Sentences with phrase «against bacterial infections»

Small silver linens run through the fabric for added protection against bacterial infections and fungi development.
It is also known to be effective against bacterial infections in the colon.
There are two antibiotics that are prescribed for a canine cough to guard against bacterial infection.
If you routinely give your dog human gas reduction products, acidic levels can be depleted, leaving your dog's gut with inadequate protection against bacterial infection.
The vaccine for Bordetella, also known as «kennel cough», is recommended for dogs who are exposed to other dogs on a regular basis, and helps protect against a bacterial infection of the respiratory system.
An appropriate amount of inflammation in the body is beneficial for defense against bacterial infection, but uncontrolled inflammation leads to inflammatory diseases.
The chosen oils in our blend have been found effective in the treatment of inflamed and wounded skin and their anti-inflammatory properties fight against bacterial infections.
Will a simple taste test someday allow doctors to personalize treatment against bacterial infections?
By studying how neutrophils — immune cells that both defend against bacterial infections, and produce inflammation — adhere within your blood vessels, researchers hope to develop treatments based on modulating or blocking one of the steps in the adhesion cascade to reduce neutrophil recruitment
Through this, we will accelerate the development of vaccines against bacterial infections, particularly those relevant to LMICs.
Because The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than half of all antibiotics used in this country are prescribed inappropriately, it is important to note that antibiotics are ONLY effective against bacterial infections (e.g. strep throat, some pneumonia and sinus infections) and NOT viral infections (e.g. the common cold, most coughs and the flu).
With this in mind, the researchers set out to develop an effective antibacterial treatment, drawing their inspiration from naturally - occurring peroxidase enzymes that play a role in immune defence against bacterial infections.
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have obtained the first 3D structure of uromodulin, the building block of the unique safety net that constantly protects our urinary tract against bacterial infections.
Antibiotics work against bacterial infections but are often prescribed to people with viral infections, which don't respond to the drugs.
In its normal form, caspase - 12 curtails the production of regulatory proteins called cytokines, which help mount an immune response against bacterial infection.
Penicillin, one of the scientific marvels of the 20th century, is currently losing a lot of battles it once won against bacterial infections.
«As a result of studying these proteins, we discovered novel structures that turn out to work very well against bacterial infections, including the complicated bacterial populations in lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients.»
Using a small molecule such as a siderophore against bacterial infections is itself a novel approach, Mobley notes.
New research suggests that regular physical activity, even at low levels, may be protective against bacterial infections — and the findings were especially promising when it came to UTIs.
I was just wondering when you suggest trying a ketogenic diet as a diagnostic tool against bacterial infection, how long do you need to be on the diet in order to get reasonable feedback.
The doctor has been trained in a mind - set derived from the war against bacterial infections in which success (such as it was) was achieved by a process of diagnosing diseases by their signs and symptoms in order to identify the infecting organism so the proper antibiotic may be employed to kill it.
Strengthening the gums can make them more resilient against bacterial infections.
At that point, the veterinarian may then decide to perform a plasma transfusion on - farm and provide any additional care that may be required to provide protection to the foal against bacterial infections.
For protection against bacterial infections on minor cuts, scrapes, and other injuries on your dog's skin.
The veterinarian may prescribe pain medication and antibiotics as a precaution against bacterial infections.
In human donor cells and mouse experimental models, the researchers demonstrated that TSLP specifically targeted neutrophils — white blood cells that constitute the first line of defense against bacterial infections.
It's coated in part with long - term dispersant antibiotic, so it fights against bacterial infections.
The research team, a collaborative partnership between the groups of Professor Gabrielle Belz of Melbourne's Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, and Professor Eric Vivier at the Centre d'Immunologie de Marseille - Luminy, France, found that innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are crucial for protecting against bacterial infection in people with compromised immune systems.
The study focused on neutrophils — immune cells that both defend against bacterial infections, and produce inflammation — and how they adhere within your blood vessels.
They will threaten legal action or non payment or will go to another vet if they don't get their way, despite the fact that antibiotics are only effective against bacterial infections, and not other illnesses.
Packed with vitamin C, onions can help boost the immune system and offer protection against bacterial infection.
The complement system includes nine proteins (C1 - 9) that help protect against bacterial infections, a process aided by antibodies.
A gene associated with both protection against bacterial infection and excessive blood clotting could offer new insights into treatment strategies for deep - vein thrombosis — the formation of a harmful clot in a deep vein.
Antibiotics are essential in the fight against bacterial infections and save countless lives.
Because new research just reported at the Ecological Society of America meeting indicates that some hibernating animals wake up as a defense against bacterial infections.
He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine, and is the recipient of the 2009 Robert Koch Award, from the Robert Koch Foundation, in recognition of his groundbreaking research work into the mechanisms of defense against bacterial infection.
Tansy protects against bacterial infections, reduces risk of fungal and viral infections, and controls allergic reactions.
The Bordetella vaccine protects against the bacterial infection.
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