Sentences with phrase «against cancer causing»

Carotenoids are antioxidants providing protection against cancer causing agents.
For example, sweet potatoes are a great source of potassium, vitamin B, and beta - carotene as well as antioxidants that specifically help to fight against cancer causing agents.
The new vaccine Gardasil protects against the cancers caused by both HPV types.

Not exact matches

Then 1994 happened, and the public turned against big tobacco amid revelations that the companies» executives were exposed to research that suggested nicotine was addictive and cigarettes could cause lung cancer.
The pollution judgment against Chevron issued in 2011 based on 105 technical evidentiary reports showing the oil major dumped billions of gallons of cancer - causing oil waste onto Indigenous ancestral lands.
Edward Jones is proud to join the fight against cancer by participating in the Pedal the Cause Bike Challenge.
We're proud of our associates who joined the fight against cancer as Edward Jones Pedal the Cause riders.
Man had made enormous strides in discovering the causes of disease, and is still fighting a long - drawn - out battle against such things as the incredibly minute viruses, and the apparently arbitrary cell - degeneration known as cancer.
Mitt Romney's first job after College was to work for Monsanto and help them improve their Corporate image after getting cuaght dumping known cancer causing PCB's into the rivers and water ways around the Great Lakes... So did the families that came down with cancer from drinking water contaminated by those dumped PCB's chemicals commite a sin against God... or did Monsanto commite the sin by dumping them?
Unlike Ruth Levy, whose lung cancer caused her no physical pain, Mr. Smith's tumor pressed against his spine and kept him in agony much of the time.
Cabbage possesses phytochemicals including sulforaphane, which studies suggest protects the body against cancer - causing free radicals, and indoles, which help metabolize estrogens.
Look for a broad spectrum sunscreen - one that protects against both Ultraviolet A and B rays (UVA, UVB) which will help protect your skin from the harmful rays that can cause skin cancer and aging / wrinkles.
Adolescent vaccines protect against serious and potentially life - threatening diseases, including meningitis, septicemia and cancers caused by HPV.
As the criminal complaint against Silver alleges, he used his authority to disburse HCRA grants to enrich himself, directing hundreds of thousands of dollars to renowned Columbia University physician Dr. Robert Taub for the completion of a center to study mesothelioma, a rare cancer that can be caused by asbestos exposure, in exchange for Taub's agreement to direct clients with cancer to Silver's law firm Weitz & Luxenberg, which specializes in lucrative asbestos lawsuits.
Last year, Governor Ambode devoted his birthday to raising funds towards the fight against cancer, a move the CECP said, went a long way to opening the floodgates of support to the cause.
Nonetheless, Sonntag plans to study whether short - term therapy with either hormone might protect people against cognitive damage from stroke without causing cancer.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections cause virtually all cervical cancers, and the researchers stress the need for widespread HPV vaccination to protect women against the virus.
In January, the California Attorney General won a settlement against GIB for deceptive advertising and failure to disclose a known cancer - causing ingredient.
The vaccination protects against infection from the two types of Human Papilloma Virus that cause seven in 10 cases of cervical cancer, as well as two other types of the virus linked with genital warts.
There are concerns the vaccine, which guards against four types of the HPV shown to cause cervical cancer and anogenital warts, may give girls a false sense of security about contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and lead them to engage in riskier sexual activity.
In addition to protecting against 80 percent of cervical cancers, the new 9 - Valent human papillomavirus vaccine, which includes seven cancer causing HPV - types, has the potential to protect against nearly 19,000 other cancers diagnosed in the United States, including anal, oropharyngeal and penile cancers.
The CRISPR technique is a new weapon against dormant herpes viruses in the body, which cause cold sores and can be implicated in blindness and cancer
Since 2008, girls in the UK have been vaccinated against the human papillomavirus, which can cause cervical cancer.
Fears that vaccination against the virus that causes cervical cancer might encourage girls to become more sexually active are unfounded, suggests a survey of UK teenagers who have received or been offered the vaccine.
«Genes may cause tumor aggressiveness, drug resistance in African - American prostate cancer: Research found many targeted therapies for prostate cancer may not be effective against tumors in African - American men.»
The FDA approved Merck's Gardasil vaccine in 2006, after clinical trials showed that it protects against four strains of human papillomavirus (HPV), which together cause about 70 percent of cervical cancers and 90 percent of genital warts.
The common ulcer - causing bug linked this summer to reduced rates of childhood asthma and allergies may also help protect adults against one type of cancer, according to a new analysis.
«We used to think it was too dangerous to use viruses that cause a raging infection,» NIH's David Bodine says, «but we've now realized that this incredible immune response can be turned very specifically against cancer.
Scientists at Dana - Farber Cancer Institute have identified natural human antibodies against the virus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), a step toward developing treatments for the newly emerging and often - fatal disease..
A new study from the University of Illinois reports that including broccoli in the diet may also protect against liver cancer, as well as aid in countering the development of fatty liver or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) which can cause malfunction of the liver and lead to hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a liver cancer with a high mortality rate.
Principal Investigator John Morris, MD, clinical co-leader of the Molecular Therapeutics and Diagnosis Program for the CCC, co-leader of the UC Cancer Institute's Comprehensive Lung Cancer Program, professor in the division of hematology oncology at the UC College of Medicine and UC Health medical oncologist, says a number of antitumor vaccines have shown promise for causing immune responses against tumor antigens to improve patient outcomes.
She explains, in detail, the long and ugly fight against known cancer - causing agents, including asbestos, benzene, vinyl chloride, and tobacco.
«Efficient treatment a step closer in fight against cancer - causing herpes.»
They may have lacked a gene mutation that modern humans carry that offers some protection against cancer - causing chemicals found in wood smoke.
Once they have proven that the dried vaccineworks, Schlegel and Garcea plan to target six cancer - causing HPV strains toprotect against 90 percent of cervical cancer.
Herpes virus proteins are more «spaghetti - like» than previously thought, which provides a vital clue in the search for an efficient treatment against a type of herpes which causes a form of cancer known as Kaposi's sarcoma.
Understanding the physiological mechanisms that cause or, as in this case, prevent genetic instability is a basic question in Molecular Biology and Biomedicine which is of vital importance in the research against cancer, given that genetic instability is a distinctive feature of tumorous cells.
The other story from last year flagged by Science Committee leaders claimed that IARC omitted evidence that went against its conclusion that glyphosate likely causes cancer in humans and edited a draft review significantly before it was released to the public (Greenwire, 20 October, 2017).
Underarm antiperspirants guard against odor and wetness, but could the aluminum - based compounds that reduce sweat actually cause Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer?
Havran, MacLeod and their colleagues also hope to learn further details of the molecular cross-talk between DETCs and keratinocytes, as well as the role of DETCs in protecting against other environmental threats, such as the ultraviolet radiation that causes sunburn and skin cancers.
Last year the FDA approved Gardasil, a vaccine effective against four strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) that cause 90 percent of genital warts and 70 percent of all cases of cervical cancer.
Gardasil protects against two strains responsible for 70 percent of all cervical cancer cases and another two that cause noncancerous genital warts.
For the study, MAbs were rapidly produced in tobacco plants in as little as ten days, giving promise to change the image of scourged product that causes lung cancer into a manufacturing system for societal benefits against infectious diseases.
The HPV vaccine, which protects against four types of HPV shown to cause cervical cancer and anogenital warts, is offered free through school - based programs to young girls across Canada.
Given well - established evidence that free radicals can cause cancer, the research community had simply assumed that antioxidants, which destroy them, provide protection against the disease.
In particular, more work is needed to determine the safety of this therapy in advanced mouse models that can more accurately predict safety in humans, and its efficacy specifically against metastatic cancer, which is the leading cause of cancer - related deaths.
A Vaccine against Epstein - Barr virus, which causes glandular fever and is implicated in several cancers, will start trials in people within a year.
In the present study, the scientists demonstrated that the drug BI-97D6 increased cancer cell death caused by mda - 7 / IL - 24, and it also helped defend against resistance to the viral gene therapy.
Advocates of the vaccine point out that the jabs work against human papillomavirus (HPV)-- which causes virtually all cases of cervical cancer — and are safe.
The latest data from a large clinical trial of Merck's cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil, found it offered 100 % protection against cervical, vulval and vaginal diseases, caused by HPV (types 6, 11, 16 and 18) and 98 % protection against advanced pre-cancers caused by HPV types 16 and 18 (New England Journal of Medicine: vol 356, p1915).
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