Sentences with phrase «against doctrine»

Unsurprisingly, Kissinger has written an essay, «The Pitfalls of Universal Jurisdiction: Risking Judicial Tryanny,» published in the summer 2001 volume of Foreign Affairs, arguing against the doctrine; he was answered by Kenneth Roth in the Fall volume of the same journal («The Case for Universal Jurisdiction «-RRB-.
Insisting that Boko Haram insurgency was not about religion, Buhari said, it would be wrong to read religious meanings into the activities of the sect as it is against the doctrine of any religion that worshipers and children should be killed.
At one point, Spencer's character claims that the entire Trinity, not only Christ's human nature, suffered on the cross at Calvary — a rank heresy against the doctrine of divine impassibility.
Since Wycliff had now lost the support of highly placed personages, the new Archbishop of Canterbury took strong action against his doctrine in a special national synod in l382.
The slogan «No taxation without representation» came up against this doctrine.
Moreover, and more seriously, it ends by pitting the doctrine of salvation against the doctrine of creation.
I am not against doctrine, nor am I against developing it or debating it.
Reacting against the doctrine that pride is always the essence of sin, and influenced by the findings of psychiatry concerning the opposite danger of excessive self - depreciation, a number of contemporary theologians have pointed to the need for self - respect.
Accordingly, more and more evangelicals have reacted against the doctrine, and some now completely reject it.
A formulation such as this is the only defense against a doctrine of love which involves the annihilation of the self.
Rose aligns Taylor with «many theologians» of the modern era who «set faith against dogma and love against doctrine
What is often overlooked in the reaction against this doctrine is that the liberals formulated it in more than one way.
But does he have any independent arguments against that doctrine?
How absurd it is, therefore, to contend against the doctrines of election, or decrees, or divine sovereignty.
this woman is anti God, first her husband allows anti-moral behaviour and now she is telling religious people to be in politics which is totally against the doctrines of the church.
Beecher spent much of his energy in reaction against the doctrines and influence of his famous father.
A minority, largely among the wealthy intelligentsia who favored states» rights, protested against the doctrines of election held by the church.
At a special synod in 1382, the Archbishop of Canterbury took strong action against his doctrines.
In the video that has gone viral on social media, nine females and four males were seen gyrating their waist in a «profane» fashion that the school authorities apparently thought was against the doctrines of the Islamic Religion.

Not exact matches

An Ontario Court of Appeal justice has warned against «summary judgment at all costs» in her dissent of a ruling on the application of the doctrine of emergency in a personal injury case.
The latter legal doctrine covers claims against companies who manufacture and sell a defective or dangerous product.
First question should always be, it is not just the rational science these people are arguing against, it also the numerous other faiths, many of whom have their own doctrines of how the world started.
Dawkins argues that while there appear to be plenty of individuals that would place themselves as «1» due to the strictness of religious doctrine against doubt, most atheists do not consider themselves «7» because atheism arises from a lack of evidence and evidence can always change a thinking person's mind.
Wycliffe also leveled sharp criticisms against papal authority, the legitimacy of mendicant orders, and the doctrine of transubstantiation.
While Evangelicals greatly respect the way in which the Catholic Church has defended many historic Christian teachings against relativizing and secularizing trends, and recognize the role of the present pontiff in that important task today, they believe that some aspects of Catholic doctrine are not biblically warranted, and they do not accept any claims of infallibility made for the magisterial teachings of popes or church councils.
These Blaine Amendments discriminate against the Catholic Church and against other relatively orthodox churches, whose attachment to their own distinctive authority and doctrine limits their ability to form institutions in concert with other religious groups.
Further, most non-supernaturalists that I know have nothing against Christians, they only despise the doctrines of Christianity that are incompatible and oppressive to modern society and personal freedom.
• Catholic social doctrine from Leo XIII to Benedict XVI, Bernard Laurent relentlessly argues, is one of relentless «intransigence» against the Enlightenment, modernity, liberalism, and all their pomps and works.
Mormon doctrine teaches that the Second Coming of Jesus was imminent, [48] and that God would soon exact punishment against the United States for persecuting Mormons and martyring Joseph Smith, Jr., Hyrum Smith, Patten and Pratt, all of whom were considered by Mormons to be prophets.
Without denying the place that Protestant reformers occupy in evangelical faith, it should be said that classic Christian teaching, whether in the realm of doctrine or ethics, is best defined not against the backdrop of the sixteenth century, but rather in the light of the broader apostolic tradition.
Me I'll go with Star Wars before I will accept a false doctrine, which by the way, warns against false doctrines.
Rather than just make a case against emergence, DeYoung and Kluck make a case for doctrine, for conviction, and they do so with an authenticity that would make any emergent devotee proud.
No one with a shred of self respect would willingly return to a dogmatic belief that requires, at its core, the negation of thoughtful questioning, the denigration of thinking, a prohibition against careful evaluation of beliefs and assumptions, and relegates those who honestly disagree with the doctrine and its conclusions to the status of a despised, damaged, and damned «other».
unfortunately, the religious aristocracy rails against science that contradicts church doctrine.
He had advocated for the church to allow gay and lesbian leaders, campaigned against California's same - sex marriage ban and disputed deeply held church doctrines about the End Times.
When the winds of doctrine try to blow our beliefs to the ground, we turn our open hand into them, using their ideas to force our beliefs more firmly against the hand.
But however tempting such a position might appear, however weary we are before the onslaught of irreconcilable theological claims, we ought to be cautious about answering Paul's warning against being «tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine» with a refusal to believe much of anything.
Joining the continuing debate over whether pacifism and just war doctrine share a prima facie «presumption against war» are Helmut David Baer of the University of Texas and Joseph Capizzi of the Catholic University of America.
Along the way, Mattes argues strenuously against all easy reductions of the doctrine: It is, he insists, the critical feature of Christian theology, and so it must not be compromised by programs of ecumenism or ethics.
In the unending wars against drugs, terror, Iraq, etc., we need such a doctrine.
Feminist theologians are wise to call upon this doctrine to denounce the structures of domination and injustice that human beings perpetrate against one another.
They are going against the very doctrines that thye preach and teach.
Against the Hegelian tendency to identify God with man and to see the doctrine of Incarnation as expressing this unity, Barth stressed with new force the transcendent otherness of God.
Also, do you suggest this blog is David's way of rebelling against «legalism» or strict doctrine, precise laws and rules?
Such a vision of Christ warns us against absolutizing our doctrines of Christ and limiting the ways of God to our familiar ways.
I could see it if they weren't members and never attended the church or if there was something about the marriage that went against church doctrine (some pastors will not marry couples who have not went through premarital counseling or had a previous divorce that the church deems wasn't on legitimate grounds, like adultery).
«New natural law» is an oxymoron if natural law is by definition immutable, and invoking it to impute intrinsic evil to capital punishment paves the way — logically, if unintentionally — to undermining doctrine against contraception, abortion, and sexual inversion.
He associated his thought with the liberal Arminius against the dominant conservative Calvinism that insisted on the doctrine of predestination and all its consequences.
Furthermore, Wesley argued (against Reformed doctrine) that Christians could enjoy entire sanctification in this life: loving God and their neighbors, meekness and lowliness of heart, abstaining from all appearance of evil, and doing all for the glory of God.
Rather than go highlighting or cherry picking different stories in the ancient text that point to very disturbing characteristics, (because that would bog us down away from my point and launch a ti.t for tat against someone who has already displayed belief over evidence is what matters to him), I will add to my «doctrine» statement that has inflamed and dominated your attention.
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