Sentences with phrase «against conscience»

When it goes against our conscience or our faith we should not have to be required to do it.
I don't ever want someone to act against their conscience in business, but I see no real bad coming from giving books away.
Many of those who vote for it are voting against their conscience and for party unity.
This lesson explores questions of obedience, and why people may participate in something against their conscience or harm others even against their will.
Nobody is compelling you to do anything against your conscience, only that you not get in the way of others doing what they want.
There may be very good reasons to force the baker to act against his conscience — reasons just as good as those he has for telling the gay couple to take its business elsewhere.
Such sinning against the conscience is what is generally meant by sin.
To be considered unconscionable, conduct it must be more than simply unfair — it must be against conscience as judged against the norms of society.
Doctors in Norway face pressure to participate in abortion procedures against their consciences.
Demonstrating how thoroughly progressive thought — as defined by Abramson — has shattered classical liberalism in Canada's medical ranks, 79 percent of the Canadian Medical Association doctors recently voted against conscience protections for physicians opposed to participation in euthanasia.
Every judgment of conscience, be it right or wrong, be it about things evil in themselves or morally indifferent, is obligatory, in such wise that he who acts against his conscience always sins.
The GOP is following the Whigs (whose brilliant beginnings are now forgotten since they sold out against their conscience on the issues of slavery and manifest destiny) into the dilapidated dustbin of history, and will be commemorated in future history textbooks as the party whose decline began when they sold out to ignorance and religious extremism.
They were not to start telling people they must eat meat on a Friday against their conscience, «It looks to me as if all the misery which we have begun to heap upon the papists will fall upon us.
The author's goal is to warn poor, thoughtless sinners, not with smooth words they can ignore, but with words that thunder against their consciences regarding the danger of their souls and the increasing wretchedness into which they are madly hurrying.
«Mala In Se» is defined as, «Wrongs in themselves; acts morally wrong; offenses against conscience
The court found this case fell within the principles of those cases, stating it would be «entirely against conscience» if Mr. Palmer were to retain beneficial ownership of the entire house and not allow Mrs. Hussey any interest in it or charge upon it.
(It is not clear to me that any have been so compelled against their consciences, though some argue that they should be so compelled if the availability of the service depends on their participation.)
Aquinas wrote that we must disobey the orders even of our sworn liege if those orders go against our conscience.
Do not let the white and black Democrats bully you into voting against your conscience.
To be considered unconscionable, conduct must be more than simply unfair — it must be against conscience as judged against the norms of society.
I think it's clear that the gay couple could get their cake elsewhere pretty easily, whereas the baker - qua - agent will either act against his conscience or not.
They went against their conscience (which Paul talked about in Rom 1:18 - 32) and they most likely broke some of the laws of whatever government they were living under (Rom 13:1 - 7).
But that, too, should not offend non-Catholic Christians, since we can all agree that such a person would be acting against his conscience and his sure discernment of the will of God.
The strangeness is so intimidating that we assume we are going against our consciences and that we would be sinful to persist in that direction.
«Because of you, because you were my friend, I was now brave enough to stand up to those around me that pushed me to vote against my conscience, against you.
And there are those who argue — paradoxically with the intention of eliminating discrimination — that Christians in public roles should be required at times to act against their conscience.
SEC members voted to remove the doctrinal clause which stated that marriage is a «union of one man and one woman», replacing it with a clause which asserts that clergy who do not wish to preside over same - sex weddings will not be compelled to do so «against their conscience».
If you are in a group where you feel you are being forced to do certain things that are against your conscience, or if your being pressured to stop doing things which you see no problem with, get out of that group!
In the denomination to which I once belonged, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), more traditional pastors are beginning to wake up to the fact that, even if the civil government does exercise some restraint in compelling pastors to act against conscience, it is hardly the case that their denomination itself will.
This is how I think, and I feel morally compelled to think this way, and it would go against my conscience to think otherwise.
Religious leaders also suggested the February exemption was still too narrow, possibly setting a precedent for the government to be able to compel religious groups to provide something against their conscience.
I can not and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe.
Just because someone asks doesn't mean you have to answer, especially if goes against what feels like wisdom or against your conscience.
Where such relationships are made public and institutionalised with legal rights, the Church can not recognize those rights, and should not be forced to recognise them against her conscience.
Nevertheless, David Cameron said many Labour MPs felt a «conscientious belief that they signed up to a manifesto», and asked if it was right to ask them to vote against their consciences.
«Unless I am convinced by sacred Scripture, or by evident reason, I can not recant,» he told the church authorities in 1521, «for my conscience is held captive by the word of God, and to act against conscience is neither right nor safe.»
The EU however appears intolerant - a devout Catholic, Mormon, Muslim is apparently incompetent to take a role in the European Project unless they, against conscience, sign up to a package of social liberal policies.
«This study suggests that those most likely to be asked to act against their consciences are the ones most likely to say physicians should not have to do so.»
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