Sentences with word «afterlife»

The word "afterlife" refers to what happens to a person after they die. It represents the belief or concept of a continued existence or existence in another realm or state beyond death. Full definition
Oh, I want to, and I really hope there is some sort of afterlife for a bunch of reasons, but mostly because it would be wonderful to really experience the truth.
Through the course of this investigation, the author appears to discuss nearly every ancient text that has anything of interest to say about afterlife in the cultures that he covers.
I should say, you need to follow any religion with an eternal afterlife with a permanent good side and penalty side.
Someone that just hates that you are sharing the same afterlife as them, and then once you're done with them the demons could reap their souls just like they do in Ghost.
They're not just trying to do that; they're actually on this mission to help people find what they need in life and to bring them into afterlife.
What do the contributors willing to use the language of afterlife do with it?
If I choose to life a life of mostly sin and for myself as if there was not afterlife and I'm wrong, well I don't really want to think about that.
To prepare yourself for a digital afterlife, the first task is to state, in writing, what you want to happen to your digital assets.
Why can't they just go be happy with their promise of eternal afterlife and leave us alone?
If there is a good afterlife after I die, bonus, but I am completely satisfied with just having the one life, and then it ending.
Your answer only works if you never sacrifice anything in this world for the promised afterlife.
I need no imaginary afterlife to make me feel like life is worth living.
I love the idea of a heavenly afterlife, where our deceased love ones watch over and wait for us.
Finally, it makes sense that you have moved away into your own afterlife.
With shows now getting a long afterlife on the internet, and other shows getting picked up by streaming services after cancellation, it is now harder than ever to define a television hit.
Let's start with the time, effort, and money that could be spent actually trying to make THIS world a better place as opposed to being spent chasing after a fantasy afterlife?
They want to be led around on the hopes and promises of some glorious afterlife.
Should I be wrong, and your god exists, and I have broken his laws, then I will be subject to them in the so - called afterlife.
We are still in the same boat as you have no proof as to your limited purpose of existence or afterlife either.
There would be no need to discuss their eventual place of residence in the supposed afterlife.
And I don't behave this way because of afterlife consequences.
Not someone who is living for some mythical afterlife or to please some mythical sky fairy.
You think your religion is the only one with a bad afterlife for not living a certain way?
His experience leads him to set up a new afterlife for people who are neither notorious sinners, nor great saints.
It is therefore both at risk of exploiting the grief of the loved ones of the deceased and the greatest threat to an individual's afterlife privacy.
Double - talk and threats of a sad afterlife.
I genuinely feel I have found the truth, that there is no god / afterlife etc...
Everyone wishes there was a sweet afterlife, but something like that doesn't just happen on it's own like creation of the universe does.
The questions are as extensive as our present experience of life because what we really are asking is how similar afterlife is to our present life.
The most important characteristic of afterlife derived from this philosophical view of the soul is that it is conscious.
And I'll be honest, looking at the whole gamut of religion and ghosts and afterlife etc from the outside, these kinds of beliefs are really, really just... strange.
It's a fact of our evolutionary heritage that I accept without the need to cover it up with lies about an invisible god and unrealistic afterlife.
After breaking up with his girlfriend, a young man decides to end it all, only to discover a run - down afterlife that is strikingly similar to his old one.
If you believe in afterlife, you live this life accordingly.
Or I may try to change the mind of a believer that thinks they are more moral, bound for a better afterlife or a better citizen because of their beliefs.
Most of the day to day decisions you make have no meaning as the results of those decisions have no bearing on the eternal afterlife.
There is not a shred of verified evidence for your fantasy afterlife.
You will go through life anticipating a glorious afterlife, and you will never know disappointment.
Anyone who claims to know more about the supposed afterlife is a fraud.

Phrases with «afterlife»

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