Sentences with phrase «afterglow left»

The researchers used radio telescopes at the South Pole to stare at the cosmic microwave background radiation — a faint afterglow left over from the big bang that permeates the universe.

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Once the afterglow of having raised so much money fades, teams are left with a daunting task: to turn the fantasies outlined in their whitepaper into a tangible, working product.
The Lutes left Virginia — indeed, the 1999 season — with a warm feeling that can best be described as an Afterglow.
No matter how isolated this left may appear in the first afterglow of the election, sooner or later it is going to be joined by ever - widening layers of allies in all those sections of society who will suffer as a result of the government's policies.
(B) The burst leaves an optical afterglow.
Theorists predict that if the universe is expanding from a hot and dense beginning in a big bang, it should have left behind an afterglow: the cosmic microwave background
The latest study of the afterglow of the big bang — the so - called cosmic microwave background radiation — confirms even more precisely the standard model of cosmology — and that's a victory for the theory — but it leaves researchers with no discrepancies that might point to a deeper understanding.
Their ultraviolet light reached free hydrogen gas in the surrounding regions, interacting with the atoms in a way that left a key signature in the radio spectrum from the afterglow of the Big Bang.
Early in cosmic history, our universe may have bumped into another — a primordial clash that could have left traces in the Big Bang's afterglow.
Rather than fade out over time, the afterglow has continued to brighten over the past few months, leaving scientists stumped.
Superbad is a funny, boozy, ramshackle party, but it's more likely to leave audiences with a tingly afterglow than a pounding hangover.
But more importantly — male ego is spared and you leave the theater with that familiar sticky afterglow of love.
By 11 o'clock, the battle was won, with enough time left over to show readers a little Afterglow (ie: the state of the character's world after the fact, what was gained / lost or achieved, a snapshot of what life now looks like.)
The AfterGlow 2 features physical page buttons, one on each side of the screen for forward (right) and back (left), and a third button below the screen that acts as a back button.
Living in the afterglow or wake (depending on your political leanings) of the 2008 presidential election, we are left to wonder where this talk of hope and change might lead...
It's also a great moisturizer that soothes irritation and blemishes, and it leaves a lovely afterglow.
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