Sentences with phrase «against birth control»

The Catholic church is against all birth control in every form.
But, I find those who are often so much against abortion, are also against birth control, and public efforts to expand access for young single women with limited means.
There are cultures and traditions which have rules against birth control.
Instead of detailing his many and manifold sins, he launched into a reprise of his argument against birth control coverage in U.S. health plans, and criticized President Obama along the way for coming to Fluke's defense.
While the exemption addresses the longtime concerns of the Little Sisters, a group of Catholic nuns who are arguing against the birth control requirement, it does not end their court battle.
But I do not go around calling individuals «immoral» when they do not conform to the tenets of my religion (as the bishops, etc. have done in their outcry against birth control).
aren't we simplistic — highly likely you're against birth control too... come out of your puffy white clouds of heaven's judgement and down to earth — and when you get there go adopt 30 kids or so who have been abandoned, abused or birthed in a toilet — harsh, but true...
They are not really against birth control, as they are against using tax - payer dollars to pay for birth control, or the government requiring churches and religious organizations to offer birth control as part of their group medical insurance plans.
I read somewhere that in Argentina he has not been as dogmatic as his successors on the Catholic Church's ban against birth control.
Cf. Edward R. Moore, The Case against Birth Control (New York: Appleton.
Mr Majury, of Dunblane and Bridge of Allan, was behind an account which tweeted in 2012: «Why is the Catholic Church against birth control?
It's far far cheaper to provide birth control than to provide births / lifetime healthcare for a person, yet insurance companies would rather do the latter, and fight tooth and nail against birth control.
Now here is a flyer announcing an organization called Protestants Against Birth Control (PABC).
The Quiverfall movement is one society against birth control.
Milwaukee Brewers player responds to actress» tweet slamming Senate for voting against birth control amendment
If the Pope wants to decrease pressure on the environment, he needs to halt their ludicrous stands against birth control, and accept that large families, starvation, and desperate pursuits of any material comforts go hand in hand.
«Appointing an individual who has crusaded against birth control to head the nation's family planning program makes a mockery of women's health.
With reports about the link between Zika virus and birth defects, Latin Americans must choose whether they should use birth control methods to prevent pregnancy or follow Catholicism's stance against birth control.
This is one of the reasons why the Christianity is becoming obsolete, ridiculous arguments against birth control.
I am not saying that I am against birth control pills, or that they should not be given to women, I am saying that the Catholic Church should not have to provide the insurance for it because they do not believe in birth control.
If you and your religious freaky deakies would not simultaneously speak out against birth control, then maybe we could get somewhere.
I never hear those against birth control offering any money.
Two, and I think more importantly is that if people go to BC speicifcally because they are christian and against birth control, they wouldn't apply to work in that field to begin with right?
Republican gorillas will be against healthcare and catholic gorillas will be against birth control.
The phony pro-lifers now drop health care, (which is needed for life) are against birth control (Never offer any money to help the kids they want so badly to be born) The catholic church is no different than taliban, al queda, kkk or other terrorist organizations.
Say, if a Catholic is against birth control (condoms, the pill, etc.), then it's sensible for this belief to extend to their animals, as in, don't neuter them.
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