Sentences with phrase «after timber harvest»

Today's flight represents its efforts to develop alternative jet fuel derived from post-harvest forestry material that is often burned after timber harvest.
So bioenergy only reduces greenhouse gases if it results from additional plant growth or in some other way uses carbon that would not otherwise be stored (for example, by using the waste material left after timber harvest that would decompose rapidly anyway).
So far, the sustainable fashion company has planted over 100K trees to help restore forests after timber harvests.
Instead of burning piles of forest residue after timber harvests, this underutilized material can be used to produce renewable energy.

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That time to recover initial carbon stocks after selective logging depended almost exclusively on logging intensity — that is, on the amount of tree biomass removed or killed during timber harvesting.
This category includes some level of forest and agriculture residues left behind after harvest (some need to remain on the ground to maintain soil fertility); timber processing wastes including sawdust and «black liquor;» and any unused manure, urban wood waste, municipal organic waste, and landfill methane.
The investment, management and harvesting of timber dates back hundreds of years, and our timber land for sale continues to yield investment return that keeps these properties financially viable year after year.
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