Sentences with phrase «after trading expenses»

The main reason we did that (even though they're all useless in predicting future performance) is because publishing the Fee - Based Moderate Model's alpha number on the model demo help prove how well we usually outperform, and also settles the ageless debate, once and for all, that active investment management can consistently beat passive management, after trading expenses.

Not exact matches

The data underlined concerns that, after a long period of growth through globalization and reliance on global trade, governments are increasingly seeking to protect their own industries and promote domestic producers at the expense of foreign competitors.
Well, including capital gains, dividends and management expense ratios, but excluding trading fees and taxes, it looked like this for the calendar year of 2009 in Canadian dollars (after accounting for US$ fluctuations):
You need to list all the expenses you have each month and then subtract them from your monthly after - tax income, if you have any 100 % disposable income left over then it's OK to use that money to trade with.
The actual costs of fund management, full - page ads in trade publications like Barron's, and other expenses are borne entirely out of State Street's 0.065 % annual take, after licensing fees are paid to S&P Global.
Even those who can somehow manage to outperform the collective wisdom of markets can rarely continue to do so, especially after accounting for the taxes and expenses of the higher frequency trading involved with active management.
You face a trade - off: You can spend after - tax income, in return maximizing the long - term savings in your HSA, or you may use the HSA funds to pay for the expenses.
The bank said in November it would cut expenses by about 2 billion crowns from 2012 - 14, axing 2,000 jobs in the process, after quarterly profit was wiped out by a drop in trading income, becoming the latest Nordic lender to combat slowing revenue growth and higher funding costs.
The active management debate implies that after all the additional management expense ratio costs, mutual fund trading costs, higher capital gains taxes, and extra time are taken into account, investors are supposed to have some crystal ball to sort future winners from losers.
Note that in reality however, after you have knocked out funds with 1) sales loads and 12b1 fees, 2) high management expense ratios, 3) high turnover and trading costs, 4) large actively managed funds, 5) immature funds, and 6) small inefficient funds, you are relatively unlikely to have any funds remaining that have substantially inferior past performance.
Barclaycard miles are redeemed after the fact, which means you must charge your travel expense on the card first and then redeem at a trade - in value of a penny per mile so a $ 500 ticket would cost 50,000 miles.
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