their conviction that God, somehow, is at work in the secular events of our time beyond the boundaries of the church.
We may observe the liberation process (in the broad sense) as the aftermath of the decolonization process mainly after the Second World War, which is still in operation, not only in the socio - political and economic fields, but also in the cultural field.
They were adopted later at Chicago, where under Robert Hutchins and Mortimer Adler they were known as the «Great Books program,» and at Harvard under James Conant soon after the Second World War, where they were known as «general education.»
The Indonesian proclamation of independence on August 17, 1945, right after the Second World War, was followed by the 5 - year war of liberation against the Dutch Colonial Regime which colonized Indonesia for more than three and a half centuries.
Most young adults today do not have the same kind of life choices available to them that were available in the period of economic expansion after the Second World War.
After the Second World War, the Copts faced another series of challenges.
The unleashing of the United States as a major world force began right after the Second World War.
Others were students from Europe who became refugees after the Second World War.
There is an old tradition of antiradical violence in America and there have been periods, such as the First World War and its immediate aftermath and the McCarthy period after the Second World War, when radical thought of all varieties has been severely persecuted.
This really did not get under way until during and after the Second World War, but even in the late «30's there was a move in that direction.
Note, however, that this doctrine influenced church opinion more and more between the two world wars and again after the Second World War.
The goal of full employment, which was one of the pillars of the social consensus that prevailed after the Second World War, has been jettisoned by nearly all governments.
The precise theory may be traced back to Dr John Money (1921 - 2006), a New Zealand psychologist who worked in the United States after the Second World War.
Martin also asks some telling questions about Rahner's remarkably optimistic vision of human nature — an optimism all the more astonishing since, as Martin notes, he spent almost his entire priestly life (1932 — 84) first under Nazi rule and then, after the Second World War, with half of Germany under Soviet Communism.
Right down until after the Second World War, even city - dwelling cats had to make a living on mice.
After the Second World War, intensive farming began in earnest.
The division of Germany immediately after the Second World War into two countries, East Germany, under Communist control, and West Germany, which was democratic, weakened the rebuilding of the churches, although several kept pan-German structures.
The countries in eastern Europe, having already suffered from German occupation, which came under Communist control after the Second World War, experienced the same hostility to religious life.
The spiritual exhaustion after the Second World War stimulated interest in inspirational religious stories.
Americans who came of age in the decade after the Second World War are deeply imbued with the values and moral commitments of the American Dream.
Responses to change or perceived decline in the church are usually attempts to restore the sense of well - being associated with «the family pew» after the Second World War.
After the Second World War, pastors like Peter Marshall continued to inculcate a Victorian code and the family ideals associated with it; but the life of men and women in the 1950s bore little resemblance to the lives of Victorian men and women for whom the complementarity of the sexes was a part of daily life experience.
«1 Nevertheless it lost both power and prominence after the Second World War.
After the Second World War, Poland was placed within the communist sphere as a result of the Yalta agreement and the Church found itself in constant confrontation with the communist system imposed upon the country.
Then, after the Second World War, as luxuries gradually became more available, she began to cook with more meat.
I must say the message he gave to my generation was very important because it was after the Second World War and it was basically — be strong enough to be yourself.
An additional two had been won soon after second world war.
Two were won in the 1970s, 1 soon after second world war, and 1 and graham.
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