Sentences with phrase «after your final treatment»

We maintain your medical records for at least 20 years after your final treatment; after that we may destroy your medical records in accordance with state and federal regulations.
Trained cancer nurses from Cancer Council Victoria's Cancer Information Support Service telephoned the participants twice — first within seven to ten days of final treatment to establish a baseline, and again five weeks after their final treatment.

Not exact matches

When Jedd Wolchok, a cancer doctor and immunologist leading a Yervoy trial at Memorial Sloan Kettering, examined a melanoma patient's scan 12 weeks after he'd received his course of treatment, the results were utterly disappointing — just like those of any other metastatic patient in the final throes of the disease: The tumors had gotten bigger, and there were more of them.
Holding the milk at low temperatures after final heat treatment is critical for ESL milk quality, therefore the process line downstream from the pasteurization step should be designed to maintain a cold product throughout the entire process.
Tetra Pak ® Aseptic Dosing unit F is a unique and innovative new technique where functional ingredients are injected with high precision into the base product after the final heat treatment, just before filling.
And the striker bought to replace Welbeck will go straight into the treatment room where he will stay until called upon in the champions league final to score the winning goal after Giroud and Walcott are strangely substituted by Wenger... when he is struck down by a fit of realization that Arsenal are actually going to win something worthwhile....
After the final whistle against England on Thursday, Suarez rushed over to Ferreira to show his gratitude to the 62 - year - old, who had put his own treatment on hold to travel to Brazil.
Results indicate patients were satisfied to extremely satisfied with improvement in the appearance and texture of their skin at the final treatment and at follow - up visits one and three months after the sixth treatment.
The final image, taken two years after treatment, shows a pleasing face with normal contours and a clear, healthy hue.
(c) Printing of the ionic hydrogel on the passive layer after surface treatment (left), final 3 - D printed DEA (middle), and microstructure image of the device cross-section (right).
After acetylation by treatment with 0.1 m triethanolamine 0.25 % acetic anhydride, pH 8.0, the tissue was prehybridized (prehybridization solution: 0.75 m NaCl, 25 mm PIPES, 25 mm EDTA, 5 × Denhardt's reagent, 0.2 % SDS, 250 μg / ml Escherichia coli tRNA, and 500 μg / ml salmon testis DNA, pH 6.8) at room temperature for 5 h. Riboprobes were incubated for 10 min at 85 °C before application onto the sections and used for hybridization at a final concentration of 500 ng / ml.
Treatments in Germany involving adult stem cells will be more closely regulated after revision of Germany's medical products law received final approval by the Bundesrat, the upper house of parliament.
The whole of it, though, is held to the point of absurdity for an extra beat — I'm thinking of LaBeouf's open - mouthed gape (enhanced by a film - manufactured mouth injury after a wonderfully - botched ambush), of Rooster's dispassionate treatment of two wayward boys, even of the final, signature showdown involving teeth - held reins and two - fisted gunslinging — so that the picture has about it an almost sarcastic air.
A final scrape should be performed 4 weeks after treatment to check there has not been a recurrence.
With dogs who have had low worm burdens and done well with treatment, we usually begin allowing gradual return to activity six weeks after the final Immiticide treatment.
After two consecutive scrapes are negative, medication is discontinued, but a final scrape should be performed one month after treatment to ensure there isn't a recurrAfter two consecutive scrapes are negative, medication is discontinued, but a final scrape should be performed one month after treatment to ensure there isn't a recurrafter treatment to ensure there isn't a recurrence.
One dog was euthanized shortly after its final blood draw due to orthopedic complications (cruciate tendon rupture) and a second was recently euthanized due to recurrent disease at 6 months post treatment at the site of limb sparing surgery.
I suppose time will tell on that one, but if nothing else, Final Fantasy 9 fans have gotten the royal treatment after a very long wait.
«Foreclosure, not unlike a surgical procedure, should be viewed as the final recourse after everything else has been explored and not the first treatment choice,» said Bouma.
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