Sentences with phrase «against danger»

They also warn against the dangers of including a highly volatile alternative asset in your 401k.
It is a great warning against the danger of using numbers without understanding all the variables.
Other products designed to protect against the dangers of heat include cooling mats — pads designed with materials that, when saturated, stay dry on the outer layer but retain cooler temperatures inside.
Our first day together, we hold an informational seminar, giving you traveling tips to help guard against the dangers of personal injury or theft in the region.
Only proper homeowners insurance can give you full protection against these dangers.
She's literally taking a stand against the dangers of sitting at work.
In such a bustling area, it's imperative that you have adequate coverage against dangers on the road.
There may have been a time in your life when being heard was not safe, and to blend in and fade away was the best defense against danger.
How long can you survive against the dangers of the unknown?
You don't need certainty about those future effects to know that insuring against the danger, intelligently and at moderate cost, makes sense.
Scientists around the world are speaking out against the dangers of developing lethal autonomous weapons.
When your child's safety is threatened, you are then more likely to fight against the danger to protect your child.
They want to fight back against dangers real or imagined.
It is easy to protect your cat against these dangers to their health with a few short trips to the vet.
While some vaccines prevent common infectious diseases, others protect against dangers present in a cat's daily lifestyle.
The balancing test weighs the utility of the product against the danger that it poses.
Also, make sure you have a working and dependable headlights which is very much your ally against the dangers of night driving learned from Driving education lectures.
But many online sources warn against the dangers of certain herbs.
The same two things anybody uses to protect against any danger.
In the end you will realize that in order to enjoy a happy and healthy marriage it is worth guarding against the dangers of emotional affairs.
Stress is vital for our survival; it is the body's natural defense against danger and predators.
How long can you survive against the dangers of the unknown?
There are certain steps that you can take to protect your child against the dangers of extreme heat.
We would also like to warn against the dangers of donating infant formula to such institutions, however.
But a new commentary by four internationally prominent genetic medicine and bioethics experts cautions against the dangers of inflated expectations — an unsustainable genomic bubble — and it offers ways to avoid it while still realizing «the true — and considerable — promise of the genomic revolution.»
Regular vet visits can safeguard against these dangers, keeping your cat up - to - date with vaccinations and flagging immune system issues before a cat is exposed to anything harmful.
There is also a «proportionality» requirement for the defense of others defense: «The defendant used no more force than was reasonably necessary to defend against that danger» (CalCrim instruction 3470).
The objectivity and universality of the good news should guard us as Christians against these dangers of privatism and individualism.
Schools caution parents against the dangers of being overly ambitious and the high price tag for driving for perfection.
Environmental threats, like floods or earthquakes, are typically not covered unless the homeowner also purchases hazard insurance, which also protects against dangers like nuclear fallout.
he's the reason the Flyers» 1C is out of this game and their lines look like someone chucked them in a blender, so he's not just a danger to people playing against him
And those who raise their voices against the danger to our health and our human rights to safety have been the subject of harassment, intimidation and attempts to silence them.
As the Nazi forces roll across Western Europe and the threat of invasion of the UK, Churchill must resist attempts by his own political party and an initially sceptical King George VI, to stand firm against the dangers facing his country and not buckle to the Nazis.
If you live, work or have any other personal or official business on the property and are present on the property at the consent of the owner, you are protected by law against any danger or negligence that could result in injury.
Has the collapse of Mexico's peso made you wonder about the steps you should be taking to protect your company's international accounts receivable against the dangers that accompany currency fluctuations?
A new reading scheme has been launched for boys (Times, January 7th 2009) with books emphasising action, adventure, and a team of young people battling against danger.
One can hardly imagine a more effective shield against this danger than Psalm 19.
It is also guarded against the danger which would come from paying the inheritance into the state treasury, for that would deprive members of the family of the results of the efforts made by parents, children, relatives, husbands, and wives, and would be damaging to society.
Precisely because we tend to be prejudiced (what people politely call «having a pre-understanding») we have to be self - critical and take action against the danger of Scripture - twisting.
Even so, he warned vehemently against the danger of letting the desire to be on the inside of the Inner Ring motivate one's actions and words.
Early in this awakening there appeared the new traditionalist movement, led by Timothy Dwight, who preached return to the old order, aroused the populace against the dangers of foreigners, attacked deistic heresies and rebellion among the youth, and urged maintaining the old establishment of religion.
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