Sentences with phrase «against alternatives»

Alongside his successful stewardship of the Vote Leave team, the strategist was a major figure in the campaign against the Alternative Vote in 2011.
An argument against the alternatives is that they would increase the risk that students would not be able to repay their loans.
Once these ideas have been tested with lots of populations, and tested against alternatives, we can feel confident that they work.
Our explanation for the lack of warming can be evaluated against alternative hypotheses.
For the latter, the medical establishment truly does not know what intervention works best and for whom, as opposed to testing something that they suspect might be causing harm against an alternative.
The company urged state officials, for instance, not to count last school year's performance against alternative schools, because the state made the rating more rigorous.
Both the campaigns for and against the alternative vote have become increasingly negative in the run - up to polling day.
Not to be against alternative energy, but in the name of compassion.
Testing the Null Hypothesis of Stationary against the Alternative of Unit Root.
The PATH Act now allows «eligible small businesses» to apply research credit claims against alternative minimum tax (AMT) and «qualified small businesses» to apply research credit claims against payroll tax when no income tax liability exists.
The above described professional is not seen as a net negative from the clients pocketbook but instead a net positive when compared against alternatives under a competitive marketing strategy.
Hydrogen is competitive against alternatives for power generation, particularly given its multiple uses and efficiencies Source: «Hawaii Energy Facts & Figures, May 2015,» Hawaii State Energy Office
I support this coalition because a hung Parliament makes it necessary, but I would not support changes to our voting system that would make hung Parliaments the norm, so although I will loyally vote to hold a referendum on changing the voting system, I will campaign vigorously against the alternative vote.»
Mike says that those opting out should be «held accountable against an alternative set of measures» that are nonetheless still outcomes - based and geared toward high school graduation and post-secondary readiness.
Hydrogen is competitive against alternatives for power generation, particularly given its multiple uses and efficiencies
Matthew led the «No» campaign against the Alternative Vote in the 2011 referendum and founded groups as diverse as the TaxPayers» Alliance and civil liberties campaign Big Brother Watch.
What we have in these chapters, in turn, is an almost gentle presentation of natural theology, a Christian theological proposal that is argued vigorously against alternative views, and a straightforward apologetic for a certain physics - based conception of God's action in the world.
If you evaluate Energy East against an alternative scenario where no other pipelines out of Alberta are ever built and no existing pipes are expanded, you could expect a marginal impact on future oil sands development.
Considering that (if memory serves me correctly) 50 % of all straight marriages end in divorce, discriminating against alternative forms of marriage and lifestyles which might be more solid and long lasting for others does seem a tad hypocritical.
When danger of street violence prevented Arieh Klausner from sending Amos to the school attended by the professors» children, he chose an Orthodox religious institution» not because he wished to initiate his son in religious practice, but because of animus against the alternative socialist orientation.
The second chapter includes a substantial discussion of Christology that argues vigorously for the author's interpretation of what Christology, including the resurrection, has meant in the past and what it might mean today, with a fair share of polemics against alternative theological views.
Historians have recently highlighted Winston Churchill's warning against the Alternative Vote.
This isn't the first time a western country has backed a dodgy government in order to protect its own interests against the alternative.
We are fighting against the Alternative Vote hard; we have excellent candidates in the local elections, a superb mayoral candidate in popular local councillor Ross Grant, and a brilliant parliamentary candidate shortlist.
Gretchen: I didn't see any explicitly anti-Trump signs in Berlin, though plenty against alternative facts.
A onetime devotee of holistic therapies, Polevoy now crusades against alternative treatments he considers scams.
The methodology Medicare uses to adjust the billions of dollars it pays health plans and hospitals to account for how sick their patients are is flawed and should be replaced, according to a new study by Dartmouth investigators published in the journal BMJ that weighed the performance of Medicare's methodology against alternatives.
Loewen said the NDA and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in the UK have a number of potential options to deal with the plutonium stockpile against the alternative of permanent storage.
Unsurprisingly, he is so impassioned in his diatribe against alternative medicine that one wonders why he included a promise to mention the «sense» in alternative medicine, when clearly he thinks it's all «nonsense.»
The essays have rightly suggested — whether arguing for or against alternative routes, for or against current practice in schools of education — that unless the present and growing shortage of good teachers is overcome, no other efforts at school reform can succeed.
What we are witnessing in these essays against alternative - certification routes is the suffering of...
As the system continues to push back against these alternatives, it constrains, weakens, or defeats them.
Moving forward, certain small businesses ($ 50 million or less in gross receipts) can claim the credit directly against any alternative minimum tax (AMT) they are liable for.
Also, the full credit is allowed against the Alternative Minimum Tax.
Further, evaluate companies against alternative investments.
Again, rank the idea against the alternatives that you might reinvest in, and choose the idea that gives you the best likely returns, adjusted for risk.
Take the time to consider the up front and ongoing costs of the timeshare and compare these costs against alternative holiday arrangements.
Take a look at our small business loan calculator to see how other loan options stack up against an alternative loan with SnapCap.
We profile how these cards perform against some alternatives below.
Before BEST, the above questions aside, strict mathematical analyses of the data could not reach above a 90 % CI on any substantial span of years, nor could reach a similar CI against alternative hypotheses based on some views of ocean variability.
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