Sentences with phrase «after their creation as»

Sometimes influenced by the European movements, artists and approaches, these artworks have become the icons of the popular culture, entwined in all spheres of life decades after their creation as the proud representations of the American people and spirit.

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After all, for many believers in virtual currency, the Federal Reserve is enemy No. 1, an institution that has so badly mismanaged the U.S. dollar as to necessitate the creation of a decentralized currency like bitcoin.
Mr. Sloan, a veteran of the bank, took over as C.E.O. after his predecessor, John Stumpf, resigned after the eruption of a scandal involving Wells Fargo's creation of fake accounts.
Five years after its creation, Small Business Saturday has established itself as a post-Thanksgiving tradition.
After a rough September, auto parts and dealers acted as a driving force in job creation, adding 5,150 jobs, or about 20 percent of total franchise growth for the month.
Amber Lilyestrom empowers women to position themselves as sought - after experts and thought leaders in their niche through social media, engagement marketing and the creation of an online brand presence.
Believers and non-believers alike, united by a common concern for the future of the planet, have high hopes that someone who chose to name himself after that great lover of creation, Francis of Assisi, will say something truly transformational, for as a Canadian Council of Churches document lamentably observes, transformative change has not «found traction within political processes.»
Kraken was one of the companies that decided to leave New York after the creation of the state's infamous BitLicense, a regulatory move touted by New York as providing a credible framework in which Bitcoin and cryptocurrency businesses could continue to operate within the state, but which was denounced by cryptocurrency enthusiasts as an insurmountable hurdle for startups to navigate.
He finds it appealing to appear in the middle of a desert to uneducated people after allowing humans to suffer for over 100 THOUSAND years just to be tortured by humans as to allow HIMSELF to forgive his own creation.
(The merest whimper of the thesis can be discerned when he states that crusading was «reinvented» after the loss of Jerusalem in 1187, or when he refers to Innocent's contribution to the Crusades as «a sort of creation.»)
It's hard to consider fears about the world as the motivation for the rise in the horror genre when» from Mary Shelley's The Last Man to Max Brooks» World War Z, and from Richard Jefferies» After London to Cormac McCarthy's The Road» post-apocalyptic subject matter is hardly a creation or expression confined to this century.
Can say that I believe in every thing that you disbelief of when it comes to the Creator and the Creation of universe, life and guidance, God has given me hearing, seeing, thinking and heart feelings to see and experience signs and small miracles to have faith in him and continue with good deeds I was told of in his Holy Book although am not perfect at that but nothing to lose but contrary to that there are more to gain in life and life after... For those disbelievers they lose their senses by being locked and blocked from such experiences... It is all about souls as verses speak for them selves;
CatholicMom Sorry did not mean to sound as you might expect as I am happy you have asked again will try to quote verses of the Quran and if you read in time you will know what indifference's we have after all my God is your God and God of all creations and these words are his words and not mine or any mortal creature..
It was the first public evidence of the project that had gradually taken shape in my mind during the preceding years: to work out on the level of systematic theology the ancient Israelitic view of reality as a history of God's interaction with his creation, as I had internalized it from the exegesis of my teacher Gerhard von Rad, after I had discovered how to extend it to the New Testament by way of Jewish eschatology and its developments in Jesus» message and history.
I learned this not from a class in feminist studies, but from Jesus — who was brought into the world by a woman whose obedience changed everything; who revealed his identity to a scorned woman at a well; who defended Mary of Bethany as his true disciple, even though women were prohibited from studying under rabbis at the time; who obeyed his mother; who refused to condemn the woman caught in adultery to death; who looked to women for financial and moral support, even after the male disciples abandoned him; who said of the woman who anointed his feet with perfume that «wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her»; who bantered with a Syrophoenician woman, talked theology with a Samaritan woman, and healed a bleeding woman; who appeared first before women after his resurrection, despite the fact that their culture deemed them unreliable witnesses; who charged Mary Magdalene with the great responsibility of announcing the start of a new creation, of becoming the Apostle to the Apostles.
After a short introduction there are five chapters: 1) Baptism as Cleansing from Sin and Sickness; 2) Incorporation into the Community; 3) Baptism as Sanctifying and Illuminative; 4) Baptism as Dying and Rising; 5) Baptism as the Beginning of the New Creation.
The special logic of this theory, after all, is that the Christian philosopher — having surmounted the «aesthetic,» «ethical,» and even in a sense «religious» stages of human existence — is uniquely able to enact a return, back to the things of earth, back to finitude, back to the aesthetic; having found the highest rationality of being in God's kenosis — His self - outpouring — in the Incarnation, the Christian philosopher is reconciled to the particularity of flesh and form, recognizes all of creation as a purely gratuitous gift of a God of infinite love, and is able to rejoice in the levity of a world created and redeemed purely out of God's «pleasure.»
In the Babylonian creation myth, for example, man was created as a kind of after - thought in order to perform the menial tasks, which otherwise would have been part of the responsibilities laid as a judgment on the defeated rebel gods.
Besides the obvious creation narrative of «6 days» of creation even when adjusted for the «thousand years is as a day» still leaves wildly inaccurate time frames, coupled with the Adam lineage down to Abraham all written thousands of years after the supposed events took place by Moses, set's a definate time frame for how old the earth and most bible scholars proclaim this to be between 6,000 to 9,000 years old.
After attending the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego and Dallas Theological Seminary, he served as youth minister at a large Baptist church in San Diego and taught science at the affiliated Christian high school.
Likewise, wrestle as we may with the problem of evil, the heart of the matter is found in the great refrain of this Genesis story after the account of each «day» of creation, which says, «And God saw that it was good.»
«Just as the presence of the Holy One among the Israelites was to permeate every aspect of their lives, so now,» after Christ's redemption of the world, «this is how it is to be throughout the creation, as groups of followers live the life of the kingdom in their particular places,» writes Bartholomew.
It's only after we're older once we've had notions pounded into our heads that we can't or shouldn't learn from this or that, that we lose our ability to appreciate all of God's creations and see God's hand (poetic term not literal) in all things (or worse, some have been so blinded as to see it in nothing, as they hide behind their cold scientific idols, losing the same wonder that got the scientists there to start with)
The creation of a world after liberalism would not require, as some might fear, the dismantling of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, nor the cessation of free markets.
With ezer kenegdo properly translated, (and with the creation of woman after man identified as a plot point meant to create drama, not subordination), we see that there are no explicit statements of a hierarchal relationship between man and woman until after the event that Christians have come to call «The Fall.»
So that in line with, and gradually replacing, the thrust from behind or below, we see the appearance of a force of attraction coming from above which shows itself to be organically indispensable for the continuance of the sequence, indispensable for the maintenance of the evolutionary impetus, and also indispensable for the creation of an atmosphere enveloping Mankind in the process of totalization, of psychic warmth and kindness without which Man's economic - technological grip upon the World can only crush souls together, without causing them to fuse and unite... The «pull» after the «push», as the English would say.
In a beautiful passage, which comes after his criticism of more traditional concepts of God as despotic ruler, moral governor, or unrelated first cause above and beyond the creation, Whitehead once wrote:
The priestly creation myth Genesis 1 - 2:4 a is now commonly regarded as reflecting a later cultural period than the Yahwistic creation myth, Genesis 2:4 b - 3:24, which the ancient compilers of the Pentateuch placed after it.
As the Bible underlines, the Almighty is no species - egalitarian; the creation accounts bring man and woman into view as the summit of the visible creation, with everything else placed at their service, and in general, with lower things being placed at the service of higher ones (plants are given to animals for food, and later, after the flood, animals are given to men for foodAs the Bible underlines, the Almighty is no species - egalitarian; the creation accounts bring man and woman into view as the summit of the visible creation, with everything else placed at their service, and in general, with lower things being placed at the service of higher ones (plants are given to animals for food, and later, after the flood, animals are given to men for foodas the summit of the visible creation, with everything else placed at their service, and in general, with lower things being placed at the service of higher ones (plants are given to animals for food, and later, after the flood, animals are given to men for food).
Why couldn't Jesus have connected His death with the creation of the world, and said a prophecy about how «Just as the world was created in six days, and on the sixth day, Adam was raised from the dust of the ground, so also, after six days the Son of Man also will rise from the dust»?
And even after the climactic resolution in Christ, a new sense of delay is evident, classically expressed in Romans 8: the whole creation «groans» as it awaits fulfillment (v. 23).
Even so, as Jeffrey Stout has well said in Ethics after Babel, «truth is a property of interpreted sentences, and interpreted sentences belong to languages which are human creations.
So as I walked through the Creation Museum, I saw exhibit after exhibit that tried really hard to tell one side of the story, and to be honest they did a pretty fair job.
In the Western scholastic tradition this theology has been named «Scotist» after Blessed John Duns Scotus who frames the question in terms of the glorification of the human nature of Christ as the highest good of creation:
Whatever may be true elsewhere in the cosmos, the appearance of human life marked the emergence (after a long course of evolutionary development) of a kind of created occasion that can and does know itself and others, certainly with an intensity unparalleled (so far as we can see) elsewhere in the creation.
Above that God is of light and named as The Light of Heavens and Earth, God has sent his light for our enlightenments to his creations (Jinn & Mankind) as for Guidance as through, a Reminder, a Warner, for those being lost astray saving the soul of who wants to be saved from the darkness into light, generation after generation some believe and some do not believe which all will be judged by God on a named date when we are brought back from dust where ever your atoms might be will they will come back into shape brought out from under grounds;
After the Creation account, writes McKnight, «the entire rest of the Bible, aiming as it will toward Jesus Christ, is about turning Eikons bent on otherness to Eikons basking in oneness with God, with self, with others, and with the world.»
As God rested on the seventh day after his work of creation, so after accomplishing his work on earth Jesus also rested on «the holy and great Sabbath.»
for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation» 2 Peter 3:3 - 4 «How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
It is, after all, creation science that is presented as superior to Darwinian theory.
(1:26 - 30) After that, scripture in Chapter 2 CLEARLY reiterates certain elements of creation and basically acts as a «How He Did It», in - depth story of the creation of humankind on the earth.
And while I appreciate the pastor's sentiments about God being found in the kindness and compassion of many people after the shootings, he falls back on Man as an exceptional creation of God as an argument for why these evil events happen.
After restoring J's missing creation account, suppressed in favor of the Priestly version in Genesis 1, Bloom turns his attention to the Garden of Eden story, reading it not as a story of sin and punishment, not even as, in Paul Ricoeur's phrase, a myth of deviation, but as a lovingly and playfully ironic account of the unsatisfactory state of affairs in which we find ourselves and, more specifically, in which the author found herself in the twilight days of the post-Solomonic era.
Just as a car is not evil when it kills someone after spinning out of control of the driver, so also, creation is in chaos because the human drivers have lost control.
After all the times he saw his creation as good in Genesis 1, here what he sees is something that is not good.
The disappearance was and continues to be problematic for Benvenisti, for he was born and raised as a Palestinian Jew, the mirror image of the Arabs who remained in Israel after the creation of the state.
As a child I would spend many afternoons at her house around Christmas time making batch after batch of orange cookies, peanut brittle, and a cotton candy - like creation called Divinity.
Those are the days — after a long afternoon with little to eat — where the first spoonful of gazpacho tastes as if it's the best creation on Earth.
As though at a theater - in - the - round, diners at the rectangular counter focus their attention on the chefs in the center, who Searzall and grill and blitz one mind - boggling creation after another, from a miniscule savory mille - feuille layered with salmon roe to an indulgent bowl of uni with chickpea - hozon purée.
Maybe he's not in fitt but the talent never leave.If you take a new player and wait him for developing you can wait as mutch as for Walcott.But Wilshere is one of the best English players after Rooney, at the same level with Sterling I can say.Is a briliant player when he's in fitt, let's be honest when he play bad, our team play bad to, if he wasn't injuried now when our team play well, I'm sure he play well too.We need a new midfielder this summer, I think Gotze could be perfect for creation with Wilshere, and Coquelin in their back to secure defence.I don't know why but when I see this to player's first, in 2010 - 2011, I see them as better as Iniesta - Xavi.
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