Sentences with phrase «after their time of»

YouTube has come under fire from advertisers in the past few weeks after the Times of London reported that ads were appearing against — and therefore potentially funding — videos promoting hate.
One of the prime entry points when trading stocks is going to be in the moments just after any time of financial status update is released to the public.
The Catholic Church cherry picked whatever BS was laying around, written generations after the time of the supposed Christ and stuffed it into a book with contradictions on every page.
The New International Version Archaeological Study Bible reports: «Scholars have debated the historicity of these references to camels because most believe that these animals were not widely domesticated until approximately 1200 B.C., long after the time of Abraham.»
Yet much of Christianity believes in extra-Biblical creeds and councils formulated centuries after the time of Christ and the Apostles.
This trade was probably common as early as 2000 B.C.E. Interestingly, Gen. 37:25 - 28 mentions Ishmaelite merchants who used camels to transport incense to Egypt about a hundred years after the time of Abraham.
The burden of proof actually should be upon skeptics to show that camels were not domesticated until after the time of the patriarchs.
Writing about one hundred years after the time of Augustine, Boethius defined eternity as «a perfect possession altogether of an endless life.»
This book is a collection of selected Middle Eastern folk histories eventually written down by people who lived well after the time of Jesus, and has been selectively edited since that time.
Once the Lamb appears, everyone receives a harp and begins to sing the «new song» that comes after a time of silence or lamentation.
The exercise of individual discretion was widespread after the time of the first two Caliphs, particularly after the great sedition arising out of the assassination of the third Caliph, Uthman.
The Qur» an is the final and only authority after the time of the first four Caliphs.
After a time of deep repentance and prayer, he committed himself to God's mission; then, when his preaching actually made his audience repent and turn toward God, Jonah was so discouraged he became suicidal.
If it was written shortly after the time of Christ, like the New Testament was, then it might have some credibility.
If, on the other hand, it was written hundreds of years after the time of Christ, then I would question the veracity of this fragment.
And we've blown through 6,000 of those years already (Jesus arrived on earth 4,000 years after the time of Adam and Eve, and it's been 2,000 years since).
Charles Guignebert argued that «So long as there is that possibility [that Tacitus is merely echoing what Christians themselves were saying], the passage remains quite worthless» Tacitus» account was written about 116 AD, quite a while after the time of Jesus» and is quite likely only parrotting what the early christians of that time believed.
Even in the second century, a hundred years and more after the time of Jesus, there were doubtless still in circulation oral accounts of incidents in his life and quotations of his teachings which had not until then been committed to writing.
First of all, somewhere after the time of the temptation, Jesus has gained a few followers, and decides to go to Galilee (John 1:43).
Though this is from the Mishnah, which was written after the time of Jesus, certainly some of the traditions in it were from the Second Temple Era.
But later, after the time of the creeds was passed, it came to be considered orthodox to think that Jesus selfhood or person or «I» was only divine.
After a time of quietness, one can meet people and events in a refreshed way.
However, the fact remains that most of the far - out theories rely on extra-biblical accounts written long after the time of Christ.
After the time of Innocent III the power of the Papacy declined.
A generation after the Time of Trouble Nikon, who became Patriarch of Moscow in 1652, sought to cleanse the Russian Orthodox Church of what he regarded as corruptions and weaknesses.
The infections start after the time of weaning, from eating contaminated foods and from lack of hygiene.
This theory refers to the rabbinic belief that the soul hovered around the body for three days after the time of death, departing only when decomposition had set in.
It may have taken form as early as the middle of the ninth century, B.C., that is, about a century and a half after the time of David.
Of the fourteen chapters in the book of Zechariah, chapters 9 - 14 chiefly comprise a series of five apocalypses pointing to a date several centuries after the time of Zechariah.
The concern of the bishop for the impoverished and the imprisoned is likewise attested by Bishop Dionysius of Corinth with special reference to Soter, who became bishop in Rome (166 - 74) not long after the time of Justin's foregoing delineation:
Following the practice of some oriental and Hellenistic kingdoms, the Roman Senate, after the time of Julius Caesar, was accustomed to vote the deification (consecratio) of dead emperors who had served well, and it became a regular custom for some witness to swear that when the dead emperor's pyre was ablaze he had seen the emperor's soul wing heavenward.
People should definitely take this drink especially after some time of running and work out.
Fortunately, after some time of eating a clean paleo diet, I seem to have healed my gut enough that I no longer have allergic reactions to trace amounts of corn, but I'm not brave enough to actually knowingly eat it.
After some time of trials and testings came the solution: Harvest and freeze the coconut water and coconut meat instantly.
The weak side of this pump is that after some times of heavy use every day it may start producing squeaky noise.
Re-lactating is related in that it involves helping your body make milk after a time of not breastfeeding.
After a time of nipple shields being given out freely in hospitals after birth, their use was strongly discouraged (Mohrbacher & Stock, 1996; Newman & Pitman, 2006).
«After some time of not doing EC, we've ditched daytime diapers with my 11 month old - he was an early walker at 9 months and even since he was little bitty he hates to be wet.
This occurred actually tiring together with more than a little troubled after time of treking.
Ensure the comfort of the baby by constantly adjusting the pads after some time of crawling.
Then, I take a spoonful of coconut oil for oil pulling, a great way to get the body and mouth cleansed after the time of rest.
Consider changing your perspective about how you view your friends during and after a time of loss.
After some time of doing those exercises, I typically have the trainee move onto the squat.
They found a 27 % rise in GABA levels in the group that practiced yoga right after their session, yet no change in GABA levels in the other group right after their time of reading.
It can be helpful to add electrolytes and minerals to help rehydration after times of high - intensity exercise or lots of sweating.
And I also only weigh myself once a month, I think it's better that way, after that time of the month, I just feel it makes a big difference.
After a time of healing and following his instruction to the letter.
Like those creams that take out all the dirt, so youre face is filled with more blackheads and you have to apply the mask for a month or whatever, and after that time of using it your face is clean
After some time of doing this practice you will start to see some patterns which will give you some answers and point you in a new direction.

Not exact matches

In 2015, less than a year after retiring as CEO of convenience store giant Alimentation Couche - Tard, the executive chairman, along with his three co-founders, put forward a resolution to extend their time - limited voting control — the group holds 22 % of the company's equity — to ward off any future takeover attempts.
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