Sentences with phrase «against fungi»

By killing off the attacked cell, the rest of the plant is protected against the fungus.
Who would have thought that caffeine was actually also one of the primary defense against fungus that coffee has.
If you are camping in high humidity, the bathtub - style flooring is treated against fungus and will not gather moisture.
In the relatively near future, normal, healthy humans are losing the war against a fungus that turns its hosts into flesh - eating zombies.
Ketoconazole is an antifungal ingredient effective against fungus of the lymph nodes, skin, nails, respiratory system, bone and other parts of a pet's body.
Apparently, ellagitannins have extremely powerful antibacterial properties; they «exhibit antimicrobial activity against fungi, viruses, and importantly, bacteria, including antibiotic - resistant strains such as methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus».
According to Barrett, the way is now open to manufacture not only papuamine, but modifications of it that may be even more active against fungi.
(Reuters)- The Obama administration is teaming up with researchers from Texas to intensify the battle against a fungus that has caused $ 1 billion in damage to coffee plants across Latin America and the Caribbean, U.S. foreign aid officials said on Sunday.
One study led by Allender and first - year veterinary student Marta Rzadkowska and published in the Journal of Wildlife Diseases, reveals which disinfectant treatments — used by veterinarians and wildlife biologists to prevent the spread of infection — work against the fungus.
«Captive breeding programs must consider breeding and releasing frogs with stronger defenses, and testing their skin secretions against the fungus is one useful tool to see which frogs are more resistant.»
P. fluorescens strains also exhibit different mechanisms, either direct or indirect, that promote plant growth and / or biological control against fungi and other pathogens (5).
Garlic is a most effective agent against fungi and yeast as well, and should be high on your list of foods that inhibit and kill yeast in your body.
Grapes and some other plants produce this antioxidant polyphenol as a defence against fungi.
Along with a single - player campaign pitting fungi against fungi, there are also leagues with an award system, ranked matches, and two - player coop.
But the S5 Active goes further, with a military - standard 810G rating for resistance against fungus, acidic atmosphere, ballistic shock and more.
Zeichner recommends wearing shower shoes or flip flops to protect against fungus on the floor that can cause athlete's foot, ringworm and other skin conditions.
Wormseed, also known as Chenapodium ambrosides, is an uncommon herb with significant activity against fungi and certain bacteria.
Onions produce various sulfur - containing compounds (such as cysteine sulfoxide), probably for defense against fungi and insects, that, together with their breakdown products, produce their distinctive odor, flavor, and lachrymatory (tear - stimulating) properties (Brewster 1994).
The caprylic acid found in coconut oil is highly effective against both fungi and yeast, making it the ideal weapon when fighting these kinds of invasive overgrowths.
Frogs and salamanders have symbiotic bacteria growing on their skin, defending them against the fungus.
Anahuac lacks a functional copy of the Rwt3 gene, which wheat uses to defend itself against the fungus, Yoshihiro Inoue of Kobe University in Japan and colleagues discovered.
Richard forwarded to me this awesome post earlier on C butyricum (aka C oncolyticum — the Clostridium strain that «breaks and dissolves» cancer tumours) and floods our gut with butyrate, aids our digestion, protects against fungi and pathogens, and helps immunity.
Of all dietary pesticides that humans eat, 99.99 % are natural: they are chemicals produced by plants to defend themselves against fungi, insects, and other animal predators.
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