Sentences with phrase «against dangers to»

The ones who do so protect themselves against dangers to their business.
Safety education begins in the earliest days of the infant's life, in the continual watchfulness of parents against any danger to the helpless child.
And those who raise their voices against the danger to our health and our human rights to safety have been the subject of harassment, intimidation and attempts to silence them.
«Setbacks typically used to minimize noise are sufficient to protect against danger to the public.
The probable future damage to M. by leaving her in her mother's care must be balanced against the danger to her of forcible removal from the strongest parental connections she has.

Not exact matches

In addition to running these «sub-routines» our brains must sort through tons of information that it receives and routes some of it to our conscious minds while filing most of it away in our subconscious where it is compared by the nervous system against our «database of danger
The program was created to protect witnesses who are in danger as a result of the testimony against criminals.
The risks of the cloud are nothing new — Richard Stallman, a well - known open - source activist, has called cloud - storage services «a trap» numerous times, and comedian Louis C.K. warned against the dangers of handing over our photos to services such as iCloud back in 2012, on Jimmy Kimmel Live of all places.
The shot to protect against yellow fever had been a recommendation for Americans visiting Brazil and other South American countries, but raising the travel advisory to a level two alert reflects the danger of the current outbreak.
At a time when the White House has vowed to act more forcefully against North Korea, Iran and other threats, some officials see the Cuba problem as yet another lesson in the dangers of using intelligence selectively to advance policy goals.
And in Stanford, Kosinski, who wanted to warn against the danger of using psychological targeting in a political setting, is once again receiving accusatory emails.
A placard warning against the dangers of climate change used in the March on Washington stands by an overflowing garbage can January 21st 2017, in Washington, D.C. following a march in response to newly elected President Donald Trump.
After Mark Zuckerberg testified in front of Congress, what do you need to know to protect yourself against the Online Dangers.
«Judging from the warlike posture of both parties and the US media, it's hard to see where such restraint will come from; and yet those of us who see the danger must do all we can to warn against it.»
But the very simplicity of borrowing against your 401 (k) plan covers up some hidden dangers that you need to be aware of if you're considering taking out a 401 (k) loan — even for a down payment on real estate.
The danger the United States faces today is that the government debt crisis scheduled to hit Congress next spring (when Republicans are threatening to vote against raising the federal debt limit as the government deficit soars) will provide an opportunity for the wealthy to give a coup de grace on what is left of progressive taxation in this country.
That's in stark contrast to its stance back in Jan. 2017 when it warned local banks against trading in cryptocurrencies citing the danger of «money laundering and financing of terrorism.»
This confidence in leadership individuals to sin and violate the laws of our earth, and do anything they want without regard to expose themselves and whole societies to extreme danger against the upheaval that can be unleashed.
The popular revolts against longtime dictators in the Middle East and North Africa may have given hope to millions of Arabs, but the State Department's annual International Religious Freedom Report found that the uprisings have exposed ethnic and religious minorities to new dangers.
That's a tough thing to deal with, because that «false self» is a form of protecton against some perceived threat of danger.
Conversations about the power of making arrests, the corruption and complicity of local governments, the holistic care for survivors, the mechanisms of business and labor, the dangers of coming against criminal syndicates — these are not simple ideas or odds to overcome — especially in the NGO community.
On a related note there are very high occurences of our troops and police committing domestic violence here in North America so i'm guessing you are against all troops / police since they are clearly a danger to themselves and their families?
While there is no parallel in Christian theology, there is ample parallel in Christian folk - belief — a consecrated communion wafer worn around the neck has been thought to be the best defense against Dracula, and crosses and medals are put to similar use against modern dangers.
The Church must understand this ubiquitous danger to our mortal souls and preach loudly against it.
When danger of street violence prevented Arieh Klausner from sending Amos to the school attended by the professors» children, he chose an Orthodox religious institution» not because he wished to initiate his son in religious practice, but because of animus against the alternative socialist orientation.
The believer who says no to our historical present, who refuses the existence about and within him, who sets himself against our time and destiny, and yet seeks release in an «eternity» having no relation, or only a negative relation, to our present moment, is succumbing to the Gnostic danger.
Because despite our best intentions, if used wrong, we are in danger of perpetuating the problem we claim to be fighting against.
It seems to me that if wealth can be such a significant stumbling block on the path to salvation, we ought to urgently warn against its possible dangers, perhaps in the same way we warn against the dangers of pornography or lust.
Concerned to warn against the danger of preconceived ideas blinding one to the reality of the challenge: Laborers in the Vineyard, Two Sons, Children in the Market Place, Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
Of this danger I have been constantly aware and have endeavored to guard against it.
Precisely because we tend to be prejudiced (what people politely call «having a pre-understanding») we have to be self - critical and take action against the danger of Scripture - twisting.
But I was uneasy, and when I did venture to suggest that there was, in fact, a troubling aroma of idolatry wafting within our breezy confidences of the man, I was kindly informed that» being composed of Christian believers» the forum was in no danger of falling into sin against that great and primary commandment.
His whole emphasis on irony and contingency is meant to protect us against what he calls «the dangers of over-philosophication,» the temptation to think of philosophy as providing anything more than a kind of therapeutic stance.
All of us, whatever we call ourselves, are vulnerable to wishful thinking; intellectual integrity requires that we safeguard ourselves against this danger as best we can.
Living on the frontier, their lives always in danger from Indian attacks, struggling against nature for a living, accustomed to the raw, untamed life, these people were prepared for revivalistic religion which touched the emotions.
If there is any danger that the Bretton Woods institutions will really support the interests of other countries against us, seeking the level playing field advocated by economists, the U.S. will allow these institutions to fail.
Here in the United States, the speculative dangers of climate change need to be weighed against the real and present dangers of stagnant wages and depressed rates of labor participation.
With 1,500 of them out there converting two Chin - amen apiece per annum against an uphill birth rate of 33,000 pagans per day, it will take upward of a million years to make the conversions balance the output and bring the Christianizing of the country in sight to the naked eye; therefore, if we can offer our missionaries as rich a field at home at lighter expense and quite satisfactory in the matter of danger, why shouldn't they find it fair and right to come back and give us a trial?
But prophets are generally regarded as a danger to the church to the extent that this designation, in the case of a preacher, conjures up a radical, condemning voice standing over and above the congregation thundering against the evils of society.
Alas, a trial judge has ruled that Jimenez will not be able to sue, since a waitress is not legally obligated to warn a customer «against a danger that is open and obvious.»
The story indicates that Sisera commited a great indecency against Jael by forcing his way into her tent quarters to hide from his pursuers (thinking they would never look there for him because of the inappropriateness of it, and that she would not betray him because of the danger it would place her in).
Reacting against the doctrine that pride is always the essence of sin, and influenced by the findings of psychiatry concerning the opposite danger of excessive self - depreciation, a number of contemporary theologians have pointed to the need for self - respect.
Many of these people are against abortion for these same reasons even in the cases of r@pe, danger to the mother and inc - est.
This is the way to a true historical understanding and it is a major protection against the ever - prevalent danger of eisegesis.
Bertrand Russell (1968) warned against the dangers of encouraging people to see themselves and others as cogs in a machine - like world.
Early in this awakening there appeared the new traditionalist movement, led by Timothy Dwight, who preached return to the old order, aroused the populace against the dangers of foreigners, attacked deistic heresies and rebellion among the youth, and urged maintaining the old establishment of religion.
«56 It is the task of ecumenical theology to warn us against both these dangers, he said.
For instance, organizations trying to assist Haitian and Salvadoran refugees to avoid repatriation, or organizations urging boycott of banks doing business with South Africa, or organizations counseling young people not to register for the draft, or organizations protesting increased military expenditures, or organizations demonstrating against nuclear power or against mineral exploration in wilderness areas, are all in danger of losing their tax exemptions for violating «public policy.»
And while there's certainly a danger in being overly sensitive to differing opinions, there is also a risk in not being willing to stand up against the perpetrators of actual injustices.
Unless it were demonstrated that Hussein's regime posed a clearly identifiable and imminent danger to the U.S. (or to Iraq's neighbors), the war against Iraq would be manifestly unjust.
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